Morris and Jenny Brown Morris is 78 and he is the main carer for his wife Jenny who is 79: Interprofessional skills Case Study, UK

University University Of Derby (UD)
Subject Interprofessional skills

Case Study 1 Older couple

Morris and Jenny Brown

Morris is 78 and he is the main carer for his wife Jenny who is 79. They arrived in the UK from Jamaica in the late 1950’s on the Windrush ship. They saved up and bought their home in the late 1960’s. They have one son, Nathan who very rarely visits but manages their finances for them. They are Pentecostal Christians and used to attend church every Sunday before Jenny became ill.

Jenny has severe arthritis and is unable to care for herself. Her bed is in the lounge and Morris carries out all of her personal care. In recent months her condition has deteriorated, and she has become very aggressive, swearing and sometimes hitting out at Morris. Their GP has diagnosed her as having Alzheimers. Morris was diagnosed as Bi-polar 20 years ago and is known to the community mental health team. He copes well unless he becomes stressed and recently there have been episodes where he has heard voices that tell him to discipline Jenny.

Age Concern provided them with a support worker, Agnes, to assist with weekly shopping. Agnes has experienced much difficulty accessing the couple’s home, as Morris comes to the window and says they don’t need any help. She has raised her concerns with her Manager, Garth. Garth contacted Adult Social Care with the information.

Presently, Jenny has some bruising to her face and has bed-sores. The house is in a poor state structurally, and there are signs of damp in most rooms. There is a strong odour of urine and there are unwashed clothes stacked in the corner in the kitchen. There is also evidence of mice infestation. The Age Concern support worker is of the opinion that Morris is unable to cope and that they would both be better off in a residential resource.

However, Morris, he stated that neither he nor Jenny want to go into a residential home. He says he wishes to maintain his marriage vows in particular staying together in “sickness and in health.”

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