UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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26 April, 2023

PEM7002: The Hubble telescope is a space orbiting telescope and was launched in 1990 promising: Quality Engineering Management Assignment, CMU, UK
Introduction The Hubble telescope is a space orbiting telescope and was launched in 1990 promising far greater view of space than Earth based telescopes.  A key part of the Hubble telescope design was the mirror within the telescope.  This mirror design and manufacture was both highly advanced and unique.  However once launched it became apparent there was something wrong with the telescope becaus...

05 September, 2023

Provided an in-depth analysis of carefully selected and balanced sources from the academic: Democratising Science and Technology Essay, ICL, UK
What is an excellent essay?           For 1a. An excellent essay will have provided an in-depth analysis of carefully selected and balanced sources from the academic and grey literatures on a controversial scientific or technological issue. The issue can be centred on a specific country or region, such as the controversy around genetically modified potato in the EU. It could also be international,...

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06 October, 2022

7CO01: Illustrating your answer with an example, explain how globalisation has led to increased competition: Work and working lives in a changing business environment Assignment, CIPD, UK
Assessment questions: Question 1 Illustrating your answer with an example, explain how globalisation has led to increased competition and volatility in product markets. Critically analyse how these trends have affected the management of people in workplaces around the world? Question 2 To what extent do you agree with the view that technologies which are likely to mature in the late 2020s will cre...

01 August, 2023

LD4043: develop your creative thinking as future managers and should be visually engaging: Organisational Behaviour and Practice Coursework, DMU, UK
Assessment Element One: Research poster to be submitted in week 10 of our module – 25% You will design an A3 size research poster in MS Powerpoint that provides an overview of your planned essay assignment focus (see Element Two below). The poster is intended to develop your creative thinking as future managers and should be visually engaging using images and carefully worded and designed text The...

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14 February, 2023

Nico insists that his criminal record and involvement with the police was told to you: Law Assignment, UOL, UK
Assessment 1  Nico insists that his criminal record and involvement with the police was told to you in confidence and you must not tell anyone else, especially Sara or the courts as it has nothing to do with Mia. By reference to the SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors and the CILEx code of Conduct for Chartered Legal Executives, explore the ethical issues arising from Nico’s instruction to yo...

08 November, 2022

Use a portfolio approach (visuals and written commentary) to demonstrate how four of the seven marketing mix elements: Marketing Assignment, UOW, UK
If you choose any other company you will be graded 0. Use a portfolio approach (visuals and written commentary) to demonstrate how four of the seven marketing mix elements the company has used in the UK since 2019 reflect how it divides the market (Segmentation), who it is seeking to serve (Targeting), and how it wants to be perceived by the target market segment (Positioning). Within your finding...

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13 October, 2022

ABJ/ASB-4446: The headquarters of the bank are concerned about an upcoming FCA audit: Financial Ethics & Regulation Assignment, BBS, UK
The Assignment The headquarters of the bank are concerned about an upcoming FCA audit of its UK subsidiary and would like your consulting firm to explain the ethical dimensions of the problem as part of their risk assessment. The bank is motivated to protect their licence to operate in the UK. As the consultant assigned to the project you are required to write a report to brief the board of direct...

26 September, 2023

If the company you work for has unethical practices, such as selling client data without permission or offering services: Professional issues ethics and computer law Essay, CU, UK
The coursework for this module is to write an essay on the following topic (choose only ONE of the issues listed below) : If the company you work for has unethical practices, such as selling client data without permission or offering services which are not as secure as advertised to their clients, or the senior staff are aware of vulnerabilities in systems that could be hacked but do nothing about...

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13 February, 2023

7ELW: Explain the core principles that underpin employment law as it applies in the UK, including common-law: Employment Law Assignment, DMU, UK
Learning Outcomes – on completion of this module, learners will be able to: Explain the core principles that underpin employment law as it applies in the UK (or Ireland), including common-law, their purpose, origin, and practical implications. Indicative content: The following comprises a list of the areas of employment law that form the scope of the module: accessing employment rights: em...

21 August, 2023

UGB 269: Reflect on their personal network of tutors family members relatives and professional social networks: Innovation Management Assessment UoS, UK
Learning Outcomes K1 Analysis of the role of innovation management and its impact on global business. K2 Critical debates on the strategic, tactical, and operational challenges in establishing a viable innovation management culture. K3 Investigation and debates on the key attributes in retaining learning from effective innovation management practices. Skills S1 An ability to critically appraise...

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26 September, 2023

6LAW1039: Ryde Training Resources Limited RTR is a private limited company registered in England and Wales: Company Law Coursework, UOL, UK
Question Ryde Training Resources Limited (‘RTR’) is a private limited company registered in England and Wales. RTR was incorporated on 1 June 2015 with unamended Model Articles as its articles of association. RTR has four directors, who are also currently the only four shareholders of the company.  They own 25 ordinary shares each in RTR. Ralf is the CEO and is also a qualified solicitor. Anya is ...

13 February, 2023

MA312-6/7-SP: Consider Two Lives (x) and (y) Currently aged x and y Exact with an age Difference: Contingencies II Assignment, UOE, UK
This is the question sheet for the Mock lab test. Download and open the Excel file named “Mock lab workbook”, which is where you should show your work and answers. The Excel file contains a few sheets (see instructions below), including “Base” which contains the probability of dying for each age. 1. Consider two lives (x) and (y) currently aged x and y exact with an age difference y − x = −7, wher...

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