M25844 Economics Of Money, Banking And Financial Markets Assignment Answer UK

M25844 Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets course is designed to provide you with an understanding of the economic principles that underlie the financial system. The course covers topics such as money and its functions, the role of financial intermediaries, the Federal Reserve System, monetary policy, interest rates, the bond market, and the stock market. Through lectures, readings, and discussions, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex world of finance.

The financial system is constantly evolving, and the course will also explore the challenges faced by policymakers in regulating the system and ensuring financial stability. By the end of the course, you will have a strong foundation in the economic principles that drive the financial markets, which will be invaluable in your future studies or career in finance or economics.

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Here, we will discuss some assignment objectives. These are:

Assignment Objective 1: Articulate and explain the structure, conduct and performance of banking and financial markets.

The banking and financial markets are complex systems that facilitate the exchange of capital between individuals, businesses, and governments. The structure, conduct, and performance of these markets can have a significant impact on the overall health of an economy.


The structure of banking and financial markets can be broken down into two main categories: the institutional structure and the regulatory structure.

The institutional structure includes banks, credit unions, investment firms, and other financial institutions that provide financial services to customers. This structure is defined by the types of services offered, the geographic scope of operations, and the ownership structure of the institutions. For example, some banks may offer only basic checking and savings accounts, while others may specialize in investment services or commercial lending.

The regulatory structure includes laws, regulations, and policies that govern the behavior of financial institutions and protect consumers. Regulations may be imposed by government agencies at the federal, state, or local level, and can cover everything from lending practices to data security.


The conduct of banking and financial markets refers to the way that financial institutions operate within the regulatory structure. Conduct can be affected by many factors, including market conditions, competition, and consumer demand.

Financial institutions that engage in unethical conduct can have serious consequences for the economy as a whole. For example, if a bank engages in predatory lending practices or fails to adequately disclose risks associated with financial products, it can lead to financial instability and economic downturns.


The performance of banking and financial markets refers to their ability to efficiently allocate capital and provide financial services to consumers. This can be measured by various metrics, including profitability, growth, and stability.

In a well-functioning financial system, capital is allocated efficiently to those who can use it most productively, driving economic growth and creating jobs. Conversely, when financial markets are unstable or inefficient, it can lead to economic stagnation, recession, or even financial crises.

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Assignment Objective 2: Articulate and explain the role of money and the principles, conduct and effects of monetary policy in the economy.

Money is a crucial aspect of any economy as it serves as a medium of exchange, store of value and unit of account. Monetary policy, on the other hand, refers to the actions undertaken by a central bank to control the supply of money and credit in an economy to achieve specific macroeconomic objectives such as price stability, full employment, and economic growth.

The principles of monetary policy revolve around the control of the money supply, interest rates, and credit availability in the economy. One of the fundamental principles is that the central bank should have the independence to set monetary policy without political interference. Another principle is that monetary policy should be guided by a clear and consistent framework that sets out the central bank’s objectives, the tools available to it, and the communication strategy.

The conduct of monetary policy involves the use of various tools to influence the supply of money and credit in the economy. The most common tool used by central banks is the manipulation of interest rates. By adjusting the short-term interest rate, central banks can influence the borrowing and lending behavior of banks and other financial institutions, which in turn affects the supply of credit and money in the economy. Another tool used by central banks is open market operations, which involves the buying and selling of government securities to increase or decrease the money supply.

The effects of monetary policy on the economy can be wide-ranging. One of the most important effects is on inflation, which is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. By controlling the money supply, central banks can influence the level of inflation in the economy. Additionally, monetary policy can affect the level of economic activity in the short term by influencing the level of borrowing and spending. For example, lowering interest rates can encourage borrowing and spending, which can stimulate economic growth.

Assignment Objective 3: Translate real world problems into analytical models and viceversa and employ appropriate analytical techniques to graphically and mathematically study, and critically assess, money, banking and financial markets.

To translate real-world problems into analytical models and vice versa in the context of money, banking, and financial markets, you would need to follow several steps:

  1. Identify the problem: The first step is to identify the real-world problem that needs to be studied. This could be anything from understanding the behavior of stock prices to predicting the impact of changes in interest rates on the economy.
  2. Develop a model: Once the problem has been identified, the next step is to develop an analytical model that can help you study the problem. This could involve creating a mathematical equation, a statistical model, or a simulation model.
  3. Analyze the model: The third step is to use appropriate analytical techniques to study the model. This could involve using statistical software to run simulations, or it could involve using mathematical techniques to derive analytical solutions.
  4. Critically assess the model: The final step is to critically assess the model and its findings. This involves evaluating the assumptions made in the model, the accuracy of the data used, and the robustness of the results.

In order to graphically and mathematically study problems related to money, banking, and financial markets, you would need to employ appropriate analytical techniques. Some of these techniques include:

  1. Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis can be used to study the relationships between different financial variables. This could involve analyzing historical data on stock prices, interest rates, and other financial indicators to identify trends and patterns.
  2. Regression analysis: Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to identify the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. This technique can be used to study the impact of changes in interest rates, inflation, or other economic factors on financial markets.
  3. Econometric modeling: Econometric modeling involves using statistical techniques to estimate economic relationships between different variables. This technique can be used to study the impact of monetary policy on the economy, or to forecast the behavior of financial markets.
  4. Simulation modeling: Simulation modeling involves creating a computer model of a real-world system and running simulations to study its behavior. This technique can be used to study the impact of changes in interest rates, or to forecast the behavior of financial markets under different scenarios.

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Assignment Objective 4: Review academic literature relating to money, banking and financial markets in order to make policy recommendations and assessments.

Monetary Policy:

Monetary policy is a crucial tool for regulating the economy and influencing financial markets. The academic literature suggests that the central bank should maintain price stability by controlling inflation and stabilizing the economy during economic fluctuations. However, the implementation of monetary policy involves a trade-off between inflation and output stabilization. The optimal monetary policy regime depends on the specific economic context.

Recent research also highlights the importance of communication and transparency by the central bank. Clear communication of the monetary policy stance can help to anchor expectations and improve policy effectiveness.

Banking Regulation:

Banking regulation is an essential component of financial stability. The academic literature suggests that prudential regulation is necessary to prevent systemic risk and protect consumers from financial fraud. However, the design of the regulatory framework should balance the costs and benefits of regulation.

Recent research also highlights the need for improved resolution mechanisms for failing banks. Effective resolution mechanisms can help to minimize the costs of bank failures and maintain financial stability.

Financial Markets:

Financial markets play a crucial role in allocating resources efficiently and promoting economic growth. The academic literature suggests that financial markets should be transparent and efficient, with clear property rights and enforceable contracts. However, the presence of information asymmetry and market imperfections can lead to market failures and undermine market efficiency.

Recent research also highlights the importance of financial market infrastructures, such as payment systems and clearinghouses, for the smooth functioning of financial markets.

In terms of policy recommendations, here are some suggestions based on the academic literature:

  • Central banks should maintain clear and transparent communication of their monetary policy stance to anchor expectations and improve policy effectiveness.
  • Prudential regulation should be designed to balance the costs and benefits of regulation, with a focus on preventing systemic risk and protecting consumers from financial fraud.
  • Effective resolution mechanisms should be developed for failing banks to minimize the costs of bank failures and maintain financial stability.
  • Financial market infrastructures should be developed to support the efficient functioning of financial markets, such as payment systems and clearinghouses.

These policy recommendations are based on the current academic literature, but they should be adapted to the specific economic and political context of each country or region.

Assignment Objective 5: Translate real world problems into analytical models and vice versa and employ appropriate analytical techniques to graphically and mathematically study money, banks and financial markets.

To translate real world problems into analytical models related to money, banks, and financial markets, it’s important to first identify the key variables and relationships between them. For example, a real world problem could be how changes in interest rates affect the economy.

To create an analytical model for this problem, we could use the concept of aggregate demand and supply in macroeconomics. The model would include variables such as interest rates, consumption, investment, government spending, net exports, and inflation. By using this model, we could analyze how changes in interest rates affect other variables in the economy, such as consumption and investment, and ultimately impact economic growth.

Once we have an analytical model, we can employ appropriate techniques to study it graphically and mathematically. For example, we could use a graph to visually represent the relationship between interest rates and investment, and use mathematical formulas to calculate the impact of interest rate changes on consumption.

Conversely, we can also use real world data to create analytical models that help us understand financial markets. For example, we could use historical data on stock prices and company performance to create a model for predicting future stock prices. This model could include variables such as earnings per share, price-to-earnings ratios, and industry trends.

Once we have an analytical model, we can employ appropriate techniques to graphically and mathematically study it. For example, we could use a scatter plot to visualize the relationship between earnings per share and stock prices, and use regression analysis to calculate the strength of the relationship.

Assignment Objective 6: Review academic literarure relating to banking and finance in order to make policy recommendations.

One major trend in the banking and finance industry is the increasing use of technology, such as online banking and mobile payments. This has led to a shift in the role of banks, from traditional financial intermediaries to providers of digital services. Research has shown that this trend is likely to continue, and that banks that fail to adopt digital technologies risk being left behind.

Another trend in the banking and finance industry is the growing importance of sustainability and ethical considerations. Customers are increasingly demanding that banks take a more responsible approach to their investments, and research has shown that there is a strong business case for doing so. Banks that invest in sustainable and ethical funds are likely to attract more customers, and may also benefit from better long-term returns.

Based on these trends and research findings, here are some policy recommendations:

  1. Encourage banks to invest in digital technologies: Policymakers should support initiatives that help banks adopt new digital technologies, such as online banking platforms and mobile payments. This will help banks to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market.
  2. Promote sustainability and ethical investing: Policymakers should encourage banks to invest in sustainable and ethical funds, and should consider regulations that require banks to disclose the environmental and social impact of their investments.
  3. Strengthen regulations to protect consumers: Policymakers should strengthen regulations to protect consumers from fraud and other financial crimes. This may include increasing fines for banks that fail to comply with regulations, and providing greater transparency and accountability in the banking industry.
  4. Promote financial literacy: Policymakers should support initiatives that promote financial literacy, such as financial education programs in schools and workplaces. This will help consumers make better-informed financial decisions and reduce the risk of financial crises.
  5. Encourage competition in the banking industry: Policymakers should promote competition in the banking industry to reduce the risk of monopolies and promote innovation. This may include supporting the development of new digital banks and fintech startups.

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