UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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07 February, 2023

From Social Exclusion to Supported Inclusion: Adults with Intellectual Disability Discuss Their Lived Experiences of a Structured Social Group: Nursing Essay, UoM, UK
From Social Exclusion to Supported Inclusion: Adults with Intellectual Disability Discuss Their Lived Experiences of a Structured Social Group Background People with intellectual disability often have few friends and experience social exclusion. Recognising this gap, supported social groups with the aim of inclusion and interdependence were created by a supported employment provider. Methods Inter...

21 September, 2022

Prepare a business report for presentation to a group of international business investors who are concerned about the proliferation of accounting scandals: Unit 21: Financial Reporting Report, ICL, UK
Vocational scenarioOrganisation: AASC Auditing Firm Company Limited (AASC) was formerly known as Auditing and Accounting Financial Services Company Limited (AASC). AASC is one of the first two largest legal organizations in Vietnam operating in the field of auditing, accounting, financial advisory, tax advisory and corporate valuation. Currently, AASC is headquartered in Hanoi with a branch in Ho ...

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06 September, 2022

The role of OHP is diverse and varied: there are many external influences which can create distinctive work experiences and situations: Occupational health and Safety Essay, UOW, UK
The role of OHP is diverse and varied: there are many external influences which can create distinctive work experiences and situations. Recognising and understanding the main influences on occupational health practice is key to becoming a competent and effective practitioner. After reviewing the theory and considering current workplace practice can you identify the key principles and theories that...

05 October, 2023

ME5507/ME5627: To exploit locally available wind power, an on-site micro-generator rated at less than 16 A is to be installed: Electrical Services Design Assignment, BUL, UK
Introduction In this Assignment you will undertake a design exercise for a commercial building. Data are provided from which you are to design parts of the electrical distribution. The building will have a public network supply with the following declared supply characteristics: 300 Ampere, 400/230 volt, TP&N, 50 Hz Prospective short circuit current: 30 kA TNCS, Earth fault loop impedance: 0.1...

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19 October, 2022

Imagine there is a policy such that an increase in taxation for alcoholic drinks is implemented.: Health and Social Care Essay, UOB, UK
Assignment Q1. Imagine there is a policy such that an increase in taxation for alcoholic drinks is implemented. The objective, besides reducing alcohol consumption, is to improve the health of the population. You have been requested, one year later, to evaluate the impact of the policy. Please discussin a 1,000 words assignment how would you do the evaluation of the policy. Think about which cont...

01 October, 2023

You are the lead digital marketer for Headspace and have been tasked with creating a digital marketing strategy: Digital marketing Case Study, UOP, UK
You are the lead digital marketer for Headspace and have been tasked with creating a digital marketing strategy plan based on situation described in the Case Study (see case study below). Using this information and any external research on the company, create a plan for Headspace’s digital marketing efforts. Your report must include the following sections: 1.Customer Journey for Headspace Create a...

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05 August, 2023

FlySafe is a Scottish company which has been operating for the last three years in the private aviation sector where it provides a Software: Information Security Management Coursework, MUL, UK
Background to the Case Study Company FlySafe is a Scottish company which has been operating for the last three years in the private aviation sector where it provides a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Flight Management System (FMS) for world-wide operators, corporate flightdepartments oflarger corporations,brokers and fixed-based operators to manage flights on behalfof their clients.The FMS helps orga...

22 March, 2023

UCBS7040: Conduct a literature review that critically discusses the concepts of a. Information Governance b. Information Security and their importance in information management: Information Management Assessment, UOC, UK
Questions: 1. Conduct a literature review that critically discusses the concepts of a. Information Governance b. Information Security and their importance in information management. Find and discuss relevant literature (peerreviewed literature is preferred, such as journal articles, conference articles, with books, white papers, practitioner literature, and blog articles having a little less weigh...

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03 July, 2023

Conduct a strategic audit on LATAM Airlines in order to propose creative strategies to enhance its long-term success within a changing environment: Strategic Change Audit Assignment, UK
Strategic Change Management Assignment ASSIGNMENT TASK: ● Conduct a strategic audit on LATAM Airlines in order to propose creative strategies to enhance its long-term success within a changing environment. Task A Once you have completed your introduction, you are then required to identify LATAM current strategic objectives. Provide a brief overview of the key headline points, identifying the airl...

07 August, 2023

identifies and evaluates the impact of managing organisational change as a collection projects in programmes and portfolio: Programmes, Portfolio and Project Management Report, UOW, UK
Section 1)  Assignment Task and Guidance Introduction Organizations with a multiple projects choose to manage them through a programme and portfolio structure. Project professionals need to have an appreciation of how programmes and portfolios are structured, and the reasoning behind using these structures. For a project manager it is essential to understand and be able to operate and manage withi...

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29 September, 2023

You are working in the HR department for “Computing Supplies Ltd” and been asked to look into Corporate Social Responsibilities: Business Ethics Assignment, UOG, UK
OTHM LEVEL 5 DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Scenario You are working in the HR department for “Computing Supplies Ltd” and been asked to look into Corporate Social Responsibilities as a number of serious issues have arisen. The company recently received bad publicity after a documentary was filmed showing obsolete computers owned by the company being stripped down for gold by children in Africa. T...

22 September, 2022

BUS113: You have been hired as a consultant to offer specialist advice to an organisation in the industry: Crafting Your Future: Professional Practice and Research Assignment, ICTM, UK
Scenario You have been hired as a consultant to offer specialist advice to an organization in the industry of your choice in which you wish to enter in terms of its direction and opportunities and develop your career in, your specialized skillset and its place in relation to opportunities. You are required carry out secondary research on the industry using research tools and techniques necessary t...

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