




The Jewish Year ATHE Level 3 Assignment Answer UK

The Jewish Year ATHE Level 3 Assignment Answer UK

Jewish Year ATHE Level 3 course is delve into the rich and vibrant tapestry of Jewish culture, traditions, and celebrations that shape the Jewish calendar. The Jewish year is a testament to a profound history and a testament to the enduring spirit of the Jewish people.

Throughout this course, we will explore the intricacies of the Jewish calendar, which is governed by a unique lunar-solar system. We will unravel the significance of each month and its corresponding holidays, delving into their historical and religious contexts. From Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, to Hanukkah, Passover, and many more, we will examine the stories, rituals, and symbolism that make these occasions so deeply cherished within the Jewish community.

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In this segments, we will describes some assignment activities. These are:

Assignment Activity 1: Understand the origins of selected Jewish Laws.

Explain the origins of selected Jewish Laws.

Jewish laws, also known as Halakha, have evolved over centuries and have their roots in various sources. While it is impossible to cover the origins of all Jewish laws in detail, I can provide an overview of some selected laws and their origins:

  1. The Ten Commandments: The Ten Commandments are foundational laws in Judaism, given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai according to Jewish tradition. These commandments cover various aspects of ethical and religious behavior, including the worship of one God, observance of the Sabbath, honoring parents, refraining from murder, theft, adultery, and false testimony.
  2. The Mishnah: The Mishnah is a compilation of Jewish oral traditions, compiled and edited by Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi around the 2nd century CE. It contains laws, discussions, and interpretations on a wide range of subjects, including ritual practices, civil laws, agricultural laws, and more. The Mishnah serves as the foundation for the Talmudic literature, which further expands on Jewish laws and legal discussions.
  3. The Talmud: The Talmud is a vast compilation of Jewish legal and ethical teachings. It consists of two main parts: the Mishnah (mentioned above) and the Gemara, which contains extensive commentaries, discussions, and debates on the Mishnah. The Babylonian Talmud, completed around the 5th century CE, is the more widely studied and authoritative version. The Talmud delves into various areas of Jewish law, covering topics such as prayer, blessings, dietary laws, marriage and divorce, and more.
  4. Responsa Literature: Responsa literature consists of legal decisions and answers provided by Jewish scholars in response to questions posed by the Jewish community throughout history. These responsa address specific legal and ethical issues that may not be explicitly covered in earlier legal texts. Responsa literature spans many centuries and reflects the ongoing development and adaptation of Jewish law to changing circumstances and contexts.
  5. Codes of Jewish Law: Over time, Jewish legal authorities have compiled codes to provide concise summaries of Jewish laws. Notable codes include the Mishneh Torah by Rabbi Moses Maimonides (12th century), the Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Yosef Karo (16th century), and its commentaries such as the Mishnah Berurah by Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan (19th-20th century). These codes organize and systematize Jewish laws, making them more accessible and practical for everyday observance.

It’s important to note that Jewish laws are not static and have continued to evolve through ongoing legal discussions and interpretations by rabbis and scholars throughout history. Jewish communities also consider the customs and traditions of their respective geographic regions and cultural contexts when applying Jewish laws in practice.

Distinguish between Biblical and Rabbinical Laws.


Biblical and Rabbinical laws are two different categories of Jewish legal codes. Here’s a distinction between the two:

  1. Source of authority:
    • Biblical laws: Biblical laws, also known as Mosaic laws, are derived directly from the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), which is considered the foundational religious text for Jews. These laws are believed to have been revealed by God to Moses on Mount Sinai.
    • Rabbinical laws: Rabbinical laws, also known as Oral laws or Rabbinic laws, are derived from the interpretation and expansion of the Torah by the Jewish rabbis. These laws were developed by Jewish sages and scholars over centuries and are not explicitly mentioned in the Torah.
  2. Scope of coverage:
    • Biblical laws: Biblical laws cover a wide range of topics, including ethical conduct, religious rituals, dietary laws (Kashrut), Sabbath observance, laws related to the Temple in Jerusalem, laws of marriage and divorce, and more.
    • Rabbinical laws: Rabbinical laws primarily deal with clarifying and elaborating upon the biblical laws. They address various aspects of Jewish life, such as prayer, blessings, synagogue practices, holiday observances, laws of family purity, business ethics, and many other detailed regulations not explicitly stated in the Torah.
  3. Binding authority:
    • Biblical laws: Biblical laws are considered binding upon all Jews and are seen as divinely ordained. They are regarded as timeless and unchanging principles that govern Jewish life.
    • Rabbinical laws: Rabbinical laws are considered legally binding within Jewish tradition, but their authority is derived from the consensus of the Jewish community and the acceptance of rabbinic leadership. They are seen as interpretations and applications of the biblical laws, subject to review and adaptation based on evolving circumstances.
  4. Development over time:
    • Biblical laws: Biblical laws were primarily established during the time of Moses and the Israelites in the desert. They have remained unchanged since then and are seen as the foundation of Jewish religious and legal tradition.
    • Rabbinical laws: Rabbinical laws developed over several centuries, starting with the time of the Second Temple period and continuing into the medieval and modern eras. They were formulated by rabbis through legal reasoning, interpretation, and consensus-building to address new situations and challenges faced by Jewish communities.

It’s important to note that within Judaism, different branches and schools of thought may place varying degrees of emphasis on biblical and rabbinical laws. Orthodox Judaism, for example, generally regards both biblical and rabbinical laws as equally binding, while other movements, such as Reform Judaism, may have different approaches to their application and authority.

Examine the application of these laws historically.

To provide a comprehensive examination of the application of laws historically, I will focus on some significant laws that have shaped societies and influenced legal systems across different time periods and regions. Please note that the examples mentioned are not exhaustive but serve as illustrations of the historical application of laws.

  1. Code of Hammurabi (c. 1754 BCE): The Code of Hammurabi, one of the earliest known legal codes, was established in ancient Babylon. It consisted of 282 laws covering various aspects of society, including property rights, family law, and criminal justice. The code embodied the principle of “an eye for an eye” and reflected the idea of retributive justice, where punishment was proportionate to the offense committed.
  2. Twelve Tables (c. 450 BCE): The Twelve Tables were a set of laws in ancient Rome that represented the foundation of Roman civil law. They covered a wide range of legal matters, such as property rights, contracts, and legal procedures. The laws aimed to provide clarity and protect the rights of Roman citizens, ensuring fairness and predictability in legal proceedings.
  3. Justinian’s Code (c. 529 CE): Emperor Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire enacted a comprehensive compilation of Roman laws known as Justinian’s Code. It included the Codex Justinianus, Digest, Institutes, and Novels. The code influenced legal systems across Europe and the Middle East, serving as a significant source of civil law principles and concepts.
  4. Magna Carta (1215): The Magna Carta is a foundational document in English legal history. It was a charter signed by King John of England under pressure from barons, and it aimed to limit the king’s power and protect the rights of subjects. The Magna Carta established principles such as due process, trial by jury, and the rule of law, which have had a lasting impact on legal systems worldwide.
  5. Napoleonic Code (1804): The Napoleonic Code, also known as the Civil Code of 1804, was enacted under Napoleon Bonaparte’s rule in France. It provided a comprehensive legal framework that aimed to unify and modernize French law. The code emphasized equality before the law, protection of private property, and the principle of meritocracy.
  6. Emancipation Proclamation (1863): The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War. It declared that all enslaved people in Confederate-held territory were to be set free. While it did not immediately abolish slavery throughout the United States, it marked a significant step toward its eventual abolition and highlighted the role of legislation in addressing social injustice.
  7. Civil Rights Act (1964): The Civil Rights Act was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that aimed to end racial segregation and discrimination. It prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in public places, employment, and federally funded programs. The act was a significant milestone in the civil rights movement and helped pave the way for subsequent equality-focused legislation.

These examples highlight how laws have been used throughout history to establish legal frameworks, protect rights, address social issues, and shape the course of societies. The application of laws is an ongoing process, as legal systems continue to evolve and adapt to the changing needs and values of societies.

Explain how modern laws are derived from original Biblical commandments.


Modern laws are not directly derived from original Biblical commandments in most legal systems. While the Bible has had a significant influence on legal and moral principles throughout history, modern legal systems are based on a combination of various sources, including statutory laws, common law, constitutional law, and international law.

The Bible, particularly the Old Testament, contains a set of commandments and laws given by God to the ancient Israelites, known as the Mosaic Law. These laws encompassed a wide range of subjects, including religious practices, moral conduct, social relationships, and civil matters. They served as a foundational framework for the Israelite society at the time.

However, as societies evolved and legal systems developed, laws began to incorporate a broader range of influences, such as cultural customs, philosophical principles, and practical considerations. In many cases, the laws of modern societies are shaped by the needs and values of their specific communities.

While some legal principles found in the Bible have influenced modern laws, they are often interpreted and adapted to fit the contemporary context. For example, concepts like justice, fairness, and the prohibition of murder, theft, and perjury can be traced back to biblical teachings. However, their implementation and specific details may vary depending on the legal system and cultural norms.

Moreover, modern legal systems also prioritize principles such as equality, individual rights, due process, and separation of powers, which may not have direct counterparts in the Bible. These principles have developed through secular philosophical and legal traditions, such as natural law, human rights theories, and social contracts.

It is important to note that the influence of the Bible on modern laws varies across different legal systems and jurisdictions. In some countries, there may be a stronger connection between religious principles and legal codes, as they are based on religious laws or theocracy. In others, the legal system may be entirely secular, with no direct influence from religious texts.

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Assignment Activity 2: Understand how ancient Jewish laws are applied today.

Analyse ancient Jewish laws and their application today with reference to case studies.

Ancient Jewish laws, as outlined in the Torah and subsequent rabbinic literature, form the foundation of Jewish legal tradition. While some of these laws have been adapted and interpreted over time, they continue to hold significance for many Jewish communities today. In this analysis, I will provide an overview of ancient Jewish laws and explore their application in contemporary contexts through case studies.

Kashrut (Dietary Laws):

  1. Kashrut refers to the Jewish dietary laws, which outline the types of food that are permitted or forbidden for consumption. These laws are derived primarily from the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Today, many Jews observe kashrut by following guidelines such as abstaining from eating pork or shellfish and keeping separate utensils for dairy and meat products. Case Study: A modern application of kashrut can be seen in kosher certification, where food producers adhere to specific standards set by rabbinic authorities to ensure that their products meet the requirements of Jewish dietary laws.

Shabbat (Sabbath):

  1. Shabbat is the weekly day of rest and worship in Judaism, starting at sunset on Friday and ending at nightfall on Saturday. The laws of Shabbat prohibit certain activities, such as working, lighting fires, and using electricity. Observant Jews dedicate this day to prayer, spending time with family, and refraining from work. Case Study: In contemporary society, adhering to Shabbat laws can present challenges, particularly in professions that require continuous operation, such as emergency services. Jewish doctors, for instance, face ethical dilemmas when determining how to balance the sanctity of Shabbat with the urgent needs of their patients.

Brit Milah (Circumcision):

  1. Brit Milah is the ritual circumcision of male infants on the eighth day of their lives, as commanded in the Torah. This ancient practice signifies the covenant between God and the Jewish people. Case Study: Despite its ancient origins, Brit Milah remains a significant religious and cultural practice among many Jewish communities. However, debates surrounding the ethics and medical implications of circumcision continue to arise in contemporary society, raising questions about the limits of religious freedom and bodily autonomy.

Divorce and Marriage:

  1. Jewish law provides guidelines for divorce (get) and marriage (kiddushin), addressing issues such as marital obligations, property rights, and grounds for divorce. These laws have been adapted over time, but they still play a vital role in many Jewish communities. Case Study: In the realm of marriage and divorce, conflicts can arise between religious laws and civil laws in countries that do not recognize or accommodate Jewish religious courts (bet din). This raises questions about the intersection of personal religious beliefs and legal systems within multicultural societies.

Tzedakah (Charitable Giving):

  1. Tzedakah, derived from the Hebrew word for justice, is the Jewish concept of charitable giving and acts of kindness. Ancient Jewish laws emphasize the importance of supporting those in need and promoting social justice. Case Study: Contemporary applications of tzedakah involve various charitable organizations and initiatives aimed at addressing poverty, providing aid during crises, and promoting equality. Jewish communities continue to uphold the value of tzedakah by supporting charitable causes and engaging in philanthropy.

It is important to note that Jewish laws and their application can vary among different Jewish denominations and individual interpretations. Additionally, Jewish communities often engage in ongoing discussions and adaptations to ensure the relevance and applicability of ancient laws in the modern world.


Rabbinical legal decision, or psak, plays a significant role in defining Jewish law and shaping the daily life of the Orthodox Jewish community. Orthodox Judaism adheres to the belief that Jewish law, or Halakha, is a binding and dynamic system that guides every aspect of life. Rabbinical authorities, known as poskim, are responsible for interpreting and applying the principles of Halakha to contemporary situations, providing practical guidance and rulings on matters of religious observance, ethical conduct, and communal affairs.

In the Orthodox Jewish community, individuals and communities seek guidance from recognized and qualified poskim when facing religious or ethical dilemmas. The poskim review relevant sources from the Torah, Talmud, and subsequent rabbinic literature to derive legal principles and precedents. They consider the historical context, the nuances of the texts, and the opinions of earlier authorities in their decision-making process.

Psak is not a monolithic process but rather varies based on the poskim’s expertise, communal context, and personal inclinations. Different poskim may reach different conclusions on the same issue, resulting in a range of valid opinions within the Orthodox Jewish community. These diverse rulings are respected and followed by their respective adherents.

Psak influences various aspects of daily life within the Orthodox Jewish community. It governs religious rituals and observances, including prayer, dietary laws, Sabbath observance, and family purity. For example, a psak might specify the specific requirements for kosher food, the proper observance of the Sabbath, or the laws governing marriage and divorce.

Psak also addresses contemporary issues and challenges faced by the community. It provides guidance on medical ethics, business practices, technological advancements, and other matters that may have legal and ethical implications. For instance, poskim may issue rulings on the permissibility of certain medical procedures, the use of electronic devices on the Sabbath, or the ethical considerations in financial transactions.

Orthodox Jews consult poskim through various means, including personal meetings, written correspondence, or relying on published responsa (rabbinical responses to questions). Some communities have local rabbis who serve as the primary authority for their members, while others may seek guidance from renowned poskim who are recognized as experts in specific areas of Jewish law.

The acceptance and implementation of psak in the daily life of the Orthodox Jewish community stem from a deep respect for the authority of the poskim and a commitment to upholding the tradition and continuity of Jewish law. By following psak, individuals and communities strive to align their actions with Halakha, ensuring the preservation and observance of Jewish religious practices within the bounds of their tradition.

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