Public Heath Policy And Promotion: Strategies, Influencing Factors, And Campaign Implementation

University University of Nottingham (UON)
Subject Promoting Health In The Population

Task 1:

Public Health Policy Development Select a (Company/ Organisation) and answer the following questions:

Learning Outcome 1:

Understand how public health policy is developed to improve the health of the population.

Assessment Criteria:

1.1: Discuss the process for developinga public health policy.

1.2: Describe the potential groups who can influence public health policy.

1.3: Explain how the government monitors the health of the nation.

Task: Write a report discussing the process of developing a public health policy. Include key steps such as identifying health needs, formulating policy, and implementing strategies. Describe the role of various groups, including government agencies, charities, and pressure groups, in influencing public health policy. Explain how the government monitors the health of the nation, citing examples of tools and reports used in this process.

Word Count: 1000 words

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Task 2:

Factors Affecting Population Health On a Selected (Company/ Organisation) answer the following questions:

Learning Outcome 2:

Understand the factors that can affect health in the population.

Assessment Criteria:

2.1: Assess the factors affecting health in the population.

2.2: Discuss the potential benefits of improving health in the population.

Task: Write an essay that assesses the various factors affecting health in the population. Consider socio-economic, environmental, and lifestyle factors and their impact on public health. Discuss the benefits of improving population health, such as enhanced quality of life, increased life expectancy, and reduced healthcare costs. Provide examples to support your arguments.

Word Count: 1000 words.

Task 3:

Health Promotion Models and Approaches On a Selected (Company/ Organisation) answer the following questions:

Learning Outcome 3:

Understand how health promotion can influence individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Assessment Criteria:

3.1:Evaluate two models commonly used in health promotion.

3.2: Assess approaches commonly used to increase public awareness.

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Task: Design a poster that evaluates two models of health promotion, such as the Health Belief Model and the Stages of Change Model.

  • Discuss how these models can be applied through different approaches, such as health education, mass media, or community involvement, to increase public awareness and encourage healthy behaviours.

Word Count: 500 words (poster content)

Task 4:

Health Promotion Campaign Development On a Selected (Company/ Organisation) answer the following questions:

Learning Outcome 4:

Develop and analyse the effectiveness of a health promotion campaign.

Assessment Criteria:

4.1: Produce health promotion material for a target audience.

4.2: Deliver a small health promotion campaign.

4.3: Analyse the effectiveness of the health promotion campaign.

4.4: Explain the potential barriers to participation in health promotion campaigns.


Develop and run a small health promotion campaign targetinga specific health issue relevant to your community or workplace. Produce promotional materials tailored to your target audience, and document the campaign process, including planning, delivery, and participant feedback. Write a report analysing the effectiveness of your campaign, including how well it reached the target audience and achieved its objectives. Discuss any barriers to participation you encountered and suggest strategies to overcome these barriers in future campaigns.

Word Count: 1200 words (campaign report and analysis)

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Additional Instructions

Harvard Referencing: All sources must be cited using the Harvard referencing system. A comprehensive reference list should be included.

Submission: Ensure your work is well-structured, with clear headings for each task. Adhere to the word count and include all required components.


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