




5CO03 Define the term professional and explain what it means to be a ‘people professional: Professional behaviours and valuing people Assignment, CWSL, UK

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5CO03 Define the term professional and explain what it means to be a ‘people professional: Professional behaviours and valuing people Assignment, CWSL, UK

UniversityCalifornia Western School of Law(CWSL)
Subject5CO03 Professional behaviours and valuing people Assignment

Written responses to
Define the term professional and explain what it means to be a ‘people professional’. (AC 1.1)

2) Explore how the role of a people professional (either a generalist or a particular specialist) is evolving and the priorities this raises for continuing professional development (CPD) (AC 3.1)

3) Discuss the concept of ‘ethical values’, and how at least three ethical values that you hold personally, impact (or could impact) on your work as a people professional. (AC 1.2)

4) Explain why it is essential for people professionals to contribute confidently to discussions and ways of doing this that are (AC 1.3)

5) Discuss when and how to raise concerns when issues such as organizational policies or leadership approaches conflict with ethical values or legislation. (AC 1.4)

6) Provide a robust argument for ethical people practice that is supported by academic theory and details both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued, and fairly treated.(AC 2.1)

7) Drawing on your own or a hypothetical example of providing a people practice solution to meet a particular need or introducing a new policy or initiative, describe:
▪ strategies for designing the solution/initiative so that it will be inclusive
▪ strategies for checking that when in practice, the solution/initiative engages and meets the needs of all those it is aimed at. (AC 2.2)

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