CMI Unit 610 Principles and Practices of Policy Development Level 6 Assignment Answers UK

CMI Unit 610 Principles and Practices of Policy Development Level 6 course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of policy development, including the processes, methods, and techniques involved in creating effective policies. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, policy development has become an essential part of organizational management. Whether you’re working in the public or private sector, developing policies that address current challenges and guide future decision-making is crucial to ensuring success.

Throughout this course, you’ll explore the key components of policy development, from analyzing policy problems and setting objectives to drafting, implementing, and evaluating policies. You’ll also gain an understanding of the various factors that influence policy development, including political, economic, and social considerations.

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Below, we will discuss some assignment objectives. These are:

Assignment Objective 1: Understand the context in which a policy is developed.

Discuss the context in which policy is developed.

Policy development is a complex process that takes place within a variety of contexts, including political, social, economic, and cultural contexts. These contexts play an important role in shaping the development of policy and determining its implementation.

Political Context:

The political context of policy development is often one of the most important factors. Policies are typically developed by elected officials or appointed representatives of government agencies. Political considerations such as public opinion, election cycles, and the goals of the political party in power can all impact the development of policy.

Social Context:

Social factors such as demographics, cultural norms, and social values also play a significant role in policy development. Policies must take into account the needs and concerns of the population they are designed to serve, and must be responsive to changes in societal attitudes and behaviors.

Economic Context:

Economic considerations such as the availability of resources, budget constraints, and the impact of policies on the economy are also important. Policies must be designed to balance the needs of various stakeholders, including businesses, consumers, and government entities.

Cultural Context:

Cultural factors such as language, religion, and ethnicity can also impact policy development. Policies must be sensitive to the diversity of the population they are designed to serve, and must be designed to promote inclusivity and cultural competence.

Environmental Context:

The environmental context is also important, as policies must take into account the impact of human activities on the natural environment. Policies related to environmental protection and sustainability must be developed in light of scientific evidence and a concern for the long-term health of the planet.

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Assignment Objective 2: Know how to develop, implement and evaluate policy.

Develop a policy to achieve a specific organisational aim.

Organizational Aim: To reduce paper waste and become a more environmentally sustainable organization.

Policy: “Paperless Office Policy”

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to promote sustainability and reduce paper waste by establishing guidelines for minimizing the use of paper in the workplace.

Scope: This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors of the organization who have access to office equipment and resources.


  1. Digital Document Management: All documents that can be stored and managed digitally must be created, shared, and stored electronically. Employees are encouraged to use digital formats, such as PDFs, e-mails, or cloud-based storage solutions, instead of printing and distributing hard copies.
  2. Printing: Employees must limit printing to essential documents only, and should use double-sided printing to reduce paper usage. Printed documents should be recycled once they are no longer needed.
  3. Paperless Meetings: Meetings should be held virtually whenever possible, and documents such as agendas, presentations, and meeting minutes should be shared digitally. Employees should avoid bringing printed materials to meetings.
  4. Responsible Purchasing: The organization will purchase paper products made from recycled materials whenever possible. Employees are encouraged to use refillable pens, and to use paper notebooks only when necessary.
  5. Awareness and Training: The organization will provide training and awareness sessions to employees to encourage them to adopt environmentally-friendly practices and to reduce their carbon footprint.
  6. Compliance and Monitoring: Compliance with this policy will be monitored regularly, and employees who fail to comply may be subject to disciplinary action.

Develop an implementation strategy and plan to support the introduction of a policy to an operational level.

When introducing a new policy to an operational level, it’s essential to develop a clear implementation strategy and plan to ensure that the policy is effectively and efficiently implemented. The following steps can help in developing an implementation strategy and plan:

  1. Define the Policy: Define the policy in detail, including its objectives, scope, and requirements. Clearly articulate the policy’s purpose and expected outcomes.
  2. Identify Stakeholders: Identify all the stakeholders who will be impacted by the policy, including staff, management, and external parties. Engage with the stakeholders and assess their needs and concerns related to the policy.
  3. Assess Resources: Assess the resources required to implement the policy, including funding, staff, and equipment. Identify any gaps in resources and develop a plan to address them.
  4. Develop an Implementation Plan: Develop a detailed plan outlining the steps required to implement the policy. Include timelines, roles and responsibilities, and key performance indicators to measure progress.
  5. Develop Communication Plan: Develop a communication plan to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the policy and its requirements. The communication plan should include training and awareness-raising activities.
  6. Monitor and Evaluate: Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the policy regularly. Use the KPIs developed in the implementation plan to measure progress and identify any areas for improvement.
  7. Review and Update: Regularly review and update the policy and its implementation plan to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

By following these steps, you can develop an effective implementation strategy and plan for introducing a policy to an operational level. Remember that effective communication, engagement with stakeholders, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation are critical to the success of the implementation.

Recommend approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of policy at an operational level.

Evaluating the effectiveness of a policy at an operational level requires a systematic and rigorous approach. Here are some approaches that can be used:

  1. Performance metrics: One approach to evaluating policy effectiveness is to use performance metrics. Performance metrics are quantitative measures that track progress against specific policy goals. For example, if a policy aims to increase access to healthcare, performance metrics could include the number of patients seen, wait times for appointments, and patient satisfaction scores.
  2. Surveys and feedback mechanisms: Surveys and feedback mechanisms can provide valuable insights into the impact of policies on the people they are intended to serve. Surveys can help identify areas where policies are working well and areas where improvements are needed. Feedback mechanisms, such as complaint and suggestion boxes, can provide a continuous source of feedback on how policies are being implemented on the ground.
  3. Case studies: Case studies can be used to evaluate policy effectiveness by examining how policies are implemented in practice. Case studies can provide rich detail on how policies are being implemented and can identify areas where policies are working well and areas where improvements are needed.
  4. Cost-benefit analysis: Cost-benefit analysis can help evaluate policy effectiveness by comparing the costs of implementing a policy with the benefits it provides. Cost-benefit analysis can help policymakers prioritize policies that provide the greatest benefits at the lowest cost.
  5. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs): RCTs are a rigorous method for evaluating policy effectiveness. RCTs involve randomly assigning individuals or groups to either a treatment group (which receives the policy intervention) or a control group (which does not receive the policy intervention). By comparing outcomes between the two groups, RCTs can provide strong evidence of the impact of policies.

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