UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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23 February, 2023

MANM467:Provide a brief explanation for the methodology, such as data, the definition of dependent, independent, and control variables: Foundations of Statistics and Econometrics, Assessment, UOS,UK
Content and Structure: Introduction: Provide a brief explanation for the methodology, such as data, the definition of dependent, independent, and control variables, the objective of the analyses, and the baseline model (see the description of the baseline model below. Descriptive Analysis Provide a two-way table for summary statistics of the variables for the entire sample and different technolog...

15 February, 2023

THI211: Knowing the concept of critical thinking, its importance and influencing factors: Critical Thinking Essay, UK
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Knowing the concept of critical thinking, its importance and influencing factors. 2.  Distinguishing between critical thinking skills and their development strategies. 3. Developing the capabilities of critical thinking, such as distinguishing between facts and opinions, and others. 4. Evaluating the types of inferential and inductive arguments. 5. Taking social respons...

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22 October, 2022

MG5596: Conduct a critical analysis of the external factors impacting the sectors in which the company operates, as well as the rationale for the two companies: Strategic Management Assignment, UOS, UK
Conduct a critical analysis of the external factors impacting the sectors in which the company operates, as well as the rationale for the two companies Fiat and Chrysler to go together. Explain and justify your reasoning using appropriate tools, models, and literature from class. You may include all external factors on a summary slide, but there is no need to run through each factor in turn. Inste...

09 May, 2023

MATH1145: You are asked to calculate the distance covered by the vehicle in the time between 0 and 10 seconds both by analytical integration (exact solution) and by 5 different numerical integration approximations: Engineering Mathematics Coursework, UOG, UK
MATH1145 – Engineering Mathematics II Mathematical analysis and MATLAB modelling coursework Mechanical Engineering, Academic year: 2020-2021 Use the template provided on Moodle to prepare your submission. Submission Deadline: Upload your individual reports by 2nd April 2021, 11:30 pm For more information about the Rubric, refer to the Assessment details document on Moodle. TASK 1: numerical integr...

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06 October, 2022

BUS6005B: Historic legislation/policies that have facilitated cost savings in England within the last 20 years: Business Analysis and Planning report UOL UK
ASSIGNMENT BODY Part 1: Title: The trend in social care housing Overview Historic legislation/policies that have facilitated cost savings in England within the last 20 years Includes the NHS 5-YEAR FORWARD VIEW-FYFV plan and its impacts on the area Visit websites of a chosen borough/Local Authority of your choice to see how they cost the services they are delivering or writing on. Include trends ...

03 June, 2023

The Extended Essay is a substantial piece of written work based on one of a number of specified topics: LLB Law Essay, UOL, UK
The Extended Essay is a Level 5 module on the University’s LL.B program and provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate the ability to study and undertake research in an area of law beyond the core principles of the modules studied so far on the course and to present the findings. The Extended Essay is a substantial piece of written work based on one of a number of specified topics. It should ...

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23 August, 2023

EENG8760: This stretch of river can be modeled using a pure time delay model The transfer function of a pure time delay model in the Laplace: Advanced Control Systems Coursework, UOK, UK
Question 1 (a) This stretch of river can be modeled using a pure time delay model. The transfer function of a pure time delay model in the Laplace domain is given by Let the time delay be r = 25 hours and assume the sampling interval, 7’s= 5 hours. Obtain the discrete state-space representation for this pure time delay model. State clearly the A, B, C, and D matrices. Show your detailed calculati...

07 February, 2023

D/650/2301: The worker’s role in addressing dilemmas and conflicts: Unit 4 Duty of Care in Care Settings Course Work, UK
This unit is aimed at those who work in a wide range of settings. It introduces the worker’s role in addressing dilemmas and conflicts that may arise where there is a duty of care and how to respond to comments and complaints. The unit also covers how to recognize adverse events, incidents, errors, and near misses and prevent their occurrence in the future. The learner will: 1. Understand how duty...

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13 September, 2022

EG6026: Provide pavement design advice for a new highway to accomodate the anticipated traffic generated as result of the residential development: Transport Infrastructure Engineering Assignment, UOEL, UK
Project Brief TransInfra Ventures have retained you as the lead consultant to advise on traffic and transportation issues relating to proposals for their new residential estate development in England. Specifically, you are required to: 1) Provide pavement design advice for a new highway to accommodate the anticipated traffic generated as result of the residential development development based on t...

03 September, 2022

MP4709: Apply principles of computational thermodynamics to modern energy systems: Energy Systems Coursework, UCLan, UK
Learning outcomes This formative assignment should produce sufficient evidence for partial fulfillment of the following module learning outcomes: • Apply principles of computational thermodynamics to modern energy   systems. • Critically evaluate integrated power systems and different sources of energy. • Analyze performance of different energy conversion technologies. • Design, integrate and anal...

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26 December, 2022

Design and implement an object-oriented program describing two kinds of bank accounts: Software Engineering Course Work, UCLan, UK
Coursework Description Design and implement an object-oriented program describing two kinds of bank accounts, FixedFee and ChargeableFee, that differ in the way that fees are charged: FixedFee: There is a fixed E5.00 fee at the end of each month:- ChargeableFee: Each withdrawal costs E0.50. The total fee is calculated and charged at the end of the month. The goal of the problem is to use inherit...

07 July, 2023

Active Enquiry and Intervention: impacting upon Pupil Progress A report on the inquiry and its outcomes also includes a poster presentation: Critical Pedagogy Report, UOL, UK
Active Enquiry and Intervention: impacting upon Pupil Progress A report on the inquiry and its outcomes also includes a poster presentation to disseminate your findings to colleagues. This report will be a reflection on your learning while undertaking the active inquiry. During your write-up for this assignment, you will have the opportunity to discuss and present your ideas and findings to the st...

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