




Consider first your choice of data structures. Why are they appropriate: Algorithms and data structure Course Work, OU, UK

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Consider first your choice of data structures. Why are they appropriate: Algorithms and data structure Course Work, OU, UK

UniversityThe Open University (OU)
SubjectAlgorithms and data structure Course Work

Phase 1: Design

Consider first your choice of data structures. Why are they appropriate? How will they be implemented? Make a list of the data structures and alongside each structure write a few words of justification.

Then consider the major algorithms. There be will algorithms to access and modify the symbol table, and an algorithm to perform postfix arithmetic. Your report will contain pseudocode for each algorithm.

Phase 2: Implementation

You can use any language you wish. Javascript or C++ are good choices. You must write your own data structures and algorithms. The only language structure you can use is the array. Marks will be awarded for the extent of relevant original code. You should implement at least the four arithmetical operators +, -, *, /.

Phase 3: The report

Your report should contain the following sections
Section 1 The essence of your solution to the challenge in a single paragraph.

Section 2 An explanation of the original algorithms of your solution in non-technical language.
You do not need to describe the workings of any standard algorithm that might comprise part of your solution.

Section 3 Pseudocode for each original algorithm. You are urged to follow the pseudocode conventions of Cormen at al, Chapter 2. Pay great attention to how you lay out your pseudocode. In particular, take care to use structured indentation. Pseudocode that is not correctly indented, or is otherwise unreadable, will not be marked.

Section 4 A list of the data structures in your solution. Explain why each chosen data structure is suitable for the task.

Section 5 Commented source code and a link to a short (< 5 minute) video that shows your code in execution. Ensure that the source code is an exact implementation of your pseudocode. An efficient way to demonstrate the relationship between pseudo and actual code is to use lines of pseudocode as comments directly above their implementation in source code. The source code must be visible in the video, as well as the command line interface.

Section 6 Point out any defects of your design and/or implementation. Suggest remedies for these shortcomings.
Submit your report as a pdf. Pay attention to the clarity of expression, document presentation, and pseudocode and code formatting. Handwritten answers are prohibited.

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Algorithms and Data Structures Coursework at The Open University (OU), UK, presents challenges that students often find daunting. Our Homework Writing Help service offers tailored assistance for OU students struggling with this coursework. Our assignment helpers provide expert guidance, focusing on the choice of data structures and their appropriateness within the curriculum. Trust us to alleviate your academic burden and help you excel in your studies.

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