Task 3: Hermosa [30 marks]
The client is Hermosa Ltd., an independent manufacturer of cruelty-free, vegan cosmetics since May 2016. Hermosa cosmetics can be bought through various online retailers, as
Task 2: Imagine MeatsTM [30 marks]
Launched in the fourth quarter of 2021, Imagine Meats Pvt. Ltd. is a Mumbai-based producer of plant-based on meat alternatives and vegan curry meals. Whilst the
Task 1: Lagro [30 marks]
The client is the Lagro Group Ltd., a multidisciplinary contractor founded in 1962, operating out of several locations across the UK. No fewer than 23 limited sister comp
Section 1 – Rights
Outline legal and work-setting requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination and rights. 31K1 32K1 33K1 35K1
Explain your role in promoting individual’s rights,
1, How does Vacoliday ensure the localness of their holiday experience?
2. Are there any specific timings for the collective meals in the dining suites?
3, Do they need to be pre-booked like the meals
Part 1
⦁ Prepare schematic diagrams for the heating and air conditioning plant (equipment in plant rooms only)
⦁ Prepare a controls philosophy section for heating and air
Vocational scenario
Dominos came from humble beginnings in 1960, with just one store in Michigan, USA. Now, as the largest pizza company in the world, Domino's proudly continues its legacy of deliveri
Part 2 – PraxisPraxis: the process of using a theory in a practical way (dictionary.cambridge.org) For the second part of the assignment, you need to interview two managers in housing
Assignment Task
This assignment asks you to examine the concepts of leadership and management in housing, and relate them to your organisation, and your own professional development.
Part 1 &nda
Task Instructions:
Task 1: Data Cleaning and Exploration Web Scraping: Write a script to extract data from the Office for Civil Rights breach reports available at this URL: https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/