




SK298: you will be required to produce a blog article based on the evidence that you have collected in your BDNF evidence log: Brain, Mind and Mental health Assignment, OU, UK

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SK298: you will be required to produce a blog article based on the evidence that you have collected in your BDNF evidence log: Brain, Mind and Mental health Assignment, OU, UK

UniversityThe Open University (OU)
SubjectSK298: Brain Mind and Mental health


This question is associated with Topic 7, Sections 3.4.2, 4.1, and 5.5, and other relevant parts of the SK298 module materials. It assesses the following module learning outcomes KU1, KU2, CS2, and KS2.

In Topic 7, Section 3.4.2 you began collecting evidence linking brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neuroplasticity, and depression. Please make sure that you have read Section 3.4.2 and completed Activity 3.4 before starting this question.

For this question, you will be required to produce a blog article based on the evidence that you have collected in your BDNF evidence log.

For this question part, you should copy and paste your BDNF evidence log into your TMA document. You should include at least ten separate pieces of evidence in your log, and make sure that your notes are written in your own words.

In Activities 4.1 and 5.3 in Weeks 4 and 5 of Topic 7, you looked at the structure and content of two blog articles written for the general public. Now read the following blog article, written for neuroscience researchers and published on PLOS Blogs, and consider how the structure of this article differs from those in Activities 4.1 and 5.3.

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Your blog article should include the following:

  • an appropriate and engaging title
  • an introduction in which you provide a brief description of the role of BDNF and the neurotrophic hypothesis of depression
  • a definition of ‘animal model’ and why animal models may be useful in researching depression
  • a summary of the results of the research using animal models to investigate the role of BDNF in depression
  • a conclusion based on the information you have provided and where you also mention any limitations or contradictions arising from the results of this research.
  • appropriate citations from the module materials and a reference list in the correct format.

Your blog article should be written for an audience of neuroscience researchers. You should ensure that your article is clear and concise.

When writing your blog article you should be aware of the audience that you are writing for and carefully consider:

  • how to structure your article to engage the reader
  • the amount and depth of scientific information that you include
  • in how you introduce and use technical terms.

Write a short commentary discussing how the audience for your article influenced your decisions about its structure and content. Look back at Activities 4.1 and 5.3 in Topic 7 as a reminder of how to comment on the structure and content of an article.

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