UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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19 February, 2023

MANG6398: To produce a report on the financial performance and position of a real company by analyzing its financial statements.: Measuring Marketing Effectiveness Report, UOS, UK
To produce a report on the financial performance and position of a real company by analyzing its financial statements. Task (attach a separate briefing document if required) The task is to demonstrate your skills in interpreting the 3 financial statements of an existing public company operating anywhere in the world and using the data to draw conclusions on past actions, future strategies, and tac...

25 January, 2023

MKT4001: As part of the formal assessment for the program, you are required to submit a Principles of Marketing assignment: Principles of Marketing Report, AU, UK
Assignment Brief As part of the formal assessment for the program, you are required to submit a Principles of Marketing assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the program assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: 1. Explain the marketing process, with parti...

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15 July, 2023

You are required to evaluate the nature and process of business and economic data from a range of different published sources: Business and Economic Data Evaluation and Analysis Report, UK
You have finished two cases and will submit a report to your line manager for further review. The first case is about an investment company considering expanding its business in the US. It requires your statistical service associating with the analysis of the macro-economic situation of the United States. You have gathered data from published sources showed in tab 1 and tab2. Sunflowers Apparel is...

29 July, 2023

Using an energy method of your choice, calculate the deflection at point B for the beam depicted: Mechanics of Materials Report, UOL, UK
Part A: Energy methods Question 1 Using an energy method of your choice, calculate the deflection at point B for the beam depicted in Figure 1. The second moment of area of the beam is I, with Young’s modulus E. Express the answer as a function of E, I, L, and M0. You must use an energy method and explain your steps. (You are of course free to use any other method to check your result) Questi...

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12 April, 2023

Prepared as a Report to Businesses on the Costs and Benefits of Introduction a Real Living Wage for their staff: Business Management Report, UOEL, UK
Content The assignment should be prepared as a report to businesses on the costs and benefits of introduction a Real Living Wage for their staff. The Real Living Wage (RLW) is defined by the Living Wage Foundation as a ‘calculation made according to the cost of living based on a basket of household goods and services’. The RLW is higher than the National Living Wage. The report should do the foll...

14 August, 2023

Using an energy method of your choice, calculate the deflection at point B for the beam depicted: Mechanics of Materials Report, UOL, UK
Part A: Energy methods Question 1 Using an energy method of your choice, calculate the deflection at point B for the beam depicted in Figure 1. The second moment of area of the beam is I, with Young’s modulus E. Express the answer as a function of E, I, L, and M0. You must use an energy method and explain your steps. (You are of course free to use any other method to check your result) Questi...

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29 June, 2023

This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower: Business and Law Report, UOB, UK
This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower. Please read the following statement: “Traditionally known as the ‘Snitch” or the ‘Traitor’, the Whistle-blower, especially in the corporate services firms, should be rebranded as the ‘CEO’s Best Friend. In any organisation, having a notional Whistleblowing Champion or a Risk Management syste...

24 March, 2023

You have recently been appointed as a junior analyst in the Business Intelligence outsourcing company: Business Decision Making, Report, UK
Context: You have recently been appointed as a junior analyst in the Business Intelligence outsourcing company called “Wisdomocity”. They provide business intelligence support to SME’s in your country. Their method of operation is to send in a small observation team to work alongside the business decision makers for 3 weeks which is followed by an advisory report and the developm...

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24 August, 2023

UMKDFG-15-M: Using relevant theories, frameworks, and concepts, analyse and evaluate the current position in which Wildland Park: Customer and International Market Analysis Report, UWE, UK
Question 1:  Using relevant theories, frameworks, and concepts, analyse and evaluate the current position in which Wildland Park finds itself, and make recommendations for a marketing strategy. Identify any risks or challenges associated with your recommendations. There are three core sections to the analysis: Analysis and evaluation summarising the situation, strategic priorities and alternative...

16 October, 2022

CBA937: You have been commissioned to provide an Advisory Report for the Management Committee: Social Influence Conformity and Obedience to Authority Report, OCN, UK
Task 1:  You have been commissioned to provide an Advisory Report for the Management Committee of Pathway Young Persons’ Home for Challenging Behaviours. The Committee wish to know how they might increase obedience and reduce or promote conformity, referring to three measures for obedience and three for conformity based on your expert knowledge of social psychology, and supported by psy...

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18 May, 2023

5Bus1157: Help you develop a critical understanding and appreciation of capital markets theory: Corporate Finance Report, KCL, UK
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment: The aim of the assessment is to: Help you develop a critical understanding and appreciation of capital markets theory and its impact on corporations, investors, and all other stakeholders The report will help you understand why market efficiency is important to provide market confidence. Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attri...

29 January, 2023

5K570009.B4: Write a business report of to your Financial Reporting and Assurance Unit Leaders to analyze the financial reporting: Financial Reporting and Assurance Report, MMU, UK
Assignment Details and Instructions. Write a business report to your Financial Reporting and Assurance Unit Leaders to analyze the financial reporting and assurance implications of Dunelm Group Plc for the year ended 27th June 2020 compared to the previous year. For this assignment assume the role of a financial analyst. The report should be written to a high standard of English, with no errors in...

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