Your task
Design and implement an evolutionary algorithm in Python using DEAP to create an agent to play this game. You should take a principled and inventive approach to the design and impl
Task Questions
Please refer to the attached activity guide prior to starting, this will ensure that you provide the right evidence to meet the unit requirements and prevent resubmission.
1) Discu
Tasks 1 and 2: Your manager has asked you to prepare a presentation (slide deck and brief presenter notes) that will be delivered to the HR team on the next team development day.
The aim of the presen
Task 2: Critically evaluate the impact of three (3) specific emerging technologies on the future of footwear companies and make useful recommendations for future managers.
Demonstrate understanding an
Task 1: Reflect on how various relevant theoretical frameworks help footwear - company’s activities in the internal, external, and competitive environments (reflect about 3 theoretical framework
You are working in a small engineering company as a trainer designer, and your supervisor has asked you to take a look at a prototype of a spanner and show with a detailed reason and analysis
Aims of this assignment:
1. To evaluate understanding of international nutrition issues.2. To assess engagement with the current literature and the ability to communicate complex information in a conc
Learning outcomes:
This assignment relates to all the module learning outcomes:
MO1: Develop a coherent, evidenced, and feasible project proposal that contains a clearly defined engineering rese
This is an individual assignment of 1500 words in which you will write a Business Report.
Individually, you are required to find a UK-based business. You should NOT USE the big companies like Tesco, M
Task One
Section 1
Outline the responsibilities of a pharmacy technician relating to health and safety in the workplace. You must include the following legislation:
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974