UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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03 September, 2022

Using an energy method of your choice, calculate the deflection at point B for the beam depicted: Mechanics of Materials Report, UOL, UK
Part A: Energy methods Question 1 Using an energy method of your choice, calculate the deflection at point B for the beam depicted in Figure 1. The second moment of area of the beam is I, with Young’s modulus E. Express the answer as a function of E, I, L, and M0. You must use an energy method and explain your steps. (You are of course free to use any other method to check your result) Questi...

15 October, 2023

As the manager in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of North Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust: Health Care Management Assignment, CU, UK
Introduction As the manager in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of North Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust, you have been tasked as one of your responsibilities, to devise strategies to make resources available for the expansion of the ICU, due to the high amount of Covid19 patients in need of intensive care. Question 1: Whilst considering the best service user outcomes, discuss how you may utilize th...

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11 November, 2022

Ffynone House is a Private Secondary School located in Swansea, Wales and They have contacted Buxton Analytics: Business Analytics Case Study, SU, UK
Case Study Ffynone House is a Private Secondary School located in Swansea, Wales. They have contacted Buxton Analytics to create an analysis report on students’ Welsh scores from 2014-2021. As class sizes vary the number of observations for each year also varies. Ffynone House has collected a large amount of data on a number of students’ attributes over the course of their time at the ...

21 August, 2023

7HR02: You are the chosen individual brought into the company and tasked with producing: Resourcing and talent management to sustain success Case Study, WLC, UK
Task: You are the chosen individual brought into the company and tasked with producing an initial briefing paper of 4000 words that addresses all aspects of the board requirements explained below. Mike has asked that it considers and recommends improvement to the remuneration packages and approaches for all employees, in parallel he wants direction on talent recruitment and retention techniques, ...

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24 February, 2023

Businesses employ a number of strategies to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors: Context of Business Assignment, CCCU, UK
Assignment brief: Businesses employ a number of strategies to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Many times the outcome is influenced by the strategies of their competitors, changes in the business environment and the ability of the leader influences the businesses’ strategy and response. There is also increasing importance of CSR is also influencing business like never seen befo...

10 October, 2022

DAT7001: Data gap analysis can be referred to as the process of inspecting an existing or planned big data infrastructure with the aim of identifying issues: Data Handling and Decision Making Essay, AU, UK
Assignment Task – Essay Assignment Part 1: Data Gap Analysis Data gap analysis can be referred to as the process of inspecting an existing or planned big data infrastructure with the aim of identifying issues, risks, and inefficiencies associated with the use of data in an organization’s operations. Such analysis requires an integrated view of technical, managerial, and legal aspects of organizati...

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18 August, 2022

M140: You must complete this exam alone and You may not collaborate with other students: Introducing statistics Assignment, OU, UK
You must complete this exam alone. You may not collaborate with other students. Collusion on this exam is detectable, so please do not do it. Section 1 1. Your friend hypothesizes that football teams with higher salaries are more likely to win matches. He collects the average salary for players on each of the 51 teams in the European Women’s World Cup qualifier. For each team, he randomly selects ...

19 January, 2023

This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower: Business and Law Report, UOB, UK
This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower. Please read the following statement: “Traditionally known as the ‘Snitch” or the ‘Traitor’, the Whistle-blower, especially in the corporate services firms, should be rebranded as the ‘CEO’s Best Friend. In any organisation, having a notional Whistleblowing Champion or a Risk Management syste...

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10 August, 2023

BUS003: As part of the formal assessment for the program, you are required to submit a Developing Academic Skills assignment: Developing Academic Skills, AU, UK
As part of the formal assessment for the program, you are required to submit a Developing Academic Skills assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the program assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Outcomes:  Identify and explain the key resources available to facilitate own learning and study and reflect on the development ...

08 July, 2023

CGRM4000: You are required to write a report to a corporate board summarising your views on corporate governance sustainability: Corporate Governance Sustainability and Ethics Case Study, KBS, UK
Learning outcomes Analyze the role of the board in the assessment of strategy and risk and the way in which this expertise can be better utilized. Analyze the sustainability initiatives practiced within organizations and determine their effectiveness in meeting corporate and ethical objectives. Task You are required to write a report to a corporate board summarising your views on corporate gover...

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25 July, 2023

You have recently been appointed as a junior analyst in the Business Intelligence outsourcing company: Business Decision Making, Report, UK
Context: You have recently been appointed as a junior analyst in the Business Intelligence outsourcing company called “Wisdomocity”. They provide business intelligence support to SME’s in your country. Their method of operation is to send in a small observation team to work alongside the business decision makers for 3 weeks which is followed by an advisory report and the developm...

27 August, 2023

Wilmont’s is a top‐ranked U.K. retail pharmacy company based in Milton Keynes with more than 1,000 stores nationwide: Project Management Assignment, UOS, UK
Drone Case Study – Group Assignment Kick Off Wilmont’s is a top‐ranked U.K. retail pharmacy company based in Milton Keynes with more than 1,000 stores nationwide and employing more than 4,000 people overall. The company has engaged in several innovative business practices, and now they are once again secretly considering breaking ground with an even newer concept— delivering prescriptions and dr...

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