ILM L 7 Unit 8589-700: Coaching And Mentoring At The Executive Or Senior Level

University UK College of Personal Development (UKCPD)
Subject Unit 8589-700 Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors


As an introduction to your assignment, briefly outline you, your role, and the situation in which you either work or intend to work as a Coach or Mentor.

Learning Outcomes:


Know how to effectively contextualise coaching or mentoring practice at an executive or senior level

1.1 Critically compare the strategic purposes of coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level

Provide clear definitions of both coaching and mentoring and describe the similarities and differences between them.  Include a critical comparison of the strategic purpose of coaching to the strategic purpose of mentoring and the rationale for using coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level.

What the Assessor is looking for to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

  • Clear definitions of coaching and mentoring with reference to wider reading and research. Ideally more than one of each definition provided and explanation of why they are drawn to those particular definitions – e.g., how they relate to their own approach and practice. What are the distinctions and what are the similarities?
  • A critique (the value / worth) of both coaching and mentoring – more than a description or account of what they are. How effectively does each one relate to working at a senior or executive level? What is the strategic purpose of coaching and mentoring? How do coaching and mentoring enable/support business goals to be achieved? What contribution can they make from a strategic perspective? What are the benefits and challenges of each approach? How might coaching and mentoring be carried out within the workplace and what are the implications and considerations when working at senior or executive level?
  • What is your own experience of coaching and mentoring at senior or executive level? Given everything you have researched and experienced – what do you think? Must demonstrate understanding of relevant theories and impact reports where possible and then give your own opinion – not just quotations and theory. Needs to address the ‘so what?’ question throughout.

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Must compare (similarities and differences) the strategic purpose of coaching and mentoring

‘Top Tip’: Providing a critical comparison of the strategic purpose of coaching and mentoring at a senior / executive level.  Here you are likely to go beyond your reading and research that will often provide you with material for the purpose of coaching and mentoring to give your own thought to their strategic purpose at an executive / senior level.

1.2. Critically review the organisational:

  • context
  • strategy
  • culture
  • conditions

 Provide a critical review of the organisational context, strategy, culture and conditions required for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level.

 Organisational context (e.g., public sector, SME, voluntary, etc.), strategy (eg financial objectives, learning and development objectives, etc.), culture (eg tangibles, organisational structure, etc.) and conditions (eg organisational climate for change, etc.).

What the Assessor is looking for to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

Context: Operating environment, why are these elements important for effective coaching or mentoring? Only focus on your chosen discipline (coaching or mentoring). How do these elements impact on the effectiveness of coaching or mentoring coaching?

Critical review of organisational:

  • context
  • strategy
  • culture
  • conditions

for effective coaching or mentoring at a senior or executive level.

Reference to wide evidence base. Evidence of theories, models, research, practice covering all the 4 elements. What ideally needs to be in place for coaching or mentoring to work effectively?

Considerations at senior or executive level. Links to organisational and leadership development strategies.

What examples can you provide from own experience? What judgements are made? What do you think? Not just giving an account but providing own analysis and opinion

‘Top Tip’: Make sure that you explore each of these elements and how each supports / not supports effective coaching at a sesnior level.  Draw a conclusion to your critical review.

1.3 Critically evaluate alternative learning & development (L&D) methods to coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level

A critical evaluation of at least three alternative learning and development (L&D) methods to coaching and mentoring (e.g., workshops, on-the-job, on-line learning, work shadowing, etc.).  A Reference source for each suggested alternative learning and development methods must be provided.

What the Assessor is looking for to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

  •  Detailed evaluative exploration of at least three other L&D interventions for consideration – when they are appropriate or not appropriate. Pros and cons or benefits / disbenefits.
  • Must refer to a senior or executive Link to organisational and leadership development strategies. Organisational performance. What might be the potential impact on them as an individual plus the wider impact on their teams and the overall organisation?
  • Make relevant links to research, theory, practice, own experience. Evidence Case studies. Reports and findings to back up what you are saying.
  • How might this be applied in practice and what is your own experience? What judgements might you make?
  • What do you think? Not just giving an account but providing own evaluation and opinion

 Further Note from Assessor: The learner needs to remember that with ‘evaluate’ they need to include a valid conclusion or reasoned judgement based on the findings from the research or theory used in the discussion. Coaching and mentoring are to be considered as a single entity.

 You need to refer to coaching and mentoring as one entity.

‘Top Tip’: Make sure that you draw a reasoned conclusion to your critical evaluation of these alternative learning methods to coaching and mentoring (as one entity).

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1.4 Determine the relevant factors which can impact on how coaching or mentoring are integrated effectively at an executive or senior level

To ‘determine’ at least four (ideally five) relevant (explain the reason for their relevance) factors which can impact on the effective integration of coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level.  Factors may include organisational policies and procedures, change management strategies, senior management commitment, choice, and selection of coaches (internal or external), champions for coaching and mentoring etc. Potential barriers to effective coaching or mentoring and strategies to overcome them.

What the Assessor is looking for to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

 Focusing on coaching or mentoring.

  • Set at a senior or executive Why there are different considerations at this level (or not if challenged)?
  • Detailed exploration of relevant factors which can impact at this level. Reference to own organisational context
  • Make reference to relevant theory, models, research, reports, practice, own experiences.
  • How might this be applied in practice and what is your own experience? What conclusions are made?
  • What do you think? Not just giving an account but providing own opinion (linked to your exploration) to conclude, settle the argument.

What are the potential barriers and strategies to overcome them

‘Top Tip’: Make sure that you make clear as to the reason for each ‘factor’ (signposted for the reader within your narrative) being relevant.  Include potential barriers and the strategies to overcome them.

LO 2.

Understand the principles and practices required for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

2.1. Critically analyse the knowledge, skills, behaviours, and practices required to be an effective coach or mentor

What the Assessor is looking for in terms of ‘depth’ and ‘must’ to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7.

 You to critically analyse each of the four areas of knowledge, skills, behaviours, and practices necessary for effective coaching or mentoring with reference to theory and practice.  At least one academic reference must be used for each of the four areas.

 ‘Top Tip’: There are often links between ‘behaviours’ as the ‘What’ and ‘practices’ as the ‘How’.  For example, you might explore the behaviour of ‘being ethical in your coaching’ and you would demonstrate this behaviour through your ‘practice’ of contracting.  You need to make these links and make clear where you are presenting evidence for the ‘analyses of each element.

2.2. Critically review an effective coaching or mentoring model which can be followed at an executive or senior level

What the Assessor is looking for in terms of ‘depth’ and ‘must’ to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

 A critical review (not description) of a model (e.g., CREATE, CLEAR, GROW, OSCAR, TGROW, etc.) of coaching or mentoring that can be followed at an executive or senior level.  The review must include the effectiveness of the model from at least three different perspectives that might include such as the coach, client, and organisation.  This needs to be more than a description – what is the reason for this model working / not working at a senior / executive level.  Comparison of the model that you choose with another model will add value e.g., GROW versus OSCAR.

 ‘Top Tip’: Remember to critically review your chosen model from three different perspectives e.g., the coach, client, and organisation, making clear reference to its use at an executive / senior level.  

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2.3 Justify the importance of reflective learning for own professional practice

 What the Assessor is looking for in terms of ‘depth’ and ‘must’ to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

 You to justify the importance of reflective practice to understand own coaching or mentoring performance to make improvements in own practice at an executive or senior level.

 Note from Assessor: You need to make specific reference to your own professional practice as a developing coach and to a relevant model of reflective learning e.g., Kolb, Schon, Borton.

 ‘Top Tip’:  The focus here is on your own professional development as a coach.

2.4 Evaluate the theoretical and practical elements of ethical practice

What the Assessor is looking for in terms of ‘depth’ and ‘must’ to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

 Evaluate the theoretical (theory) and practical (how work in practice) elements (e.g., non-judgmental behaviour) of ethical practice, referencing a relevant model of ethical behaviour and an appropriate code of practice. Linking the theory and practice together.  Differentiate between the Code of Ethics (What) – how does this link to the Ethical Decision Model (How).

 Note from Assessor: You need to remember that with ‘evaluate’ you need to include a valid conclusion or reasoned judgement based on the findings from the research or theory used in the presented narrative.  Your presented evidence will ideally refer to a Code of Ethics from a Professional Coaching body e.g., the EMCC (UK), ICF (UK) or AC (the ‘What’) and a relevant Ethical Decision Model e.g., ACTION, APPEAR (the ‘How’).  You might also refer to an Ethical Code of Practice and / or Ethical Decision Model in use within your own organisation or your own professional body e.g., IOD, CIPD.

 ‘Top Tip’: You must explore both the theory and practical elements of reflective practice.  Draw a reasoned conclusion to your ‘evaluation’. 

 [Please insert your text for this assessment criterion here and delete all the above guide comments prior to your final submission].

 2.5 Critically review the key elements of supervision and the rationale for its use in coaching or mentoring

What the Assessor is looking for in terms of ‘depth’ and ‘must’ to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

 A critical review of two or more of the three key elements of coaching or mentoring supervision key elements of supervision e.g., qualitative, developmental, and resourcing (Hawkins et al (2019) and relate these to the rationale (why use them) for its use in coaching, particularly at the senior / executive level. This review must include a relevant theory or model of coaching supervision (e.g., Full Spectrum Model, Seven Eyed Model, etc.).

 Note from Assessor:  You might explore the different methods of supervision e.g., ‘Group’, ‘Peer’, ‘1-1’, ‘Self’, and the relevance of supervision to you as a developing coach working at a senior or executive level.  You might also make links to reflective practice that you explored in AC 2.3 and ethical practice as you explored in AC 2.4.

 ‘Top Tip’: You must place your critical review on two or more of the three elements of coaching supervision and make links to a coaching supervision model.  

LO 3

Understand methods for evaluating coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

3.1. Critically review methods for evaluating the impact of coaching or mentoring on the individual at an executive or senior level

What the Assessor is looking for in terms of ‘depth’ and ‘must’ to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

 A critical review of at least two different methods of evaluating the impact of coaching or mentoring on individuals.  This must include an appropriate model such as Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model (1959), Leedhams Coaching Scorecard (2005), RAM Model (McGurk, 2011) as well as self-assessment and feedback from individuals.  For each, there needs to be an exploration of the purpose of the method that needs to include the effectiveness (work / not work) of this evaluation method – links to your own organisational context will add value to your evidence.

‘Top Tip’: The focus here is the ‘methods’ of evaluating – make links to your own organisation as appropriate. Draw a reasoned conclusion to your critical review.

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3.2. Critically review methods for evaluating the impact of coaching or mentoring on the organisation and other stakeholders at an executive or senior level

What the Assessor is looking for in terms of ‘depth’ and ‘must’ to meet the requirements of this assessment criterion and reflect the Level 7. 

 You to undertake a critical review of at least one method for evaluating the impact of coaching or mentoring on the organisation (e.g., ROI, ROE, Business scorecard, employee satisfaction, engagement, retention and achievement levels, employee performance all against organisational goals or strategy, etc.) and at least one different method for evaluating the impact of coaching and mentoring on other stakeholders (e.g., KPI’s, people management, engagement, retention, talent management, etc.). Make clear who these ‘other stakeholders’ are e.g., line managers, colleagues, Board, Directors.

 For each, there needs to be a critical review, including exploration of the purpose of the method and its effectiveness as an ‘evaluative tool’ with regards to the impact of coaching in context.  Links to your own organisational context will again add value to your evidence.

 ‘Top Tip’: You must explore one method of evaluation for the organisation and a different method for stakeholders (make clear who they might be).  Draw a reasoned conclusion to your critical review.

 References / Bibliography

[List all the references you have used to support and ‘cited’ in your assignment using the Harvard Referencing System.  At this level of qualification this will be a minimum of 12 references from a variety of books, journals, and web-based material.  Please make sure that the source is valid and reliable. 


Covey, S.R. (2020) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Simon & Schuster UK Ltd.

See also ‘Guide to Referencing’ within your programme support material.

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