Prepare a critical analysis of how research methodology and data analysis is used and applied: Applied Research Skills in Accounting and Finance Research paper, UWE, UK

University University of the West of England (UWE)
Subject Applied Research Skills in Accounting and Finance

Learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate an informed understanding of the roles and purposes and design of different types of Accounting and Finance research
  • Evaluate different research approaches, methods, and methodologies
  • Interpret and evaluate published management Accounting and Finance research and other evidence


Prepare a critical analysis of how research methodology and data analysis are used and applied in the research paper given below.

The focus of the critical analysis should be on:

  • The practical application of methods to answer the research questions
  • The suitability and quality of the method, data analysis, and overall approach is taken for that purpose.

Formative feedback and support during the module

Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your ongoing work and preparation for your assignment. Scheduled teaching sessions and communication with your tutorial tutor and module leader will be your main source of support and feedback.


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