UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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25 July, 2023

Demonstrate a knowledge of the research process from both an academic and practitioner perspective: Market Research Methods Research Paper, KCL, UK
Learning Outcomes Demonstrate a knowledge of the research process from both an academic and practitioner perspective. Use and implement a range of academic and practitioner research methods. Recognize the advantages and limitations of commonly used academic and practitioner research techniques. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the ethical problems and issues related to academic and practi...

29 May, 2023

Define and then briefly discuss 5 of the following six ideologies by describing what sort of systems and policies a state: Political Systems Coursework, OBU, UK
Tasks: Define and then briefly discuss 5 of the following six ideologies by describing what sort of systems and policies a state following the ideology would mostly set up and uphold, and what the main positive and negative outcomes might be. a. Liberalism b. Socialism c. Conservatism d. Fascism e. Communism f. Anarchism Describe the distinguishing features of a state that can be categorized as e...

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07 June, 2023

BAF5BLA: Explain the origin and importance of the following sources of law to those people working in a business environment: Business and Company Law Coursework, OBU, UK
SECTION ONE Questions Explain the origin and importance of the following sources of law to those people working in a business environment. * Acts of Parliament * Caselaw Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the system of judicial precedent and the doctrine of stare decisis, and comment upon the circumstances where judicial precedent might not be followed. In relation to the l...

16 February, 2023

4014SSL: You are required to use the following data set a monthly number of passengers carried by Ryanair 2014-2019: Business Analytics and Decision Making Coursework, HWU, UK
For this individual coursework, you are required to use the following data set a monthly number of passengers carried by Ryanair 2014-2019. Apply two methods a) Moving Average and b) Method of least squares for identifying the trend of data. Experiment with two different forecasting models (Additive and Multiplicative). Use your models to forecast the four quarterly figures for the year followin...

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24 August, 2023

AM41PB: Bayesian approach – The Pareto distribution is a power-law-like probability distribution that describes the distribution of wealth in a society: Probabilistic Modelling Coursework, UOM, UK
Bayesian approach – The Pareto distribution is a power-law-like probability distribution that describes the distribution of wealth in a society, fitting the trend that a large portion of wealth is held by a small fraction of the population. It takes the form where it provides the probability of x above a threshold Xm ≥ 0 On BlackBoard, under the section assignments, please find a dataset i...

30 September, 2023

Evaluate the impact of poor quality and standards on health and social care provision: Occupational Health and Safety Assignment, MUL, UK
Learning Outcomes Understand perspectives of quality in health and social care services. Understand strategies for achieving quality in health and social care services. Understand the efficacy of systems, policies, and procedures in health and social care services. Understand methods used to evaluate the quality of service provision in health and social care. Assessment Criteria Explain stakeho...

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20 July, 2023

Home International is a furniture manufacturer and online retailer. The organization is a family-owned business: Human Resources Management with Law Assignment, UOB, UK
Home International is a furniture manufacturer and online retailer. The organization is a family-owned business that was started over 30 years ago and currently employs 175 people on full-time or part-time contracts in the UK. They have offices based in Oxford, Munich, Santa Cruz, Suez, and Kuala Lumpur.  The organization is growing and reaching a wider market due to the growth of online furniture...

14 June, 2023

Consider what factors and lifestyle choices may affect your personal health, fitness, and wellbeing: Wellness Action Plan Assignment, DMU, UK
Consider what factors and lifestyle choices may affect your personal health, fitness, and wellbeing. Identify what strategies you will need for self-care and how you will develop resilience. Discuss the relationship between your personal health and wellbeing and the professional responsibilities you will have as a nurse. Do You Need Assignment of This Question ...

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21 June, 2023

Broad definitions and concepts of sustainability in the context of the fashion and lifestyle sector and the responsibility: Sustainability and Fair Fashion Coursework, NUN, UK
Broad definitions and concepts of sustainability in the context of the fashion and lifestyle sector and the responsibility of companies working within this sector. Critical appraisal of economic, environmental, and societal considerations in supply chain decisions. The link between stakeholder theory and social responsibility and identify key stakeholders for environmental and social responsibilit...

23 June, 2023

The International Accounting Standards Board issued IFRS 16 ‘Leasing’ which superseded IAS 17: International Accounting Coursework, ICL, UK
The International Accounting Standards Board issued IFRS 16 ‘Leasing’ which superseded IAS 17. Full adoption of the new leasing standard was required by all affected companies from January 2019. Explain the key differences in accounting for leases under IAS 17 and IFRS 16. Critically evaluate the implications the new leasing standard, IFRS 16 will have on the financial statements of c...

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02 August, 2023

MOD003507: Has used at least four of the seven marketing mix elements in its UK operations, to reinforce its positioning within the last three years: Principles and Practices of Marketing Coursework, ARU, UK
Assignment Question Has used at least four of the seven marketing mix elements in its UK operations, to reinforce its positioning within the last three years. Reflects strategic decisions and relevant taught theories in its marketing efforts. Does/ can evaluate the effectiveness of its marketing efforts. The content of your portfolio must display academic skill and integrity, appropriate to level...

27 September, 2022

Explain how resource scarcity and opportunity cost impact microeconomic decision-making for households and individuals in the UK: Economics for Business Report, ICL, UK
Explain how resource scarcity and opportunity cost impact microeconomic decision-making for households and individuals in the UK. Explain these economic concepts using real examples from within the UK economy and social environments within the past three years. Analyze and explain what you perceive to be the biggest challenge for some households with respect to resource scarcity and opportunity co...

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