University Wise Questions for Students

FIN6002: Jane Goldsmith Plc, a listed company, is a leading UK retailer of up-market clothing, shoes and accessories sold primarily: Audit Assignment, AU, UK

Question 2 Jane Goldsmith Plc, a listed company, is a leading UK retailer of up-market clothing, shoes and accessories sold primarily under the “Jane Goldsmith” brand name. The brand repre
| George Orwell | 21st Feb 2024

FIN6002: You are an audit senior in the firm, Grant Smithson & Partners, and have been assigned the audit of Handel’s World Ltd: Audit Assignment, AU, UK

Question 1 You are an audit senior in the firm, Grant Smithson & Partners, and have been assigned the audit of Handel’s World Ltd, for the year ended 31 March 2023. Handel’s World
| George Orwell | 21st Feb 2024

PSY7006: Hua is a (fictional) popular chain of florists located in China. Hua specializes in exotic and seasonal flowers: Psychological Assessment at Work, AU, UK

Assignment Task Part One: Consultancy Report   Part 1 is worth 60% of the overall grade for this module   Hua is a (fictional) popular chain of florists located in China. Hua specialise
| George Orwell | 14th Feb 2024

Evaluate the impact of internal and external drivers. on leadership and management in adult care services: L5 Health and Social Care Leadership, AU, UK

2.1 evaluate the impact of internal and external drivers. on leadership and management in adult care services.2.2 Explain the role of leadership and management adult care services.
| George Orwell | 20th Jan 2024

Analyze the differences between leadership and Management: L5 Health and Social Care Leadership, AU, UK

Assessment Criteria: The student can:1.1 Analyze the differences between leadership and Management. 1.2 Outline key theories of leadership and management. 1.3 Explain how theoretical models can be use
| George Orwell | 20th Jan 2024

FIN6004 Critically evaluate this case through the lens of normative ethical theories and evaluate the relevance and role of professional: Ethics Assignment, AU, UK

Q1: Critically evaluate this case through the lens of normative ethical theories and evaluate the relevance and role of professional ethics in a globalized world. Q2: Apply one ethical decision-m
| George Orwell | 19th Jan 2024

FIN6004 What if a loyal accountant was asked to fudge some figures on behalf of their company, all while straining under a new mortgage?: Ethics Assignment, AU, UK

Assignment Task What if a loyal accountant was asked to fudge some figures on behalf of their company, all while straining under a new mortgage?  Imagine that you are the Chief Financial Off
| George Orwell | 19th Jan 2024

FIN6003 Discuss the key differences between the operation of a currency forward market and a futures market: Financial Management Assignment, AU, UK

Question 4a) Discuss the key differences between the operation of a currency forward market and a futures market. b) Assume that the current (indirect for the UK) spot exchange rate of one pound to th
| George Orwell | 19th Jan 2024

FIN6003 Delta Ltd wishes to calculate its current cost of capital for use as a discount rate in investment appraisal: Financial Management Assignment, AU, UK

Question 3Delta Ltd wishes to calculate its current cost of capital for use as a discount rate in investment appraisal. The following financial information relates to Delta Ltd: Financial Position sta
| George Orwell | 19th Jan 2024

FIN6003 Assume a US bond with a face value of $1000 that bears a 5% annual coupon and has 10 years to maturity: Financial Management Assignment, AU, UK

Question 2a) Assume a US bond with a face value of $1000 that bears a 5% annual coupon and has 10 years to maturity. Required:i) Determine the current price of the bond, given that its current Yi
| George Orwell | 19th Jan 2024