UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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12 November, 2022

Use a portfolio approach (visuals and written commentary) to demonstrate how four of the seven marketing mix elements: Marketing Assignment, UOW, UK
If you choose any other company you will be graded 0. Use a portfolio approach (visuals and written commentary) to demonstrate how four of the seven marketing mix elements the company has used in the UK since 2019 reflect how it divides the market (Segmentation), who it is seeking to serve (Targeting), and how it wants to be perceived by the target market segment (Positioning). Within your finding...

06 February, 2023

ABJ/ASB-4446: The headquarters of the bank are concerned about an upcoming FCA audit: Financial Ethics & Regulation Assignment, BBS, UK
The Assignment The headquarters of the bank are concerned about an upcoming FCA audit of its UK subsidiary and would like your consulting firm to explain the ethical dimensions of the problem as part of their risk assessment. The bank is motivated to protect their licence to operate in the UK. As the consultant assigned to the project you are required to write a report to brief the board of direct...

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01 May, 2023

7ELW: Explain the core principles that underpin employment law as it applies in the UK, including common-law: Employment Law Assignment, DMU, UK
Learning Outcomes – on completion of this module, learners will be able to: Explain the core principles that underpin employment law as it applies in the UK (or Ireland), including common-law, their purpose, origin, and practical implications. Indicative content: The following comprises a list of the areas of employment law that form the scope of the module: accessing employment rights: em...

16 September, 2023

UGB 269: Reflect on their personal network of tutors family members relatives and professional social networks: Innovation Management Assessment UoS, UK
Learning Outcomes K1 Analysis of the role of innovation management and its impact on global business. K2 Critical debates on the strategic, tactical, and operational challenges in establishing a viable innovation management culture. K3 Investigation and debates on the key attributes in retaining learning from effective innovation management practices. Skills S1 An ability to critically appraise...

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28 November, 2022

MA312-6/7-SP: Consider Two Lives (x) and (y) Currently aged x and y Exact with an age Difference: Contingencies II Assignment, UOE, UK
This is the question sheet for the Mock lab test. Download and open the Excel file named “Mock lab workbook”, which is where you should show your work and answers. The Excel file contains a few sheets (see instructions below), including “Base” which contains the probability of dying for each age. 1. Consider two lives (x) and (y) currently aged x and y exact with an age difference y − x = −7, wher...

31 August, 2023

MANG6351: What is the business idea after our seminar last & this week? What is so special about the idea: Business Planning, UOS, UK
What is the business idea after our seminar last & this week? What is so special about the idea? What is standing out from your proposed business idea? Who will be your customers? You must pitch it carefully, especially when identifying the right set of prospective customers. How will you make it work? Should not be a mere smokescreen.! What meaningful initiatives you would foresee undertaking...

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03 April, 2023

You are working as part of a team of government health and safety Inspectors Your team leader has allocated the team: BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Applied science Assignment, UK
You are working as part of a team of government health and safety Inspectors. Your team leader has allocated the team to visit a range of different science organizations, e.g. a pharmaceutical company, a company that produces plastics, and a cosmetic company, and report on the health and safety practices within these organizations. You need to select a suitable organization to inspect. You will In...

21 August, 2022

MG629: You are to select an organization and critically analyze and evaluate the leadership and management: Developing Leadership and Management Skills Assignment, BNU, UK
learning outcomes Understand and critically evaluate contemporary theories and models of management and leadership Develop and demonstrate effective leadership skills Analyze the significance and impact of leadership performance in relation to overall business performance Assignment task You are to select an organization and critically analyze and evaluate the leadership and management, assessin...

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21 October, 2022

RBP020L063S: Provide an Introduction to the Report that clearly States the Aim and Structure of the Report and Summarises the Key Issues in the Case Scenario: Leadership and Change Management URBS, UK
Summative assessment This module will be assessed through an individual report on a case study called “Organisational Change Development Plan” which you will be provided within week one. The assessment will be based on case study material which will be provided electronically via Moodle or download instructed via email. Please read the “Assessment case studies brief” that is provided on Moodle for...

20 September, 2022

BA30592E: David Green is going to set up a sole trader business as a Decorator He knows that he would be personally responsible for his business’s debts: Recording Business Transaction Assignment, UOWL, UK
Learning outcomes Part A David Green is going to set up a sole trader business as a Decorator. He knows that he would be personally responsible for his business’s debts. He also would have some accounting responsibilities; however, he does not know about the steps for starting a business. As your area of studying is related to Business, he wants you to consult him in this matter. Accounting invo...

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08 June, 2023

CME3036: critically influence the business operability of the given process but also its long-term viability from the regulation point of view: Process and Product Engineering Assignment, NU, UK
Assignment In the highly regulated (bio)pharmaceutical industry the product and process development decisions not only critically influence the business operability of the given process but also its long-term viability from the regulation point of view. Compare and contrast the process development options and manufacturing strategies for a high value/low volume biopharmaceutical product. You shoul...

27 February, 2023

Explore the principles of exotic animal ownership and management: Unit 14 Management of Exotic Animal Species Assignment, SHC, UK
Unit Learning Outcomes LO1 Explore the principles of exotic animal ownership and management. Vocational Scenario The trade in and keeping of exotic animals has become more popular in recent years. Exotic animals have a range of specific needs and requirements for which public concern for welfare has significantly increased. Legislation strives to allow for ethical regulation in the trade and impro...

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