




Describe a time when you’ve supported the development and delivery of a new or improved people practice, policy, or solution: CIPD Assessment, UOB, UK

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Describe a time when you’ve supported the development and delivery of a new or improved people practice, policy, or solution: CIPD Assessment, UOB, UK

UniversityUniversity of Birmingham (UoB)

Describe a time when you’ve supported the development and delivery of a new or improved people practice, policy, or solution.

  • Describe what you’ve developed and delivered.
  • Explain the purpose of what you were doing and why it was important.
  • What wider people practices or policies did you take into account in this work?

When I took on the role of HR Officer, staff attendance was poor and the absence management inconsistent.  I implemented a strategy that enabled absence management to be accurately monitored daily with data that was consistent, supportive, and an effective way of reducing the working hours lost and financial implications associated with this.

Reviewing procedures and developing them into a user-friendly system enables a systematic approach when recording and monitoring absence information. This enabled me, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), and Line Management to address any absence concerns in a fair and consistent way. Another aspect of absence management that has developed is the absence triggers used in line with the Supporting Staff Absence Policy which proactively identifies trends and areas of concern that can be used to improve general workplace wellbeing and therefore reduce absence.

I enhanced the absence monitoring in accordance with the procedures set out in the Supporting Staff Attendance Policy by using data that RAG rated all staff absence data. This enabled the monitoring of staff absence triggers and the follow-up procedures of arranging absence review meetings when required. In addition to this, I am responsible for ensuring that individual records and absence information is recorded on the HR portal and SIMS, managed appropriately, and treated as confidential personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations

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