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CMI level 5 Unit 501:The Principles of Management and Leadership in an Organisational Context| Assignment Guidance
University | Chartered Management Institute (CMI) |
Subject | CMI 501: Principles of Management and Leadership in an Organisational Context |
Task One
Guiding principles
This part of the assignment takes the form of a report, with the title “The principles of management and leadership within an organisational context”. As it is in a report format, it should include sub-headings. A starting point could be that each assessment criterion forms a subheading (this is already done for you on the assignment template).
Your discussion should be underpinned by relevant theoretical principles and may (I would say should) include good practice from organisations you are familiar with. It should be in two sections (again, already formatted on the assignment template):
• Part A (Learning Outcome One) – the factors which impact on an organisation’s internal environment
• Part B (Learning Outcomes Two) – the application of management and leadership theories in an organisational context
Remember to reference your work to each assessment criterion and record the word count under each assessment criterion as well as the full word count at the end of the task.
Opening statement
Start with a short introduction to you; your job title, your reporting line and a short summary of your roles and key responsibilities. This will not form part of your word count.
Part A
Examine the impact of legal status on the governance of an organisation (1.1)
Consider an opening paragraph to outline those factors that may have an impact on what legal status is selected.
You may also want to define what legal status is and what governance means.
You should focus on one organisation, perhaps your own, one you have previously worked for, or one that you are familiar with; though you could also make a contrast with an organisation of a different status to show the breadth of your knowledge.
Remember what you are looking at here is the impact the status has on governance, not just a list of the different statuses that you are aware of. Make sure you consider who can make decisions, who can act on behalf of the organisation, who is responsible for performance?
Analyse the purpose of an organisation mission and vision statements (1.2)
It may be useful to set out what each one means, explain the difference between the two, but not forgetting that if they are from the same organisation, they should be closely aligned. You may want to use your own organisation’s mission and vision statements, and why they have been developed. You could use statements from other organisations if you have a better understanding of those, but make sure you analyse their purpose. You could also consider why an organisation should have them, and who is their intended audience. Consider also, the effect of not having them.
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Examine the impact of organisational structures on management roles (1.3)
Consider two or three different organisation structures, possibly expressed in a diagrammatic form, and outline the key characteristics of each, thinking about the type of organisation in which each would work best. It may be useful to show the structure of your organisation and explain why it works (or maybe doesn’t work).
When you are thinking about the impact, you may choose to talk about the potential advantages and disadvantages of each.
Remember – what you are looking for here is the impact of this structure on the role of the managers within it.
Discuss the impact of organisational values and ethics on management decision making(1.4)
It may be sensible to start by defining what values and ethics are in general terms, then focus on those that are adopted by your organisation, or an organisation you know well. Once you have defined the key values that define your organisation, explain how these have an impact on the decisions that managers may be called on to make, for example, in areas such as purchasing, supply chain, investment, sustainability or safety (or any other relevant to you). You may then look at the ethical justification for those decisions.
Evaluate the relationship between management and leadership (2.1)
As this criterion is about the relationship between management and leadership, it may be worth defining the two and explaining the similarities and differences, as well as the areas of overlap. You may want to consider factors such as the size and structure of the organisation. Then you should move on to a more detailed evaluation, and, where you can, relate that to your workplace. There are also several theories and references you could include in this section. As it is an evaluation, you should conclude.
Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles on individuals and teams (2.2)
Although no specific number of styles are specified, I would suggest at least three are considered as part of your answer. There are several different styles that you can refer to; try to include ones that explain management and leadership styles in different formats. Some may be better expressed using diagrammatic representations. Once you have explained some different management and leadership styles, consider the impact each of these may have on both individuals and teams within the organisation.
Discuss the influence of culture and values on management and leadership styles (2.3)
What is important in this section is the impact that the culture of an organisation has on its leadership and management styles. You could discuss which comes first – does the culture impact on management style, or does management style define the culture? Consider an organisation you are familiar with as a starting point for your discussion. You could extend your discussion to look at what happens when new people join the organisation who may have experienced a very different culture in the past.
Examine how management and leadership styles can be adapted in different situations(2.4)
You may want to consider such situations as being asked to manage staff with more experience than you, introducing a new product, system or process, organisational or team level changes or a change of responsibilities.
Task Two
Guiding principles
The task asks you to create a job profile for a manager who has operational or departmental management responsibilities. This can be one you create for this assignment, one you have previously used or one that could be relevant in your organisation.
The Learning Outcomes here ask you to show that you understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed for a management role, so use the profile you have created!
You may want to set up a profile that includes:
• Job title
• Who it reports to and how many people (if any) report into the role (this will help You identify some of the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed)
• The key responsibilities of the role (again, this will help you identify some of the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed)
• Followed by subheadings under which are listed the key knowledge areas, the key skills required and the key behaviours which should be demonstrated.
The profile should go at the beginning of the task, before you start to answer the criteria. The profile does not count toward your word count, but don’t go over the top, it should not really need to go across two sides of paper.
Assess the knowledge and skills required for a management and leadership role (3.1)
Refer to the role set out in your profile and show why the knowledge and skills you have selected are required. If you have listed a lot of knowledge and skill areas in your profile, assess those that you consider to be most important.
Remember, this is an assessment, not a list!
Evaluate the factors that impact on the selection of communication techniques required to be effective in a management and leadership role (3.2)
Less important to refer to the role set out in your profile for this criterion, the key of your evaluation is about the factors to consider. You could start with a definition of communication and look at some simple communication theories.
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Consider the different types and styles of communication, and who the communication is between; what factors help you decide on the best ones?
Think about what you want to say, to how many people, how well will the message be received, is it personal or sensitive, do you need an audit trail, should there be a point of reference, does it need a response, does it need immediate impact, is your communication an instruction or a discussion?
As it is an evaluation, you should conclude.
Analyse the behaviours required to be effective in a management and leadership role (3.3) Make reference to the role set out in your profile and analyse why the behaviours you have selected are required. As part of an analysis, you might want to mention Covey, Lencioni or the Eisenhower grid. If you have listed a lot of behaviours in your profile, analyse those that you consider to be most important.
Again, remember this is an analysis, not a list.
Task Three
This task asks you to write a proposal, so start your response with something to say that, for example:
“Proposal to the senior management team of ABC Organisation setting out our approach to build a culture of mutual trust, respect and support across the organisation”.
You could then refer to Blanchard’s ABCD Trust model to provide examples of how you are going to do this, or Lencioni’s Dysfunctions of a team to identify what you could do to ensure they don’t apply in your organisation.
Make sure you mention why you need it (its focus), how you will implement it (commitment) and if you can, what would your success measure be?
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