




Critically apply relevant theory underpinning marketing communications: Integrated Marketing Communications Assignment, AU, UK

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Critically apply relevant theory underpinning marketing communications: Integrated Marketing Communications Assignment, AU, UK

UniversityARCADIA University (AU)
SubjectIntegrated Marketing Communications Assignment

Assessment Criteria 

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:

  • Assess the value of marketing communications to organizations, and how it supports key organizational activities.
  • Critically apply relevant theory underpinning marketing communications.
  • Appraise the effectiveness of a range of marketing communications tools and activities and the relative merits of different media alternatives

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:

  • Design appropriate ways to monitor and evaluate marketing communications.
  • Recommend and evaluate integrated communication strategies to effectively deliver specific organisational goals.
  • Justify the application of creative and effective marketing communications messages.

Transformational Opportunities:
E.g. Use LinkedIn Learning to improve skills

  • Apply appropriate theories/frameworks to gain meaningful insights into decision marking.

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Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment

  • Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric)
  • Feedback for improvement will be given in writing via your Canvas module site within 4 weeks of submission
  • Lateness Penalty: For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10-grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches the minimum pass mark (UG 40/PG 50).  Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than the minimum pass mark no lateness penalty will be applied.  If the coursework is submitted more than 5 days after the published deadline, it will not be marked and a grade of zero will be awarded. Please note: Referred coursework submitted after the published deadline will be awarded a grade of zero (0).”
  • Extensions: Students do not have an automatic right to an extension.  If you require an extension, this must be requested in advance of the submission deadline.  Please give your reason(s) for needing an extension. Not all Assessments are eligible for an extension. Please check the above.

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