UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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16 June, 2023

LD7091: Research Methods for Professional Practice: Professional Practice and Research Project Proposal coursework, NUN, UK
Learning Outcomes Tested In This Assessment This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes: Deploy comprehensive knowledge and understanding of appropriate techniques and tools to plan, research and manage a project Systematically identify and analyze a complex research problem and produce a project proposal to solve it, considering professional, ethical, social, and legal issues App...

03 July, 2023

Identifies and evaluates the impact of managing organisational change as a collection projects in programmes and portfolio: Programmes, Portfolio and Project Management Report, UOW, UK
Section 1)  Assignment Task and Guidance Introduction Organizations with a multiple projects choose to manage them through a programme and portfolio structure. Project professionals need to have an appreciation of how programmes and portfolios are structured, and the reasoning behind using these structures. For a project manager it is essential to understand and be able to operate and manage withi...

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15 October, 2023

You are working within the pharmaceutical industry, and you have been assigned a kinase to develop an inhibitor for: Medicinal Chemistry Assignment, UniS, UK
You are working within the pharmaceutical industry, and you have been assigned a kinase to develop an inhibitor for. Your team has already found a compound that can moderate the activity of the kinase of interest. Using this information, use AutoDockTools and Autodock Vina to dock your compound with the kinase of interest. Your report should include A brief explanation of how you determine the ...

22 October, 2022

You are to assume that you are a PE House investment manager, and you wish to buy Troo as it fits into your portfolio of investments: Financial Management Assignment, UOM, uk
CASE STUDY You are to assume that you are a PE House investment manager, and you wish to buy Troo, as it fits into your portfolio of investments. You will put together a paper to present to your investment committee which recommends that they purchase 100% of the equity from the current shareholders, both individuals, and the VC house. This paper must comprise the following elements: Investment H...

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02 January, 2023

CMSE11101: An investor has collated nine returns from their portfolio andCalculate the following for each asset class: Advanced Management Accounting Assignment, TUE, UK
Question 1. a) An investor has collated nine returns from their portfolio. Calculate the following for each asset class; mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation. Show your workings and briefly comment on your results Table 1. Returns in 2022 for Commercial Property, Equities, and Government Bonds Q1b) Using the information in Table 1, calculate the correlation between Equities and Co...

01 December, 2022

BUS115: you are required to select a business or an industry and produce a portfolio to demonstrate the range of experiences: Creative & Ethical Leadership Assignment, ICTM, UK
Background Organizations compete in a dynamic global environment where survival also depends on the quality of leadership which is expected to be creative and possess ethical leadership attributes. A micro placement at a UK-based multi-national company has further increased your industry experience. As part of recognising the importance your continuing professional development, you are required to...

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12 October, 2023

5POM: The Whernside Fund (“Fund”) is a mutual fund that focuses: Portfolio Management Assignment, UK
Assessed summative assignment The Whernside Fund (“Fund”) is a mutual fund that focuses on large UK companies which are publicly listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Fund’s objective is long-term growth and is looking to outperform the FTSE 100 Index on an annual basis net of fees. The Fund follows a long-term buy-and-hold strategy, but the portfolio manager will adjust the portfolio if requir...

18 August, 2022

Develop a Research Proposal based on a Suitable Topic in the Business Management Field: Business Management Assignment UoC, UK
Module Aim The module lays the groundwork for undertaking a research project in the final year of the program. In particular, it examines different research philosophies. The basic elements of research design and research process will also be examined. Core skills that will be developed include selecting an appropriate method of data collection and analysis, identifying relevant information source...

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08 December, 2022

BMGT7021: The assessment for this module comprises one element Individual Research Proposal and You are expected to develop a suitable and realistic research proposal: Research Methods Assignment, OBU, UK
The assessment for this module comprises one element: Individual Research Proposal. You are expected to develop a suitable and realistic research proposal. with a view to undertaking a focused piece of contemporary research with clear and tangible outcomes of interest and relevance to the work context. The proposal should be 2,000 words (+/- 10°/0). The specified word count refers to the main body...

22 December, 2022

SWE4204: Assemble functional requirements in terms of use cases and user stories for a software system: Fundamentals of Software Engineering Assignment, UOB, UK
Learning Outcomes: • LO2: Assemble functional requirements in terms of use cases and user stories for a software system;• LO3: Construct a software artifact to a derived specification.• LO4: Generate a functional test plan for a developed system. About this Assignment System Analysis and Design refers to the procedures of examining or developing business systems with the intent of i...

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14 February, 2023

Discuss how this has impacted Social Care settings that previously provided services under the National Minimum Standards: Regulation and Inspection of Social Care Case study, UOY, UK
Write a Report about the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act. Choose an area on which to focus within the standards of RISCA. Discuss how this has impacted Social Care settings that previously provided services under the National Minimum Standards. Analyze the changes and any benefits or negative effects on these services. Relate to other legislation and regulations appropriate to...

14 March, 2023

Write a report which will critically analyze how Human Resources (HR) policies and procedures in their organization: Leadership and Management Report, UOL, UK
Assignment Task:  Students will write a 2500-word max report which will critically analyze how Human Resources (HR) policies and procedures in their organization seek to ensure that legal requirements in relation to Health & Safety, well-being, recruitment, and the development of people are met. The report will also critically examine the role of Human Resources policies, practices, and a...

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