




M30265 Advanced Global Financial Management Assignment Answer UK

M30265 Advanced Global Financial Management Assignment Answer UK

M30265 Advanced Global Financial Management course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the key concepts and tools necessary to analyze and manage financial risks in a global context. In today’s interconnected and rapidly changing financial landscape, it is crucial for finance professionals to have a comprehensive understanding of the global financial system and its complexities.

Throughout this course, students will learn about a variety of topics including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, political risk, and credit risk, among others. They will also explore different financial instruments and techniques for managing these risks, such as currency swaps, forward contracts, options, and futures. Additionally, the course will cover various financial theories and models, including the efficient market hypothesis, capital asset pricing model, and international parity conditions.

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At Diploma Assignment Help UK, we offer top-quality assignment writing services for the M30265 Advanced Global Financial Management course. Our team of experienced writers and subject matter experts is equipped to handle any assignment task you may have for this course. We ensure that every assignment we deliver is unique, plagiarism-free, and customized to your specific needs. We also provide unlimited revisions to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the final product.

Here, we will provide some assignment activities. These are:

Assignment Activity 1: Evaluate the principles and theories of global financial management and markets.

Global financial management and markets involve the principles and theories that guide the management of financial resources across international borders. The following are some of the key principles and theories in this field:

  1. The principle of risk and return: This principle suggests that investors expect to receive higher returns for taking higher risks. The risk and return relationship is important in global financial management, as it helps investors evaluate investment opportunities and make decisions based on the expected returns and risks associated with them.
  2. The principle of diversification: This principle suggests that investors can reduce their risks by spreading their investments across different assets, countries, and industries. Diversification is an important strategy in global financial management, as it helps investors manage risks associated with currency fluctuations, political instability, and other global economic factors.
  3. The theory of efficient markets: This theory suggests that financial markets are efficient, meaning that prices of assets reflect all available information. This theory is important in global financial management, as it helps investors determine the true value of assets and make informed investment decisions.
  4. The theory of purchasing power parity: This theory suggests that the exchange rate between two currencies should equal the ratio of the price levels of goods and services in the two countries. This theory is important in global financial management, as it helps investors evaluate the relative values of currencies and make decisions on foreign currency investments.
  5. The theory of interest rate parity: This theory suggests that the difference in interest rates between two currencies should equal the difference in exchange rates between the two currencies. This theory is important in global financial management, as it helps investors evaluate the relative values of currencies and make decisions on foreign currency investments.

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Assignment Activity 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of risk and return and portfolio theory including a critical awareness of the factors affecting risk and return.

Risk and return are two important concepts in finance that are closely related. Return refers to the amount of profit or loss generated from an investment over a period of time, while risk refers to the degree of uncertainty or potential loss associated with an investment.

In general, investors expect to earn a higher return when taking on more risk. However, there are several factors that can affect the relationship between risk and return, such as diversification, asset allocation, and market conditions.

Portfolio theory is a concept that relates to the construction of an investment portfolio based on the principles of risk and return. The theory suggests that investors can reduce risk by diversifying their portfolio across different asset classes and securities. By holding a portfolio of assets with different risk and return characteristics, investors can potentially earn a higher return for a given level of risk.

The factors affecting risk and return include:

  1. Market conditions: The overall state of the economy and financial markets can affect the risk and return of investments. For example, during a recession, the stock market tends to perform poorly, leading to lower returns for investors.
  2. Asset allocation: The mix of different asset classes in a portfolio can affect risk and return. Diversification across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities, can reduce risk and increase returns.
  3. Security selection: The specific securities chosen for a portfolio can affect its risk and return. Investors can choose between high-risk, high-return investments, or lower-risk, lower-return investments.
  4. Time horizon: The length of time an investor plans to hold an investment can affect risk and return. Longer investment horizons tend to allow for more risk-taking, as there is more time for the investment to recover from any short-term losses.

Assignment Activity 3: Apply and synthesise shareholder value analysis techniques.

Shareholder value analysis is a method used by companies to measure the value created for shareholders. It involves measuring the return on investment for shareholders, and assessing the value created by the company’s investments and operations. There are several techniques that can be used to apply shareholder value analysis, including:

  1. Economic Value Added (EVA): EVA is a metric that measures a company’s profitability after taking into account the cost of capital. EVA is calculated by subtracting the company’s cost of capital from its net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT). If a company has a positive EVA, it is creating value for shareholders. If it has a negative EVA, it is destroying value.
  2. Market Value Added (MVA): MVA is a measure of the value created for shareholders by the company’s investments. It is calculated by subtracting the total capital invested in the company from the market value of the company. If a company’s MVA is positive, it means that the company’s investments are creating value for shareholders.
  3. Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI): CFROI measures the return on investment for shareholders by comparing the cash generated by a company’s operations to the amount of capital invested in those operations. If a company’s CFROI is higher than its cost of capital, it is creating value for shareholders.

To synthesize these techniques, a company can use a combination of them to provide a comprehensive analysis of its shareholder value. For example, a company could use EVA to measure its profitability after taking into account the cost of capital, MVA to assess the value created by its investments, and CFROI to measure the return on investment for shareholders. By using multiple techniques, a company can get a more complete picture of its shareholder value and make informed decisions about how to create more value for its shareholders.

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Assignment Activity 4: Critically appraise the application of theory and appropriate quantitative techniques to risk management including the ability to illustrate and discuss how firms use derivatives to manage risk.

Risk management is a critical function in modern business, as it involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that can adversely affect a firm’s performance. Theory and quantitative techniques are essential components of risk management as they provide the tools for firms to measure and manage risks effectively. This response will critically appraise the application of theory and appropriate quantitative techniques to risk management, with a focus on how firms use derivatives to manage risk.

Theoretical foundations of risk management:

The use of theoretical foundations in risk management is essential as it enables firms to understand the nature of risks they face and the tools needed to manage them. One commonly used theory in risk management is the Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), which argues that investors can reduce their risk exposure by diversifying their investments across multiple assets with different risk profiles. Another theory that is relevant to risk management is the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), which provides a framework for understanding the relationship between risk and return.

Quantitative techniques in risk management:

Quantitative techniques are essential in risk management as they enable firms to measure and analyze risks, identify potential sources of risks, and evaluate the effectiveness of risk management strategies. Some of the commonly used quantitative techniques in risk management include Value at Risk (VaR), Monte Carlo simulation, and stress testing. VaR is a statistical measure that estimates the maximum loss a firm could incur over a given time horizon at a specified level of confidence. Monte Carlo simulation involves generating random scenarios and simulating the outcomes to estimate the probability of different events occurring. Stress testing involves subjecting a portfolio to extreme market conditions to assess the portfolio’s resilience.

Derivatives in risk management:

Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from an underlying asset, such as a stock, commodity, or currency. Firms use derivatives to manage risks associated with price volatility, interest rates, foreign exchange, and credit. One commonly used derivative in risk management is the futures contract, which allows firms to lock in a future price for a commodity or currency. Options contracts are another derivative used in risk management, as they provide firms with the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price.

The use of derivatives in risk management has been criticized for increasing systemic risk, as it can lead to a domino effect if one firm’s failure affects others in the market. Moreover, the complexity of some derivatives can make them difficult to value accurately, leading to potential mispricing and unexpected losses.


The application of theory and appropriate quantitative techniques is critical in effective risk management, as they provide firms with the tools to measure and manage risks effectively. Derivatives are commonly used by firms to manage risks associated with price volatility, interest rates, foreign exchange, and credit. While derivatives have been criticized for increasing systemic risk, their appropriate use can help firms manage risks effectively and reduce overall portfolio risk.

Assignment Activity 5: Critically evaluate how multinational firms manage financing and investment decisions, including cross-border mergers and acquisition.

Multinational firms face unique challenges when managing financing and investment decisions, particularly when engaging in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A). A critical evaluation of how multinational firms manage these decisions must consider several factors, including the firm’s goals, the economic and political environment, the legal and regulatory framework, and the risks involved.

One of the primary challenges for multinational firms is determining the appropriate financing mix for their operations. They must balance the need for adequate capital with the desire to minimize the cost of capital. Multinational firms often rely on a combination of internal funding sources, such as retained earnings, and external sources, such as debt and equity financing.

When pursuing cross-border M&A, multinational firms must consider a range of factors, including the compatibility of the target company’s operations with their own, the potential for synergies, and the potential for cultural and political differences. They must also consider the financing structure of the deal, which may involve a mix of cash, debt, and equity.

To manage financing and investment decisions effectively, multinational firms often engage in financial risk management. This may involve the use of hedging strategies to minimize exposure to currency and interest rate fluctuations, as well as the use of insurance to mitigate other risks, such as political and environmental risks.

Multinational firms must also navigate a complex legal and regulatory environment. They must comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate, as well as those of the countries in which they conduct business. This requires a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks in each country, as well as the ability to navigate complex international tax laws and regulations.

Finally, multinational firms must assess the risks involved in financing and investment decisions, particularly when engaging in cross-border M&A. They must consider the potential for currency and interest rate fluctuations, political and regulatory risks, cultural and operational risks, and other factors that may impact the success of the transaction.

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