University Wise Questions for Students

LAWS2029: Explain how the legal and evidential burdens will apply to the prosecution of Dean for the murder: Foundations in Criminal Evidence Law Assignment, UOS, UK

Questions a) Explain how the legal and evidential burdens will apply to the prosecution of Dean for the murder of Colette and causing the death of Abdul by dangerous driving; b) In relation to t
| George Orwell | 19th Jul 2023

LAWS2029: Discuss the purpose of employment regulation and the way that it is enforced in practice: Foundations in Criminal Evidence Law Assignment, UOS, UK

Assignment criteria Discuss the purpose of employment regulation and the way that it is enforced in practice. Evaluate the role played by the tribunal and courts in enforcing employment law an
| George Orwell | 19th Jul 2023

PRES3005: Critically analyse the different prescribing decisions that could be made in the management of a specific condition: Pharmacology for Prescribers Essay, UOS, UK

Critically analyse the different prescribing decisions that could be made in the management of a specific condition. Introduction Hypertension is defined as diastolic blood pressure (BP) greater
| George Orwell | 15th Jul 2023

MANG6319: Briefly explain the theory of the Legal Families developed by La Porta et al (1998) and the major critics : International Corporate Governance Assignment, UOS, UK

I) Briefly explain the theory of the Legal Families developed by La Porta et al. (1998) and the major critics of the Interest Group Theory by Rajan and Zingaks. 2) Briefly describe both the meaning
| George Orwell | 13th Jul 2023

MANG3008: You can choose any organization for the purposes of this assignment, including not-for-profit organizations: Strategic Management Assignment, UOS, UK

You can choose any organization for the purposes of this assignment, including not-for-profit organizations. You must ensure, however, that you are able to obtain sufficient information and data about
| George Orwell | 11th Jul 2023

ENGD2108: Mechanical systems are generally classified as open-loop and closed-loop systems according to their architecture: Mechanical Vibration laboratory Course Work, UOS, UK

Mechanical systems are generally classified as open-loop and closed-loop systems according to their architecture. The open-loop systems are driven by externally applied forces and moments with preprog
| George Orwell | 6th Jul 2023

ELEC3213: An 8 MW and 5 MVAR three phase balanced load is connected to a three phase source with a voltage of 13.8 kV through a transmission line: Power Systems Engineering Assignment, UOS, UK

An 8 MW and 5 MVAR three phase balanced load is connected to a three phase source with a voltage of 13.8 kV through a transmission line. The line is 20 miles in length and has a series impedance of 0.
| George Orwell | 1st Jul 2023

MBA7000: You are required to work individually and carry out a secondary research of a contemporary business organisation either from hospitality sector: People & Organisations Assignment 1 UK

Coursework written report Task: You are required to work individually and carry out a secondary research of a contemporary business organisation either from hospitality sector, or automobile or fin
| George Orwell | 29th Jun 2023

MANG6340: Undertake a PESTLE analysis of the drivers for change at Disneyland Paris, during the period 2019 to 2021: People and Organisations Assignment, UOS, UK

Question 1: Undertake a PESTLE analysis of the drivers for change at Disneyland Paris, from 2019 to 2021. I. Give an introduction that shows what type of company it is, how big it is, the sector in
| George Orwell | 23rd Jun 2023

CENV6169: General theories have been developed as to how transport systems develop over time: Transport Planning: Policy and Governance Coursework, UK

The Development of Urban Transport Systems Task While a range of general theories have been developed as to how transport systems develop over time, and how these systems influence and are infl
| George Orwell | 23rd Jun 2023