What is task management? What is the Priority Matrix and why is it important? What are the types of communication: Business Management Assignment, UO, UK

University University of Oxford (UO)
Subject Business Management
  • Time and Task Management Skills
  1. What is task management?
  2. What is the Priority Matrix and why is it important?
  • Communication Skills
  1. What is communication?
  2. Outline the six steps of the “Communication process
  3. What are the types of communication?
  4. What is the importance of communication?
  5. What are the main barriers to effective communication?
  6. What are the 7 Cs of effective communication?
  • Teamwork and Group work
  1. Differentiate between “Group” and “Team”;
  2. Explain how Groups /Teams are formed;
  3. Identify advantages and disadvantages of Teams;
  4. List the features of an effective Team; and those of a poor Team.
  • Conduct SWOT analysis in order to :
  1. Identify at least three areas of personal development to achieve from now until the end of September 2021.
  2. identify   at least three areas of your Professional development from now until the end of September 2021
  3. Apply to concept self-efficacy to develop show how you can utilize your strengths to overcome weaknesses for responsible self and professional development.

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