UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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14 December, 2022

OSH 2305: The role of the safety manager is recognized as an important part in the execution of all safety processes within an organization: Fleet and Driver Safety Report, CSU, UK
Unit Lesson Introduction The role of the safety manager is recognized as an important part in the execution of all safety processes within an organization. There are many parts of fleet safety management that include everything from vehicle maintenance to effective safety training. Coordination within any company is very important; therefore, knowledgeable safety managers and experienced superviso...

27 October, 2022

You are required to evaluate the nature and process of business and economic data from a range of different published sources: Business and Economic Data Evaluation and Analysis Report, UK
You have finished two cases and will submit a report to your line manager for further review. The first case is about an investment company considering expanding its business in the US. It requires your statistical service associating with the analysis of the macro-economic situation of the United States. You have gathered data from published sources showed in tab 1 and tab2. Sunflowers Apparel is...

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31 August, 2023

Definition of the digital economy and the benefits it brings to consumers: Digital Economy and Competition Policy Report, UK
Your report should identify possible opportunities and challenges the emerging digital economy poses for competition policy by addressing the following: Definition of the digital economy and the benefits it brings to consumers, efficiency, and innovation. Discussion of the distinctive features of digital markets. Evidence of concentration in digital markets (by including and interpreting the appr...

01 March, 2023

ENG3036: Developing a mathematical model of the lateral dynamics of an aircraft approaching: Simulation Of Engineering Systems Report, UK
AimPart 1 of this Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 Assignment involves the modeling, simulation, and validation of an Instrument Landing System (ILS) Lateral Beam Guidance System. This part of the assignment involves developing a mathematical model of the lateral dynamics of an aircraftapproaching using ILS for guidance. This model will be implemented in Matlab code and as a Simulink block diag...

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02 October, 2023

business recovery after covid19 our Research scope involves conducting a research to identify workplace-related challenges in the industry: Unit11 Research Project Buisness recovery Hnd Level 5 Report, UK
a research project of 10000 words about business recovery after covid19 our Research scope involves conducting research to identify workplace-related challenges in the industry of your choice, caused by the current safety measures, and recommend solutions to overcome them. You are required to use both Primary and Secondary research methods. Once you have identified your research topic and objectiv...

07 December, 2022

5CO02: Your company is planning its forthcoming annual development event and the topic that the people practice team: Evidence-based practice Report, UK
Scenario Your company is planning its forthcoming annual development event and the topic that the people practice team will be showcasing is evidence-based practice. In readiness for this event your manager has asked you to complete two tasks. Task One – Report Your first task is to write a report which provides the audience with an understanding of what evidence-based practice is and the st...

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04 June, 2023

LFTE203: You have been asked to work alongside the Event manager at Excel London to plan for the forthcoming WTM: Event planning Report, US
Part 1  For the past twenty years, Excel London (Exhibition Centre London) has hosted numerous consumer and trade, private and public, including exhibitions, conferences, concerts, weddings, and religious events. You have been asked to work alongside the Event manager at Excel London to plan for the forthcoming WTM (World Travel Market) global event in November 2022. As part of the process, you wi...

07 April, 2023

Review of the efficiency of solar photovoltaic technology and current developments in photovoltaics: Electro Mechanical Engineering Report, PSB Academy, UK
Students are required to write a 2500 words report on “Review of the efficiency of solar photovoltaic technology and current developments in photovoltaics”. You are required to conduct experiments in the laboratory and include your findings from experiments in the report. You are expected to consult a large body of literature and present recent advances achieved in this knowledge area....

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20 December, 2022

This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower: Business and Law Report, UOB, UK
This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower. Please read the following statement: “Traditionally known as the ‘Snitch” or the ‘Traitor’, the Whistle-blower, especially in the corporate services firms, should be rebranded as the ‘CEO’s Best Friend. In any organisation, having a notional Whistleblowing Champion or a Risk Management syste...

21 October, 2022

With the rapid and continuous advancement of technology specifically in the field of Artificial Intelligence, online shopping, product hunting: Managing a Successful Computing Project Report, UOB, UK
Unit Learning Outcomes L01 Establish project aims, objectives, and timeframes based on the chosen theme. L02 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering, and data collection to generate knowledge to support the project. L03 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis L04 Reflect on the valu...

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21 June, 2023

you have to build a Project Management Consultancy Report based on the Smart City OS case study: Management Report, TUM, UK
Assessment Brief For this assignment, you have to build a Project Management Consultancy Report based on the Smart City OS case study. THE SMART CITY OS CASE STUDY Hull’s journey to becoming a programmable city Here’s how Hull is racing to become the UK’s first smart city. For a city to become smart, it takes a combination of technologies and disciplines, seamlessly integrated, with an understandi...

17 December, 2022

You will need to freeze assets and Produce a report to the risk committee that details the correct process and procedures: Advanced Certificate in Managing Sanctions Risk Report, ICL, UK
You will need to freeze assets and Produce a report to the risk committee that details the correct process and procedures that should be followed. Within the report, identify and evaluate the following: (A). The initial key considerations that should be contemplated. The key steps that need to be taken. B. Identify and describe the risks to the regulated firm and jurisdiction, should the assets no...

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