University Wise Questions for Students

CMI 532: Support for Professional Coaches in their coaching role: The Role of the Professional Coach, Assignment, CU, UK

Task 3:  You are required to write a written account or briefing paper entitled: 'Support for Professional Coaches in their coaching role’. The written account or briefing paper must be pre
| George Orwell | 15th Jul 2024

CMI 532: Approaches for developing and maintaining relationships with coachees: The Role of the Professional Coach, Assignment, CU, UK

Task 2:  You are required to write a report or proposal document entitled: 'Managing the Coaching Relationship’ The report or proposal document must be presented in THREE (3) sections. It s
| George Orwell | 15th Jul 2024

CMI 532: The knowledge, skills, and behaviours for delivering effective professional coaching: The Role of the Professional Coach, Assignment, CU, UK

Task 1:  You are required to write a written account entitled: ‘The knowledge, skills and behaviours for delivering professional coaching’ The written account must be presented in TWO
| George Orwell | 15th Jul 2024

CMI 532: The ability to deliver high quality coaching is central to the role of the Professional Coach regardless of whether they coach within their own organisation: The Role of the Professional Coach, Assignment, CU, UK

INTRODUCING ASSESSMENT BRIEF CMI 532- The ability to deliver high quality coaching is central to the role of the Professional Coach regardless of whether they coach within their own organisation or as
| George Orwell | 15th Jul 2024

CMI unit 504: Understand the rationale for managing performance within organisations: managing performance, Assignment, CU, UK

1 Write an account which justifies the rationale for managing performance LO1 Understand the rationale for managing performance within organisations  1.1 Justify the rationale for managing perfor
| George Orwell | 3rd Jul 2024

CMI 503: Write a good practice guide entitled: Approaches to managing and leading teams: Principles of Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success, Assignment, CU, UK

ASSESSMENT TASKS- 1. Write a good practice guide entitled: Approaches to managing and leading teams LO1 Understand approaches to managing and leading teams 1.1 Evaluate theoretical models used for ma
| George Orwell | 27th Jun 2024

CMI Unit 603: Approaches Required To Make And Sustain Cultural Change: Organizational Culture, Assignment, CU, UK

APPROACHES REQUIRED TO MAKE AND SUSTAIN CULTURAL CHANGE There will be times within a professional manager and leaders’ career when they will be required to work with an organisation to make and
| George Orwell | 19th Jun 2024

CMI: Unit 603 Organizational Culture, Assignment, CU, UK

INTRODUCING ASSESSMENT BRIEF CMI 603 Being equipped with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to manage and lead in a variety of organisational settings is essential if an individual and their or
| George Orwell | 19th Jun 2024

CMI 501: As part of the organisation’s strategy to develop a talent management programme, you are required to create a profile of a manager: Principles of Management and Leadership in an Organisational Context, Assignment, CU, UK

TASK 2 As part of the organisation’s strategy to develop a talent management programme, you are required to create a profile of a manager who has operational or departmental responsibilities. Th
| George Orwell | 7th Jun 2024

CMI 501: Understanding the principles of management and leadership within an organisational context is dependent on many factors: Principles of Management and Leadership in an Organisational Context, Assignment, CU, UK

Understanding the principles of management and leadership within an organisational context is dependent on many factors. Managers need to have a thorough understanding of an organisation’s inter
| George Orwell | 7th Jun 2024