CMI Level 6 Unit 601 Impact Of Organizational Context On Management And Leadership Practices

University School Of Business and Technology London(SBTL)
Subject Unit 601 Professional Management and Leadership Practice

Assessment brief

CMI 601 features the following assessment tasks.  Further detail is provided against each assessment task within the brief.

Assessment Task


Understand the influence of an organization’s context on management and leadership practice

Assessment criteria:

1.1 Discuss the influence of organisational context on management and leadership practice with reference to theoretical concepts and contemporary thinking

A written report entitled:

“The influence of organizational context on management and leadership practice with reference to theoretical concepts and contemporary thinking.”

Approx. 1500 words

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Understand the practice of professional management and leadership

Assessment criteria:

2.1 Critically reflect on values and behaviors that underpin professional management and leadership practice

2.2 Discuss the knowledge and skills required for a professional manager and leader to deliver successful outcomes for an organization

2.3 Critically appraise the use of communication to lead others with impact

Write a reflective account of the practices of professional management and leadership

Approx. 2000 words

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