UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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18 May, 2023

Lalitha is a 29-year-old female who is divorced with 2 children, a 4-year-old daughter, and a 10-year-old son: Basic Counseling Skills Case Study, UOA, UK
Lalitha is a 29-year-old female who is divorced with 2 children, a 4-year-old daughter, and a 10-year-old son. She is currently married to Wijaya and they have been together for about a year. Lalitha presents to counseling with multiple concerns. She reports feeling the following: tired and lethargic most of the time and does not sleep well. decreased motivation in general, discontent in her life,...

11 March, 2023

3BU003: Marketing Plan for Safety First, focusing on the online promotion of the company’s products to new business customers: Principles of Business Case Study, UOW, UK
Tasks You are required to produce a Marketing Plan for Safety First, focusing on the online promotion of the company’s products to new business customers. The Marketing Plan should include the products, price, and place of the 7 Ps and briefly discuss how each of these will be managed, in order to increase customer and order numbers for the company. This section requires you to focus on improving...

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12 April, 2023

3BU003: Online Marketing plan for online promotion of the company and its core products: Principles of Business Case Study, UOW, UK
Assessment brief This assessment consists of six individual tasks with which you are expected to show that you have met the Module’s Learning Outcomes (please see these on page 5 of this document). You are expected to complete all six tasks and submit these via Canvas within one Word document (.doc or .docx).  There are individual requirements for each section of the portfolio, detailed...

23 September, 2022

The mission of Unilever is to meet the nutrition, hygiene, and personal care of consumers across the globe: Managing a Successful Business Case Study, OU, UK
Mission and Vision The mission of Unilever is to meet the nutrition, hygiene, and personal care of consumers across the globe. By doing this, Unilever wants to add value and vitality to the life of masses across the globe. This is achieved by Unilever by introducing products in different segments of the market and by ensuring that its products are safe and of high quality. The vision of Unilever i...

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24 July, 2023

ED4072: A three-year-old boy named Emmit Richnur is driving his toy truck on the grass with his eyes closed: Narrative Observation and Analysis Form Case Study, UOEL, UK
A three-year-old boy named Emmit Richnur is driving his toy truck on the grass with his eyes closed. He hits a lamp post, and without opening his eyes, he reverses and continues driving with his eyes closed. In the next scene, we’re introduced to an 89-year-old man named Earling Kingdom, who is described as Emmit’s mentor. Earling is also driving a tractor, but unlike Emmit, Earling ha...

21 September, 2022

Over the past two decades, consumer behavior has tended to become more ethical. We spend much more on products: The Rise of the Ethical Consumer Case Study, NU, UK
Question Over the past two decades, consumer behavior has tended to become more ethical. We spend much more on products and services that we perceive to have an ethical or sustainable provenance and are more likely to boycott brands that develop an unethical reputation. Critically examine the main consequences of this trend for the management of people in commercial organizations.   Buy An...

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07 January, 2023

05OSD: Just Ingredients Limited do not knowingly supply material containing pesticide: Food Technology Case Study, UOL, UK
PESTICIDE STATEMENT Just Ingredients Limited do not knowingly supply material containing pesticide residues above the legal maximum residue levels (MRL’s), Codex recommendation or at a level that could cause a food safety risk under the Food Safety Act. Suppliers risk assess the materials supplied to JustIngredients Limited and where a pesticide issue is considered a risk the supplier arranges app...

15 September, 2022

Explain what is meant by the doctrine of the separation of powers: Law Case Study, UOL, UK
Question 1 Explain what is meant by the doctrine of the separation of powers and what constitutional issues were raised and decided in this case with respect to this doctrine. Your answer should include: A reasoned view about the extent to which the doctrine is either violated or preserved by this judgment. Reference to the relationship between the legislature and the executive. Reference to the r...

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17 August, 2022

You are the lead digital marketer for Headspace and have been tasked with creating a digital marketing strategy: Digital marketing Case Study, UOP, UK
You are the lead digital marketer for Headspace and have been tasked with creating a digital marketing strategy plan based on situation described in the Case Study (see case study below). Using this information and any external research on the company, create a plan for Headspace’s digital marketing efforts. Your report must include the following sections: 1.Customer Journey for Headspace Create a...

15 December, 2022

5LD02: You work for a large international banking corporation RTM plc The head office is in Switzerland: Learning and Development Design to Create Value Case Study, UOB, UK
Case study You work for a large international banking corporation RTM plc. The head office is in Switzerland. The company was at the forefront of digital banking technologies and an early adopter for many virtual customer support systems that other banks were slow to undertake. The global Covid-19 crisis has impacted the business’ customers, investors and key stakeholders in an unprecedented way. ...

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01 March, 2023

EBUS602: Millstone Packaging Draw a map of the main product flows and process steps at Millstone Packaging, using data from the case study: STRATEGIC OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Case Study, UOL, UK
STRATEGIC OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (EBUS602) Assignment 1 Case Study: Millstone Packaging (Please see attachment) 1. Draw a map of the main product flows and process steps at Millstone Packaging, using data from the case study. Describe these flows in writing. Highlight the main operational trade-offs faced at Millstone Packaging while referring to the order winners and order qualifiers. Identify spe...

27 October, 2022

The Trusts records and appointment services into one central department to reduce costs: Understanding People in Organisations Case Study, UOL, UK
Patient Experience and Facilities Management Department In the Medical Records Department changes have been implemented to bring all of The Trusts records and appointment services into one central department to reduce costs. Staff have relocated from two community hospital record departments to a new purpose built administration and records library. In the community hospitals, records staff cover...

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