CMI Unit 505 Assessment- Team Formation, Challenges & Performance Evaluation

University Bangor University (BU)
Subject CMI Unit 505 Forming Successful Teams

Assessment Tasks And Word Count

Assessment brief CMI 505 features the following assessment tasks.  Further detail is provided against each assessment task within the brief.

Learning outcomes (LO1)

  •  Understand the purpose and characteristics of successful teams.

Assessment criteria

  • Examine the factors to consider when forming a team
  • Analyse the characteristics of successful teams using theoretical models

Write an account which examines the purpose and characteristics of successful teams

Approx. 700 words

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Learning outcomes (LO2)

  •  Understand the purpose and characteristics of successful teams

Assessment criteria

  • Specify the purpose of different types of teams within organisations

Write an account specifying the purpose of different types of teams within organisations

Approx. 300 words

Learning outcomes (LO3)

  • Understand approaches to team formation
  • Know how to evaluate the performance of a newly formed team

Assessment criteria

  • Evaluate theoretical models used for team formation
  • Assess practical approaches to team formation
  • Recommend approaches for measuring the performance of a newly formed team against organisational objectives

Write a good practice guide entitled: Approaches to forming a new team

Approx. 1500 words

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Learning outcomes (LO4)

  • Know how to analyse and respond to challenges in team formation

Assessment criteria

  • Analyse challenges which occur in team formation
  • Recommend approaches for responding to challenges when forming teams

Write a report entitled: Approaches to identifying and managing challenges when forming teams

Approx. 1500 words

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