UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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31 July, 2023

The impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people And the impacts of social and cultural factors: Child Care Coursework, NU, UK
the impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people. the impacts of social and cultural factors on the lives of children and young people. how the personal choices and experiences available to children and young people can impact their outcomes and life chances. positive outcomes for children and young people that residential childcare services aim to achieve. the impo...

06 January, 2023

UBGMFX-15-M: Apply design principles and standards to transport infrastructure geometric design problems: Transport Infrastructure Course Work, UWE, UK
Module outcomes MO1 Apply design principles and standards to transport infrastructure geometric design problems MO2 Apply design principles and standards to transport infrastructure construction problems MO3 Generate a number of design options to solve an open-ended problem MO4 Synthesise specifications, standards, and site conditions to develop final detailed solutions. ...

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13 September, 2022

MANG6351: What is the business idea after our seminar last & this week? What is so special about the idea: Business Planning, UOS, UK
What is the business idea after our seminar last & this week? What is so special about the idea? What is standing out from your proposed business idea? Who will be your customers? You must pitch it carefully, especially when identifying the right set of prospective customers. How will you make it work? Should not be a mere smokescreen.! What meaningful initiatives you would foresee undertaking...

07 September, 2023

Based on Machine Learning Big dataset, preprocessing the data, analyze exploratory analysis data analysis and comparison, evaluation: Dissertation, UOB, UK
Based on Machine Learning Big dataset, preprocessing the data, analyze – exploratory analysis – data analysis and comparison, evaluation, run time, roc, ft, pt parameters. Contribution – Gap in knowledge  10-15 paper contributions hyperparameter tuning, optimization, apply to optimize ML, Random forest doesn’t have the accuracy, using a combination of ML methods, features for prediction – Show the...

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06 June, 2023

This proposed study will consist of a systematic review of the evidence to examine the degree to which the media representations: Criminology Dissertation, OBU, UK
This proposed study will consist of a systematic review of the evidence to examine the degree to which the media representations of terrorism results in increased reciprocal crimes committed against Muslims. There is a significant body of research indicating that such a link exists. Using data provided by Greater Manchester Police, Ivandic et al provide an analysis of ten terror attacks and show t...

13 December, 2022

A Study Conducted By The Gay Lesbian And Straight Education Network: Problem Statement Dissertation, AU, UK
A study conducted by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network [GLSEN] (2005) reports that 90% of all LGBTQ students state they receive verbal abuse and 40% report physical harm while on college campuses. Additionally, Schlanger (2017) said that 18% of LGBT students reported cases of rape at school, 40% admit to staying home one or more days a week out of fear, and 60% stated feeling sad or...

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20 March, 2023

You are working as part of a team of government health and safety Inspectors Your team leader has allocated the team: BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Applied science Assignment, UK
You are working as part of a team of government health and safety Inspectors. Your team leader has allocated the team to visit a range of different science organizations, e.g. a pharmaceutical company, a company that produces plastics, and a cosmetic company, and report on the health and safety practices within these organizations. You need to select a suitable organization to inspect. You will In...

16 April, 2023

You are required to produce a Service Improvement Plan, based on an aspect of professional practice or patient care: Mental Health nursing Essay, UOG, UK
Assessment Task  You are required to produce a  Service Improvement Plan, based on an aspect of professional practice or patient care. You must use the published literature available through a literature review to embed the service improvement plan. The change theory will help structure how the service improvement plan can be implemented in the clinical setting. An action plan identifying the serv...

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07 September, 2022

MG629: You are to select an organization and critically analyze and evaluate the leadership and management: Developing Leadership and Management Skills Assignment, BNU, UK
learning outcomes Understand and critically evaluate contemporary theories and models of management and leadership Develop and demonstrate effective leadership skills Analyze the significance and impact of leadership performance in relation to overall business performance Assignment task You are to select an organization and critically analyze and evaluate the leadership and management, assessin...

31 July, 2023

RBP020L063S: Provide an Introduction to the Report that clearly States the Aim and Structure of the Report and Summarises the Key Issues in the Case Scenario: Leadership and Change Management URBS, UK
Summative assessment This module will be assessed through an individual report on a case study called “Organisational Change Development Plan” which you will be provided within week one. The assessment will be based on case study material which will be provided electronically via Moodle or download instructed via email. Please read the “Assessment case studies brief” that is provided on Moodle for...

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26 June, 2023

5K570009.B4: Write a business report of to your Financial Reporting and Assurance Unit Leaders to analyze the financial reporting: Financial Reporting and Assurance Report, MMU, UK
Assignment Details and Instructions. Write a business report to your Financial Reporting and Assurance Unit Leaders to analyze the financial reporting and assurance implications of Dunelm Group Plc for the year ended 27th June 2020 compared to the previous year. For this assignment assume the role of a financial analyst. The report should be written to a high standard of English, with no errors in...

21 March, 2023

CMSE11338: You Are Asked to Give Investment Advice On a Company to Be Agreed at an Early Opportunity With the Module Leader Financial Statement Analysis Course Work, UOB, UK
Assessment Instructions You are a respected city analyst who specializes in advising clients who are interested in purchasing equities in a given industry sector. You are asked to give investment advice on a company to be agreed at an early opportunity with the module leader. Your company must be: • Discussed and agreed with the module leader by Monday 31st May 2021 • Quoted on a major stock excha...

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