




ILM Unit-409: focused on understanding the impact of development on workplace performance: Managing Personal Development, Coursework, UOS, UK

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ILM Unit-409: focused on understanding the impact of development on workplace performance: Managing Personal Development, Coursework, UOS, UK

UniversityUniversity of Sussex ( UOS)
SubjectILM Unit-409: Managing Personal Development

Section 3 is focused on understanding the impact of development on workplace performance.

3.1 Evaluate with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor the achievement of short-term goals and progress towards achieving medium and long-term goals.

There is a need to evaluate the original goals set in terms of your development progress in the short, medium and longer term.

This may be in the form of a review, performance appraisal, self-appraisal, feedback, 360 degree or supervision with your Manager and/or learning supervisor. 

You need to both weigh up the pros and cons, considering the progress and impact so far and make judgement. Summarise the judgements made and conclude with any actions that need to be taken further to progress. 

Consider the verb EVALUATE.

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3.2 Revise development plans appropriately following evaluation with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor

As a direct result of an evaluation in AC3.1 with your Supervisor/Mentor. Review the goals you set and consider have things changed, are the goals still realistic and achievable.

In terms of their priority do they still remain the same and align with overall organisational goals and work role objectives or do they need to be altered in any way? If so, why? 

You should indicate this in the main body of work to outline any reasons for the revision and will also show the changes to be made in your development plan as well. The amended Development Plan should be attached.

3.3 Evaluate with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor how development activities have affected work performance.

It is important to ensure that learning and activities have had the correct impact on the learner’s own work performance and to evaluate if so why and if not, why not.

Could anything be improved further? You will need to indicate how you have formed a judgement here, what is the basis of measurement you will use, have you had any feedback from others to substantiate views discussed?

How does the feedback impact on priority? Do they need to set new goals and if so, are they SMART? A summary conclusion to pull together your views is required.

Consider the verb EVALUATE.

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