CMI Unit 7 M&L27 Develop and implement an operational plan Level 5 Assignment Answers UK

CMI Unit 7 M&L27 Develop and Implement an Operational Plan Level 5 course is designed for managers and leaders who are responsible for creating and executing an operational plan that aligns with the organization’s strategic goals and objectives. An operational plan is a crucial tool for businesses, as it outlines the specific actions that need to be taken to achieve success. It provides a roadmap for the organization to follow, allowing it to identify and address potential obstacles that could hinder its progress.

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In this course, you will learn how to develop and implement an operational plan by setting goals, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), allocating resources, and delegating tasks. You will also learn how to monitor and evaluate the plan’s effectiveness and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the organization is on track to achieving its objectives.

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At Diploma Assignment Help UK, we are dedicated to providing students with non-plagiarized assignments for the CMI Unit 7 M&L27 course on developing and implementing an operational plan at the Level 5. Our mission is to assist students in achieving their academic goals by delivering high-quality, original assignments that meet the specific requirements of this course. Place your trust in our services and experience the difference we can make in your academic journey.

In this section, we will describe some assignment outlines. These are:

Assignment Outline 1: Understand the principles of operational planning.

Evaluate the use of risk analysis techniques in operational planning.

Risk analysis techniques can be useful tools for evaluating potential risks associated with operational planning. These techniques can help identify potential hazards and vulnerabilities, assess their likelihood and potential impact, and develop strategies for mitigating or avoiding them.

One common risk analysis technique is the SWOT analysis, which involves analyzing an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities in each of these areas, organizations can develop strategies for addressing them and minimizing their impact.

Another risk analysis technique is the use of scenario planning, which involves developing and analyzing various scenarios to evaluate potential risks and uncertainties. By considering a range of potential scenarios and their likelihoods, organizations can better prepare for unexpected events and develop strategies for responding to them.

Quantitative risk analysis techniques such as Monte Carlo simulations and decision trees can also be used to evaluate potential risks and their potential impact on operational planning. These techniques can help organizations identify the most critical risks and prioritize strategies for mitigating or avoiding them.

Explain the components of an operational plan.

An operational plan is a document that outlines the specific actions and strategies that an organization will undertake to achieve its goals and objectives. It is an essential tool for businesses and other organizations to ensure they have a clear roadmap for achieving success. The components of an operational plan can vary depending on the organization’s size, structure, and goals, but here are some common components:

  1. Executive Summary: This section provides an overview of the entire operational plan, including the organization’s mission, vision, and goals.
  2. Business Description: This section provides a detailed description of the organization, its history, and the products or services it provides.
  3. Market Analysis: This section provides an analysis of the organization’s target market, including demographics, trends, and competition.
  4. Sales and Marketing Strategies: This section outlines the organization’s strategies for promoting its products or services and reaching its target market.
  5. Operations Plan: This section outlines the day-to-day operations of the organization, including the production process, staffing needs, and equipment requirements.
  6. Financial Plan: This section provides a detailed financial analysis of the organization, including revenue projections, expense estimates, and cash flow projections.
  7. Risk Management Plan: This section outlines the potential risks that the organization may face and the strategies it will use to mitigate those risks.
  8. Implementation Plan: This section outlines the specific steps that the organization will take to implement the operational plan, including timelines, milestones, and responsibilities.

Analyse the relationship between strategic and operational plans.

Strategic plans and operational plans are both critical components of an organization’s overall planning process, and there is a close relationship between the two.

Strategic plans provide a high-level overview of an organization’s long-term goals and objectives, as well as the strategies and resources required to achieve them. Strategic plans typically cover a period of three to five years and are developed by senior management or the board of directors. They include broad goals, such as market expansion or new product development, and the general direction the organization should take to achieve those goals.

Operational plans, on the other hand, are focused on the day-to-day activities required to implement the strategic plan. They provide a detailed outline of the specific actions required to achieve the strategic goals and objectives. Operational plans typically cover a shorter time frame, often one year, and are developed by middle managers and frontline supervisors.

The relationship between strategic and operational plans is therefore one of alignment. Operational plans should be developed with the strategic plan in mind, so that the activities and resources required to achieve the strategic goals are identified and implemented effectively. In other words, the operational plan should be a roadmap that supports the strategic plan.

For example, if an organization’s strategic goal is to increase sales revenue, the operational plan might include specific actions such as hiring more sales staff, increasing marketing spend, or launching new product lines. The operational plan should also include specific metrics for measuring success, such as sales targets and customer satisfaction levels, that are aligned with the strategic goals.

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Evaluate the use of planning tools and techniques in the operational planning process.


Planning tools and techniques play a critical role in the operational planning process, as they help organizations to develop effective strategies and achieve their goals. Here are some ways in which planning tools and techniques can be used to enhance the operational planning process:

  1. Goal Setting: One of the most important planning tools is goal setting. By clearly defining goals and objectives, organizations can align their efforts towards achieving them. This helps to create a sense of direction and focus, and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  2. SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis is a useful tool for identifying an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This can help organizations to identify areas where they need to improve, as well as areas where they can capitalize on opportunities.
  3. Scenario Planning: Scenario planning involves creating multiple scenarios or “what-if” analyses to consider different outcomes and potential challenges that may arise. This helps organizations to be better prepared for unexpected events and to develop contingency plans.
  4. Resource Allocation: Planning tools and techniques can also be used to allocate resources effectively. This involves identifying the resources needed to achieve goals, and then allocating those resources in the most efficient and effective way possible.
  5. Performance Metrics: Performance metrics can be used to measure progress towards goals and to identify areas where improvements need to be made. This can help organizations to stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis.

Cost-benefit analysis is a decision-making tool used to evaluate the potential benefits and costs associated with a project or decision. Here’s a general framework to carry out a cost-benefit analysis:

  1. Define the decision or project: Clearly define the problem or opportunity you want to address. Identify the specific goals and objectives of the project or decision.
  2. Identify the costs: List all of the costs associated with the project, including direct costs such as labor, materials, and equipment, and indirect costs such as opportunity costs and any negative externalities. It’s important to include all relevant costs, even those that may be difficult to quantify.
  3. Identify the benefits: Identify all of the potential benefits associated with the project. This could include increased revenue, improved customer satisfaction, environmental benefits, and any positive externalities. It’s important to be as comprehensive as possible in identifying benefits.
  4. Assign monetary values: Assign monetary values to both the costs and benefits. This can be challenging, as some costs and benefits may be difficult to quantify. In some cases, it may be necessary to use estimates or assumptions.
  5. Calculate the net present value: Calculate the net present value by subtracting the total costs from the total benefits, and adjusting for the time value of money. This will give you a sense of the overall financial viability of the project.
  6. Evaluate non-monetary factors: Consider any non-monetary factors that may be relevant to the decision. For example, if the project has environmental benefits, this may be an important consideration even if the financial analysis suggests that the project is not profitable.
  7. Make a decision: Based on the results of the cost-benefit analysis, make a decision about whether to proceed with the project or decision. If the net present value is positive, it may be a good investment. If the net present value is negative, you may need to reconsider the project or look for ways to reduce costs or increase benefits.

It’s important to note that cost-benefit analysis is just one tool for decision-making, and it’s not always appropriate for every situation. In particular, it can be difficult to quantify some costs and benefits, and it may not be possible to accurately predict future outcomes. Nonetheless, cost-benefit analysis can be a useful framework for making informed decisions.

Assignment Outline 2: Be able to develop an operational plan.

Identify specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs).

SMART Objectives:

  1. Increase website traffic by 20% in the next six months through search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing.
  2. Reduce customer complaints by 30% in the next quarter through better communication and improved customer service training.
  3. Launch a new product line within the next year and achieve sales of $500,000 in the first 12 months.
  4. Improve employee retention by 25% within the next year through better benefits and training opportunities.
  5. Increase customer satisfaction ratings to 90% in the next six months through regular customer surveys and feedback.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  1. Website traffic: Unique visitors, page views, bounce rate, time on site, and conversion rate.
  2. Customer complaints: Number of complaints received, resolution time, customer satisfaction ratings, and repeat complaints.
  3. Product sales: Revenue generated, profit margin, customer acquisition cost, and customer lifetime value.
  4. Employee retention: Turnover rate, employee satisfaction surveys, training completion rate, and promotion rates.
  5. Customer satisfaction: Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer retention rate, customer feedback and ratings, and referral rates.

Remember, SMART objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. KPIs should be chosen based on their relevance to your objectives and should be measurable and trackable.

Identify evaluation mechanisms appropriate to the plan.

It’s unclear what plan you are referring to, so I’ll provide a general overview of evaluation mechanisms that can be appropriate for various types of plans:

  1. Performance Metrics: Performance metrics are quantifiable measures that help evaluate how well a plan is performing. These metrics can include things like sales figures, customer satisfaction ratings, or website traffic numbers. The key is to identify metrics that are relevant to the specific plan being evaluated and can provide meaningful insights into its success.
  2. Surveys and Feedback: Surveys and feedback can be used to gather information from stakeholders or customers about their experience with the plan. This can help identify areas where the plan is succeeding and where it may need improvement.
  3. Observation: Observation involves watching how people interact with the plan in real-time. This can be useful for evaluating user experience or identifying potential problems that may not be apparent through other evaluation mechanisms.
  4. Focus Groups: Focus groups involve bringing together a small group of people who are representative of the target audience for the plan. They can provide feedback on specific aspects of the plan and can help identify areas where improvements can be made.
  5. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost-benefit analysis involves comparing the costs of implementing a plan with the benefits it provides. This can help determine whether the plan is worth the investment and identify areas where cost savings may be possible.
  6. Expert Review: Expert review involves having knowledgeable individuals review the plan and provide feedback on its strengths and weaknesses. This can be particularly useful for identifying potential problems or areas for improvement that may not be apparent to others.

Ultimately, the evaluation mechanisms that are most appropriate for a given plan will depend on its specific goals, target audience, and other factors. It’s important to carefully consider the evaluation mechanisms in advance and to use them consistently throughout the planning and implementation process to ensure that the plan is meeting its goals and delivering the desired results.

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Take action to ensure that plans are consistent with organisational strategy, objectives, values, policies and procedures.

Ensuring that plans are consistent with an organization’s strategy, objectives, values, policies, and procedures is crucial for achieving success and maximizing results. Here are some actions that can be taken to ensure consistency:

  1. Understand the organization’s strategy: It’s important to have a clear understanding of the organization’s overall strategy, which should guide all planning efforts.
  2. Communicate with stakeholders: Consult with key stakeholders, such as senior management, department heads, and employees, to ensure that plans align with the organization’s objectives, values, and policies.
  3. Review existing policies and procedures: Review the organization’s existing policies and procedures to ensure that they are aligned with the proposed plans. If they are not, the plans should be revised accordingly.
  4. Set clear goals and objectives: Establish clear and measurable goals and objectives that are aligned with the organization’s strategy and values.
  5. Evaluate risks and opportunities: Consider potential risks and opportunities associated with the plans and assess how they align with the organization’s overall objectives.
  6. Monitor progress: Regularly monitor progress towards achieving the goals and objectives set out in the plans, and make adjustments as needed to ensure alignment with the organization’s strategy, values, policies, and procedures.

By taking these actions, organizations can ensure that their plans are consistent with their strategy, objectives, values, policies, and procedures, which can lead to greater success and improved results.

Develop proportionate and targeted plans to manage identified risks.

Developing proportionate and targeted plans to manage identified risks involves the following steps:

  1. Prioritize Risks: It is essential to prioritize risks based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. This step helps in identifying the risks that need immediate attention and resources.
  2. Identify Mitigation Strategies: Once the risks have been identified and prioritized, it is important to develop mitigation strategies to address them. These strategies should be proportionate to the level of risk and the potential impact.
  3. Allocate Resources: Resources should be allocated to implement the mitigation strategies. These resources may include personnel, equipment, and funding.
  4. Develop Contingency Plans: In addition to mitigation strategies, it is important to develop contingency plans to address the risks in case they occur. Contingency plans should be developed for each identified risk and should be regularly reviewed and updated.
  5. Monitor and Review: The effectiveness of the risk management plans should be monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure they remain relevant and effective. This step also involves identifying any new risks that may arise and developing appropriate mitigation strategies.

Take action to ensure that plans complement and maximise synergy with other business areas.

To ensure that plans complement and maximize synergy with other business areas, you can take the following actions:

  1. Identify the key business areas: Firstly, identify the key business areas that are most important to the success of the organization. This might include areas such as marketing, sales, operations, human resources, finance, and IT.
  2. Assess the impact: Next, assess the impact of your plans on each of these areas. Consider how they might be affected, positively or negatively, and whether there are any potential conflicts or synergies that could arise.
  3. Collaborate with other departments: To maximize synergy, collaborate with other departments to identify opportunities for joint projects or initiatives that can help to achieve shared goals.
  4. Communicate clearly: Communicate your plans clearly and effectively with other departments, so that they understand the objectives and how they fit into the overall business strategy.
  5. Align goals: Ensure that the goals of each department are aligned with the overall strategic objectives of the organization. This can help to ensure that everyone is working towards a common purpose.
  6. Regularly review progress: Finally, regularly review progress and assess whether your plans are achieving the desired results. Make adjustments as needed and continue to work collaboratively with other departments to ensure that plans remain aligned and synergistic.

Adhering to organizational policies and procedures, legal, and ethical requirements is crucial for the success of any organization. It helps to maintain a safe and healthy workplace, prevent legal issues and lawsuits, and foster a positive reputation.

Here are some ways you can adhere to these standards:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures of your organization. Read through the employee handbook and any other relevant documentation to understand the rules and expectations.
  2. Keep up to date with legal and ethical requirements. Laws and regulations change frequently, so it’s essential to stay informed and aware of any updates.
  3. Seek clarification when necessary. If you are unsure about a policy, procedure, or legal requirement, ask your supervisor or HR representative for clarification.
  4. Practice ethical decision-making. Use your judgment to make decisions that align with your organization’s values and principles.
  5. Report any violations or concerns. If you become aware of any policy or legal violations, report them to your supervisor or HR representative immediately.
  6. Attend training and development sessions. Participate in training and development sessions offered by your organization to stay informed about updates, trends, and best practices.

By adhering to organizational policies and procedures, legal, and ethical requirements, you contribute to creating a positive and productive work environment that benefits everyone involved.

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Assignment Outline 3: Be able to implement an operational plan.

Implement plans within agreed budgets and timescales.

Implementing plans within agreed budgets and timescales requires a structured and disciplined approach. Here are some steps you can take to ensure successful implementation:

  1. Break down the plan into smaller tasks: Start by breaking down the plan into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you to identify the resources and timelines required for each task.
  2. Assign responsibilities and deadlines: Assign specific responsibilities for each task to team members and ensure that each task has a deadline that is realistic and achievable.
  3. Monitor progress: Regularly monitor progress towards completing each task and communicate any issues or delays to the relevant stakeholders.
  4. Manage resources: Keep a close eye on the budget and ensure that resources are allocated appropriately. Be prepared to make adjustments as necessary.
  5. Use project management tools: Utilize project management tools such as Gantt charts or project management software to help you track progress and manage resources.
  6. Communicate with stakeholders: Communicate regularly with stakeholders to keep them informed of progress and any issues or changes that may impact the budget or timescales.

By following these steps, you can increase the likelihood of successfully implementing plans within agreed budgets and timescales.

Communicate the requirements of the plans to those who will be affected.

When communicating the requirements of plans to those who will be affected, it is important to be clear, concise, and transparent. Here are some tips for effectively communicating requirements:

  1. Know your audience: Understand who you are communicating with and tailor your message accordingly. Consider their background, level of expertise, and perspective.
  2. Use simple language: Avoid using technical jargon or complicated language. Use simple, clear, and concise language that everyone can understand.
  3. Be transparent: Be honest and transparent about the requirements, including any potential impact or consequences.
  4. Provide context: Help people understand why these requirements are necessary and how they fit into the bigger picture.
  5. Use visual aids: Use diagrams, charts, or other visual aids to help explain complex requirements or concepts.
  6. Encourage feedback: Encourage questions, comments, and feedback from those who will be affected. This will help ensure that everyone understands the requirements and has a chance to provide input.
  7. Follow up: After communicating the requirements, follow up with those who will be affected to make sure they understand the requirements and to address any questions or concerns they may have.

Revise plans in the light of changing circumstances in accordance with strategic objectives and identified risks.

Revising plans in the light of changing circumstances is a critical aspect of effective strategic management. To do so, it is important to have a clear understanding of your organization’s strategic objectives and the risks associated with achieving them.

Here are some steps you can take to revise your plans in the light of changing circumstances:

  1. Review your strategic objectives: Start by revisiting your organization’s strategic objectives and ensuring that they are still relevant and achievable. If circumstances have changed, you may need to adjust your objectives to better align with current realities.
  2. Identify risks: Consider the potential risks that may impact your ability to achieve your objectives. This could include economic factors, regulatory changes, competitive pressures, or other unforeseen events.
  3. Evaluate the impact of changing circumstances: Once you have identified potential risks, evaluate how changes in circumstances could impact your organization’s ability to achieve its objectives. Consider best-case and worst-case scenarios, and assess the likelihood of each.
  4. Revise your plans: Based on your evaluation of the impact of changing circumstances, revise your plans as needed. This may involve adjusting timelines, reallocating resources, or changing tactics to mitigate risks and stay on track towards your strategic objectives.
  5. Monitor progress: As you implement your revised plans, monitor your progress closely and be prepared to make further adjustments as needed. Regularly review your strategic objectives and risk assessments to ensure that your plans remain aligned with your organization’s priorities and goals.

By taking these steps, you can effectively revise your plans in the light of changing circumstances and stay on track towards achieving your strategic objectives while mitigating risks along the way.

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Assignment Outline 4: Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of an operational plan.

Conduct periodic reviews of the progress and effectiveness of the plans, using information from a range of sources.

Periodic reviews are an essential aspect of any successful plan. By conducting regular reviews, you can ensure that your plan is on track and making progress towards its goals. To conduct a review of the progress and effectiveness of your plans, you should:

  1. Define your review goals: Before you start reviewing, it’s important to define your review goals. What are you trying to achieve with the review? What do you want to assess, and what specific questions do you want to answer?
  2. Collect data from a range of sources: To get an accurate picture of your plan’s progress and effectiveness, you need to collect data from a range of sources. This may include quantitative data such as sales figures, customer satisfaction surveys, or website analytics, as well as qualitative data such as feedback from employees, customers, or stakeholders.
  3. Analyze the data: Once you’ve collected the data, you need to analyze it to draw meaningful insights. Look for trends, patterns, and areas where your plan may be falling short.
  4. Identify areas for improvement: Based on your analysis, identify areas where your plan could be improved. This may include making changes to your strategy, adjusting your tactics, or reallocating resources.
  5. Take action: Finally, take action based on your findings. Make changes to your plan where necessary, and communicate these changes to your team. Set new targets and goals, and establish a timeline for your next review.

By conducting regular reviews of your plan’s progress and effectiveness, you can ensure that you stay on track and make adjustments as needed to achieve your goals.

Report on the effectiveness of operational plans in the appropriate format.

Report on the Effectiveness of Operational Plans

Executive Summary:

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the effectiveness of operational plans within an organization. The report analyzes the implementation and execution of operational plans and identifies areas of improvement to enhance their efficiency. The analysis is based on the evaluation of the organizational objectives, budget, timeline, and resources allocation.


Operational plans are essential for an organization to achieve its strategic goals. They provide a roadmap for the implementation of strategies and tactics that are necessary to achieve specific outcomes. The effectiveness of operational plans depends on the quality of their design and execution. This report evaluates the effectiveness of operational plans by analyzing their implementation and identifying areas for improvement.

Evaluation Methodology:

The evaluation of operational plans was based on the following criteria:

  1. Alignment with Organizational Objectives: The operational plans were evaluated to determine if they align with the organizational objectives. The assessment includes a review of the organizational goals and how the operational plan supports them.
  2. Budget and Resource Allocation: The operational plan’s budget and resource allocation were assessed to determine if they were adequate and appropriate for achieving the desired outcomes.
  3. Timeline: The operational plan’s timeline was evaluated to determine if it was feasible and reasonable for achieving the desired outcomes.
  4. Implementation: The effectiveness of the operational plan’s implementation was evaluated to determine if it was executed as intended.
  5. Results: The operational plan’s results were evaluated to determine if they were achieved and to what extent.


The evaluation of the operational plans revealed the following:

  1. Alignment with Organizational Objectives: The operational plans aligned with the organizational objectives in most cases. However, some plans had vague goals and objectives that were not clearly defined.
  2. Budget and Resource Allocation: The operational plans were adequately funded, but there were cases where the resources allocated were not fully utilized or were misallocated.
  3. Timeline: The operational plan’s timelines were feasible, but there were cases where the timelines were too ambitious or not clearly defined.
  4. Implementation: The effectiveness of the operational plan’s implementation was mixed. Some plans were executed as intended, while others faced challenges due to inadequate resources or lack of buy-in from stakeholders.
  5. Results: The operational plans achieved their intended outcomes in most cases, but there were some cases where the results fell short of expectations.


Based on the evaluation, the following recommendations are made to enhance the effectiveness of operational plans:

  1. Clearly define goals and objectives: The operational plans’ goals and objectives should be clearly defined to ensure alignment with the organizational objectives.
  2. Optimize resource allocation: The resources allocated to operational plans should be optimized to ensure their efficient use and allocation.
  3. Define realistic timelines: The operational plans’ timelines should be clearly defined and realistic to ensure they are achievable.
  4. Enhance stakeholder engagement: Stakeholders’ buy-in is essential for the success of operational plans. Stakeholder engagement should be enhanced to ensure their support.
  5. Evaluate and improve implementation: The implementation of operational plans should be evaluated regularly to identify areas for improvement.


Operational plans are critical for an organization to achieve its strategic goals. This report evaluated the effectiveness of operational plans based on their alignment with organizational objectives, budget and resource allocation, timeline, implementation, and results. The evaluation identified areas for improvement to enhance the effectiveness of operational plans. The recommendations made in this report aim to optimize the design and execution of operational plans and ensure they deliver their intended outcomes.

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