




Unit 3 Research for Strategic Development ATHE Level 7 Assignment Answer UK

Unit 3 Research for Strategic Development ATHE Level 7 Assignment Answer UK

Unit 3 Research for Strategic Development ATHE Level 7 is a comprehensive program designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake effective research in the context of strategic development. This course, offered at ATHE Level 7, aims to provide you with a deeper understanding of research methodologies and their application in strategic decision-making processes.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, strategic development plays a pivotal role in the success of organizations across various sectors. To stay ahead, it is crucial to make informed decisions based on robust research and analysis. This course will empower you to become a proficient researcher capable of driving strategic initiatives and guiding organizations toward their goals.

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Take a look at the assignment samples available for Unit 3 Research for Strategic Development in the ATHE Level 7 course!

At Diploma Assignment Help UK, we offer a comprehensive range of assignment samples for the Unit 3 Research for Strategic Development in the ATHE Level 7 course. Our assignment samples are designed to help students enhance their understanding of strategic development concepts and excel in their coursework. Whether you are seeking clarity on a specific topic or need inspiration for your own assignment, our samples can be a valuable resource for your academic journey.

Below, we will discuss some assignment activities. These are:

Assignment Activity 1: Be able to formulate a research proposal relating to strategic business development.

Identify a valid area for research to support the strategic development of a business area.

One valid area for research to support the strategic development of a business area is customer behavior analysis. Understanding customer behavior is crucial for businesses to develop effective strategies and make informed decisions. By conducting research in this area, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer preferences, needs, and purchasing patterns, which can inform product development, marketing campaigns, pricing strategies, and customer service improvements.

Research in customer behavior analysis can involve various methodologies, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis. It can focus on understanding factors that influence customer decision-making, identifying key customer segments, assessing customer satisfaction and loyalty, and evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies and channels.

The findings from customer behavior research can provide businesses with actionable intelligence to optimize their offerings, target the right audience, and enhance customer experiences. This can ultimately lead to increased customer acquisition, retention, and overall business growth. Additionally, it can help businesses stay ahead of competitors by identifying emerging trends and customer preferences in the market.

It is important to note that the specific research questions and objectives within the broader area of customer behavior analysis should be aligned with the business’s strategic goals and objectives. By conducting research in this area, businesses can gain a competitive advantage and make data-driven decisions to support the strategic development of their business area.

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Explain the aim, scope and objectives for a chosen area of research in strategic business development.

Area of Research: Strategic Business Development in the Digital Age


The aim of this research is to investigate and understand the strategic business development practices in the digital age. It seeks to explore how businesses can adapt and thrive in the rapidly changing digital landscape and leverage digital technologies to gain a competitive advantage. The research aims to provide insights and recommendations for organizations to develop effective strategies that align with the digital transformation of the business environment.


The scope of this research encompasses various aspects of strategic business development in the digital age. It involves examining the impact of digital technologies on business models, customer behavior, market dynamics, and competitive landscapes. The research will delve into areas such as digital marketing, e-commerce, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and innovation management to understand their role in shaping strategic business development. Additionally, the research will consider the challenges and opportunities that arise from digital disruption and provide insights on how organizations can navigate and capitalize on them.


  1. To analyze the impact of digital transformation on traditional business models and identify the key drivers behind successful strategic business development in the digital age.
  2. To explore the role of digital marketing and e-commerce in driving business growth and enhancing customer engagement in the digital era.
  3. To investigate the potential of data analytics and artificial intelligence in strategic decision-making and competitive advantage.
  4. To examine the importance of innovation management in fostering continuous adaptation and leveraging emerging digital technologies.
  5. To identify the challenges and risks associated with digital disruption and propose strategies for mitigating them.
  6. To provide practical recommendations and guidelines for organizations to develop and implement effective strategic business development strategies in the digital age.
  7. To contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of strategic business development by synthesizing and integrating research findings from various disciplines such as business management, marketing, technology, and innovation.

By addressing these objectives, this research aims to provide valuable insights into strategic business development in the digital age and offer practical guidance for organizations seeking to thrive in the evolving digital landscape.

Formulate a research proposal.


Title: Investigating the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Workplace Well-being and Performance


The purpose of this research proposal is to explore the potential benefits of implementing mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) in the workplace. With increasing work-related stress and its impact on employee well-being and productivity, it is crucial to investigate the effectiveness of MBIs in enhancing workplace outcomes. This study aims to examine the effects of MBIs on employee well-being, stress reduction, job satisfaction, and performance.



  1. To assess the impact of MBIs on employee well-being, including measures of stress reduction, emotional resilience, and work-life balance.
  2. To examine the relationship between MBIs and employee job satisfaction, engagement, and motivation.
  3. To evaluate the effects of MBIs on workplace performance indicators such as productivity, creativity, and interpersonal relationships.
  4. To identify potential mediators and moderators that influence the effectiveness of MBIs in the workplace, such as individual differences, organizational culture, and program duration.



  1. Participants: A diverse sample of employees from various industries and organizational levels will be recruited for this study.
  2. Experimental Design: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) design will be employed, with participants assigned to either an intervention group (receiving the MBI) or a control group (receiving no intervention).
  3. Intervention: The intervention group will participate in a structured MBI program, consisting of mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises, and cognitive techniques. The control group will continue with their regular work routines.
  4. Data Collection: Quantitative data will be collected through pre- and post-intervention surveys assessing well-being, job satisfaction, stress levels, and performance indicators. Qualitative data may be collected through interviews or focus groups to gain in-depth insights into participants’ experiences.
  5. Analysis: Statistical analyses, such as t-tests, ANOVA, and regression, will be employed to evaluate the impact of MBIs on the dependent variables. Mediation and moderation analyses will be conducted to identify potential influencing factors.


Ethical Considerations:

  1. Informed Consent: Participants will be fully informed about the study’s purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits, and their consent will be obtained.
  2. Confidentiality: Participants’ identities and personal information will be kept strictly confidential.
  3. Voluntary Participation: Participation in the study will be voluntary, and participants will have the right to withdraw at any time without consequences.
  4. Institutional Approval: This study will seek ethical approval from the relevant institutional review board before data collection begins.


Expected Outcomes:

This research aims to provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of implementing MBIs in the workplace. It is anticipated that participants who receive the MBI intervention will experience improved well-being, reduced stress levels, increased job satisfaction, and enhanced workplace performance. The study may also shed light on the factors that influence the effectiveness of MBIs in different work settings.



The findings from this research will contribute to the growing body of literature on workplace well-being and performance enhancement. The results can inform organizations about the potential benefits of implementing MBIs as part of their employee wellness programs. By promoting employee well-being, job satisfaction, and performance, organizations can foster a positive work environment and enhance overall organizational outcomes.


Timeline and Budget:

A detailed timeline and budget for the study will be developed, including participant recruitment, data collection, analysis, and dissemination of results. Funding sources may include grants, institutional support, or collaborations with interested organizations.

Establish success criteria for the achievement of the research proposal.

When establishing success criteria for a research proposal, it’s important to consider the specific objectives and goals of the study. The success criteria should be measurable, realistic, and aligned with the desired outcomes of the research. Here are some general guidelines for establishing success criteria for a research proposal:

  1. Clearly defined objectives: Start by clearly defining the objectives of the research proposal. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  2. Quantitative and qualitative measures: Determine the appropriate measures to assess the success of the research proposal. This could include both quantitative data (e.g., statistical analysis, numerical measurements) and qualitative data (e.g., interviews, surveys, observations) depending on the nature of the research.
  3. Relevance to the research problem: Ensure that the success criteria directly address the research problem or question being investigated. The criteria should demonstrate a clear link between the research outcomes and the problem being addressed.
  4. Validity and reliability: Consider the validity and reliability of the chosen measures. The success criteria should be based on robust methods and tools that are recognized within the research community.
  5. Ethical considerations: Take into account any ethical considerations associated with the research proposal. The success criteria should not compromise the rights or well-being of the research participants or any other ethical principles.
  6. Practicality and feasibility: Assess the practicality and feasibility of the success criteria. They should be realistic and achievable within the available resources, such as time, budget, and access to data or participants.
  7. Measurable outcomes: Ensure that the success criteria are measurable and allow for the evaluation of the research proposal’s progress and achievement. Define specific indicators or benchmarks that can be used to assess the outcomes.
  8. Timelines: Establish timelines or milestones to track the progress of the research proposal. Define specific timeframes for achieving each success criterion or objective to monitor the research’s advancement.
  9. Stakeholder alignment: Consider the perspectives and expectations of relevant stakeholders, such as funding agencies, research collaborators, or the target audience. Align the success criteria with their interests and ensure that they are satisfied with the proposed outcomes.
  10. Flexibility: Recognize that research can be dynamic and unpredictable. Allow for some flexibility in the success criteria to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or new insights that may arise during the course of the research.

By considering these guidelines, you can establish success criteria that provide a clear framework for evaluating the achievement of your research proposal. Remember to review and refine these criteria as needed throughout the research process to ensure their continued relevance and effectiveness.

Prepare a project plan that identifies key milestones and critical pathways.

Project: Development of a Mobile Application

Objective: Develop a mobile application that provides a platform for users to track their fitness activities and set personalized fitness goals.

Project Timeline: 6 months

Key Milestones:

  1. Project Initiation (Week 1)
    • Define project objectives and scope
    • Identify project team members and stakeholders
    • Set up project communication channels
  2. Requirements Gathering and Analysis (Week 2 – 3)
    • Conduct user research and identify target audience
    • Define functional and non-functional requirements
    • Analyze existing fitness applications for benchmarking
  3. Design and Prototype Development (Week 4 – 6)
    • Create wireframes and UI/UX designs
    • Develop a clickable prototype for user testing
    • Incorporate feedback and iterate on the design
  4. Backend Development (Week 7 – 10)
    • Set up the server infrastructure
    • Develop APIs for data synchronization
    • Implement user authentication and data storage
  5. Frontend Development (Week 11 – 14)
    • Implement the UI design
    • Integrate with backend APIs
    • Test and ensure compatibility across different mobile devices
  6. Testing and Quality Assurance (Week 15 – 16)
    • Conduct functional testing of all app features
    • Perform usability testing with target users
    • Identify and fix any bugs or issues
  7. Deployment and Launch (Week 17)
    • Prepare the application for release
    • Submit the app to relevant app stores for approval
    • Coordinate marketing and promotional activities
  8. Post-Launch Monitoring and Updates (Week 18 – 24)
    • Monitor app performance and user feedback
    • Address any post-launch issues or bugs
    • Plan and implement regular updates and feature enhancements

Critical Pathway:

The critical pathway consists of the tasks that must be completed in a sequential order to minimize the overall project duration. In this project, the critical pathway is as follows:

  1. Project Initiation
  2. Requirements Gathering and Analysis
  3. Design and Prototype Development
  4. Backend Development
  5. Frontend Development
  6. Testing and Quality Assurance
  7. Deployment and Launch
  8. Post-Launch Monitoring and Updates

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Assignment Activity 2: Be able to use different research methodologies to gather sufficient and valid data.

Review different literature sources to find those most appropriate for the chosen area of research.


When reviewing literature sources for a chosen area of research, it’s essential to consider several factors to determine their appropriateness. Here are some steps you can follow to identify the most suitable literature sources:

  1. Clearly define your research area: Begin by clearly defining the specific topic or research area you are interested in. This will help you focus your search and identify relevant literature.
  2. Establish your research objectives: Determine the specific goals and objectives of your research. What questions are you trying to answer or what gaps in knowledge are you aiming to fill? This will guide your search for literature that directly addresses your research objectives.
  3. Identify relevant databases: Identify the key databases and resources in your field where you are likely to find literature related to your research area. Some popular databases include PubMed, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, JSTOR, and Google Scholar. Different databases cater to different disciplines, so choose the ones most appropriate for your field.
  4. Use appropriate search terms: Develop a list of relevant keywords and phrases related to your research area. Combine these terms using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to create effective search queries. Experiment with different combinations to refine your search results.
  5. Evaluate the sources: Once you have a list of potential literature sources, evaluate their appropriateness using the following criteria:
    a. Relevance: Determine if the source directly addresses your research topic or research question. Assess how closely the content aligns with your objectives.
    b. Credibility: Evaluate the credibility of the author(s) and the publication. Look for sources from reputable journals, academic institutions, or experts in the field. Assess the rigor of the research methodology and the quality of the evidence presented.
    c. Currency: Consider the publication date of the source. In rapidly evolving fields, it’s crucial to prioritize recent publications to ensure you’re using the most up-to-date information. However, older sources can still be valuable for historical perspectives or foundational concepts.
    d. Scholarly peer review: Determine if the source has undergone a rigorous peer-review process. Peer-reviewed articles have typically been assessed by experts in the field for quality and accuracy.
    e. Impact and citations: Check if the source has been cited by other researchers. The number of citations can indicate the influence and importance of the publication within the research community.
  6. Select the most appropriate sources: Based on your evaluation, select the literature sources that best meet your criteria for relevance, credibility, currency, and scholarly peer review. Choose a combination of seminal works, recent research, and diverse perspectives to provide a comprehensive overview of your research area.

Use appropriate research methodologies to gather sufficient information from primary and secondary sources to make valid conclusions.

When conducting research to gather information from primary and secondary sources, it’s important to follow appropriate methodologies to ensure the validity and reliability of your conclusions. Here are some steps and methodologies you can employ:

  1. Define your research objectives: Clearly outline the purpose of your research and the specific questions you aim to answer. This will help you focus your efforts and guide your search for relevant information.
  2. Identify primary sources: Primary sources are firsthand accounts or original data that provide direct evidence or insight into your research topic. Depending on your field, primary sources can include interviews, surveys, experiments, observations, or archival documents. Determine the types of primary sources that are most relevant to your research and plan how you will collect or access them.
  3. Collect primary data: If your research involves collecting primary data, design appropriate methods and instruments. For example, if you plan to conduct interviews or surveys, develop a set of well-structured questions. If you’re conducting experiments, define your variables, establish control groups, and carefully record your observations.
  4. Analyze primary data: Once you have collected primary data, employ appropriate analytical techniques to extract meaningful insights. This can involve coding qualitative data, performing statistical analyses on quantitative data, or applying other relevant methods specific to your research field. Use software or tools that facilitate accurate analysis and interpretation of your data.
  5. Identify secondary sources: Secondary sources are existing materials that analyze, interpret, or summarize primary sources. These can include scholarly articles, books, reports, theses, conference proceedings, or reputable websites. Conduct a comprehensive literature review to identify relevant secondary sources that contribute to your research objectives.
  6. Evaluate secondary sources: Assess the credibility and reliability of secondary sources by considering factors such as author credentials, peer review processes, publication dates, and the reputation of the sources. Ensure that the sources are reputable and unbiased, and critically evaluate their methodologies and findings to gauge their relevance to your research.
  7. Synthesize information: Synthesize the information gathered from primary and secondary sources to form a cohesive understanding of your research topic. Identify patterns, themes, or relationships across the data, and integrate findings from different sources to develop a comprehensive picture.
  8. Draw valid conclusions: Based on the evidence gathered from primary and secondary sources, draw conclusions that are supported by the data. Clearly state the limitations of your research and acknowledge any potential biases or gaps in the available information.
  9. Ensure ethical considerations: Throughout your research process, adhere to ethical guidelines and protect the rights and privacy of participants or subjects involved in primary data collection. Additionally, properly attribute and cite your sources to avoid plagiarism and respect intellectual property rights.

By following these methodologies, you can gather sufficient information from primary and secondary sources and make valid conclusions based on reliable evidence.

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Assignment Activity 3: Be able to present research findings in an appropriate format for a target audience.

Prepare a report that provides a comprehensive explanation of the purpose, methodologies, findings and recommendations.


Title: Comprehensive Report: Purpose, Methodologies, Findings, and Recommendations


The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive explanation of a research study conducted on a specific topic. The report covers the purpose of the study, the methodologies employed, the findings obtained, and the corresponding recommendations. The aim is to offer a clear understanding of the research process and outcomes.


Clearly state the purpose of the study, which may include identifying a problem, exploring a particular phenomenon, testing a hypothesis, evaluating an intervention, or investigating a specific area of interest.


Describe the methodologies employed to conduct the study. This section should outline the research design, data collection methods, sampling techniques, and data analysis procedures. Additionally, highlight any ethical considerations or limitations that were taken into account during the research process.


Present the key findings of the study. This section should include a detailed analysis and interpretation of the data collected. Use appropriate visuals, such as graphs, charts, or tables, to enhance the presentation of the findings. Provide clear explanations of the results and their implications.


Based on the findings, provide recommendations that address the research question or problem statement. These recommendations should be actionable and practical, offering guidance for future actions or interventions related to the topic of study. Ensure that the recommendations are aligned with the objectives of the research.


Summarize the main points discussed in the report, including the purpose, methodologies, findings, and recommendations. Reinforce the significance of the study and its potential impact on the field. Offer suggestions for further research or improvements to enhance future studies in the area.


Include a comprehensive list of all the sources cited in the report, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.). Ensure that all references are properly formatted and organized alphabetically.

Appendices (if applicable)

Include any supplementary materials that are necessary for a complete understanding of the study but were not included in the main body of the report. This may include raw data, interview transcripts, survey questionnaires, or additional analyses.

Use the information collected to justify conclusions and recommendations.

To provide specific justifications for conclusions and recommendations, I would need to know the specific information that has been collected and the context in which it was gathered. However, I can provide a general framework for justifying conclusions and recommendations based on collected information. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Clearly state the objective: Begin by stating the objective or goal that you are trying to achieve with the collected information. This will help establish a clear focus and context for your analysis.
  2. Summarize the collected information: Provide a concise summary of the information that has been collected. This could include data, statistics, research findings, expert opinions, or any other relevant information that is applicable to the objective.
  3. Analyze the information: Break down the collected information and identify key patterns, trends, or insights that emerge from the data. Look for correlations, causal relationships, or significant findings that relate to the objective.
  4. Cross-validate the information: Ensure the reliability and validity of the collected information by cross-referencing it with multiple sources, conducting statistical analyses if applicable, and considering any potential biases or limitations in the data.
  5. Draw conclusions: Based on the analysis of the collected information, draw logical conclusions that directly address the objective. Clearly state the conclusions and provide evidence or reasoning to support them. Ensure that the conclusions are based on the available evidence and are not influenced by personal biases.
  6. Make recommendations: From the conclusions, derive actionable recommendations that can help address the objective or achieve the desired outcome. Provide a rationale for each recommendation by linking them to the conclusions and supporting evidence.
  7. Consider alternative perspectives: Acknowledge any alternative viewpoints or counterarguments that may exist. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of these alternative perspectives and explain why your conclusions and recommendations are more valid or reliable based on the collected information.
  8. Communicate clearly: Present your conclusions and recommendations in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Use visual aids, charts, or graphs if necessary to enhance understanding. Ensure that your justifications are logical, well-supported, and easy to follow.

By following these steps, you can effectively justify your conclusions and recommendations based on the information collected. Remember to tailor your justifications to the specific context and objectives of your analysis.

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Assignment Activity 4: Be able to evaluate own skills while undertaking research.

Review own skills linked to own research using personal reflection and feedback.


  • Take some time to reflect on your research skills by considering the following questions:
  • What specific research skills have you developed over time?
  • How effectively do you manage and organize research materials, such as articles, books, or data?
  • Are you proficient in conducting literature reviews and critically analyzing existing research?
  • How well do you formulate research questions or hypotheses?
  • How adept are you at designing research methodologies and selecting appropriate data collection techniques?
  • Do you have strong data analysis and interpretation skills?
  • Are you capable of effectively communicating research findings through writing, presentations, or visualizations?
  • Are you skilled at adapting research methodologies to address new challenges or changes in your field?
  • How comfortable are you with using research tools and technologies relevant to your area of study?

Consider your strengths and areas for improvement in each of these aspects. Reflect on specific experiences where you demonstrated these skills and the outcomes you achieved.

Seek feedback:

  • Feedback from others, such as mentors, colleagues, or supervisors, can provide valuable insights into your research skills. Here’s how you can gather feedback:
  • Reach out to your supervisor or mentor and request a meeting to discuss your research skills. Ask for their honest assessment and feedback on areas you can further develop.
  • Share your research work with colleagues or peers who have expertise in your field. Request their input on the quality and depth of your research, as well as any suggestions for improvement.
  • Submit your work to conferences or journals and pay attention to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. This feedback can highlight areas where you can enhance your research skills.
  • Engage in research collaborations or join research groups where you can receive feedback from fellow researchers.
  • If applicable, gather feedback from participants or subjects involved in your research projects to understand how effectively you engaged with them and addressed their needs.

Analyze and act upon feedback:

  • Once you’ve received feedback, objectively analyze it and identify common themes or areas for improvement. Consider the following steps:
  • Recognize your strengths and celebrate them. Acknowledge the skills you have developed and the progress you have made.
  • Pay attention to areas that need improvement and create a plan to address them. Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable steps.
  • Seek additional resources or training opportunities to enhance specific research skills. This could include workshops, online courses, or seeking guidance from experts in your field.
  • Regularly assess your progress and make adjustments to your research approach as needed.
  • Embrace a growth mindset and view feedback as an opportunity for improvement rather than a criticism of your abilities.

Make recommendations on ways to improve own skills while undertaking research.


When it comes to improving your skills while undertaking research, here are some recommendations that can help you enhance your abilities and become a more effective researcher:

  1. Set clear goals: Clearly define your objectives and goals for the research project. Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve will help you focus your efforts and stay motivated throughout the process.
  2. Develop a research plan: Create a detailed plan outlining the steps you need to take to accomplish your research goals. Break down the project into smaller tasks with specific deadlines to ensure you make consistent progress.
  3. Read extensively: Stay updated with the latest research and literature in your field of study. Reading scholarly articles, books, and research papers will not only deepen your knowledge but also expose you to different methodologies and approaches used by other researchers.
  4. Enhance your critical thinking skills: Develop your ability to analyze and evaluate information critically. Learn to identify biases, logical fallacies, and weaknesses in arguments. This will help you formulate well-founded research questions and draw valid conclusions from your findings.
  5. Improve your writing skills: Effective communication is crucial in research. Enhance your writing skills by practicing writing research proposals, abstracts, papers, and reports. Seek feedback from mentors or colleagues to refine your writing style and clarity of expression.
  6. Attend conferences and workshops: Participating in academic conferences and workshops relevant to your research area can provide valuable opportunities to learn from experts, share your work, and receive feedback. These events also enable networking with peers and potential collaborators.
  7. Collaborate with others: Engage in collaborative research projects or discussions with fellow researchers. Collaborating with colleagues can broaden your perspectives, expose you to new ideas, and provide constructive criticism, all of which contribute to your personal and professional growth.
  8. Seek feedback and mentorship: Actively seek feedback from experienced researchers, mentors, or supervisors. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and guide you towards more effective research practices.
  9. Develop data analysis skills: Depending on your field, gaining proficiency in statistical analysis or using specialized software/tools relevant to your research can significantly enhance your abilities. Consider taking courses or tutorials to develop these skills.
  10. Stay organized and manage time effectively: Research can be demanding, so it’s important to develop good organizational and time management skills. Use tools like project management software, reference managers, and calendars to stay organized, meet deadlines, and prioritize tasks efficiently.
  11. Embrace continuous learning: Research is an evolving field, so it’s crucial to embrace lifelong learning. Stay curious, explore new areas of knowledge, and be open to adopting new methodologies or technologies that can enhance your research capabilities.

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