Unit 19: Research Project is Corporate Social Responsibility ‘Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment: research project Assignment, OU, UK

Scenario The Pearson-set theme for use with Level 5 Unit 19: Research Project is Corporate Social Responsibility ‘Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by businesses to be
| 16th Dec 2023

Explain the role of leadership and management skills in adult care settings/services: Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adults Care Assignment, DC, UK

3.2 explain the role of leadership and management skills in adult care settings/services. 3.3 describe how to adapt own leadership and management style to different situations  3.4 describe how t
| 15th Dec 2023

Analyse and evaluate the 2 key internal factors and 2 key external factors impacting the development: Talent Management Assignment, UCL, UK

The essay will be about Nike in the UK. Drivers of Change: Analyse and evaluate the 2 key internal factors and 2 key external factors impacting the development of Talent in your selected organization
| 15th Dec 2023


Topic 1: CRITICAL REVIEW OF A HEALTH INEQUALITIES REPORT (2500 words)  Topic 2: Critical Analysis of Two Leadership Theories and Their Application to Healthcare Settings. (2500 words)  Topic
| 15th Dec 2023

Conduct small-scale research, information gathering, and data collection to generate knowledge on an identified subject: Unit 6: Planning a Computing Project Assignment, CUL, UK

Unit Learning Outcomes LO1 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering, and data collection to generate knowledge on an identified subjectLO2 Explore the features and business requirement
| 15th Dec 2023

Over the last few years, the construction industry has been facing many challenges: Quantity surveying Assignment, UOS, UK

Over the last few years, the construction industry has been facing many challenges. The magnitude of challenges faced by the UK construction industry due to the impact of Brexit has increased signific
| 15th Dec 2023

Discuss different leadership theories concerning the management activities in various organizations: Leadership and Management Assignment, LCC, UK

Scenario: You have joined as a graduate management trainee in a recruitment consultancy firm. You would complete an induction training that would provide practical experience in leadership a
| 15th Dec 2023

BAM3018 write a commentary on FOUR pieces of data chosen from a bank of data samples: Data skills Assignment, UOB, UK

Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO3: Demonstrate understanding of how data needs to be used in both academic and professional environments. LO4: Collect, use, and explain data from a range of sources and
| 15th Dec 2023

6106LBSBW Identify business problems/risks and recommend strategies to reduce/eliminate the risks identified: International Corporate Finance Assignment, LJMU, UK

Assessment 1: Part 1: Verbal Report 20%This assessment will assess learning outcomes 1 – 5 (as listed below and detailed in the Module Proforma)1. Identify business problems/risks and recom
| 15th Dec 2023

MN52103 Critically assess the International Business Strategy of a chosen company using the theory stated below as covered in the unit: International Business Strategy Assignment, UOB, UK

REQUIREMENT Critically assess the International Business Strategy of a chosen company using the theory stated below as covered in the unit. (2500 words) below as covered in the unit. (2500 words) Key
| 15th Dec 2023