ILM 308 – Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations: Understanding Leadership Level 3 Assignment , UK

Subject ILM 308 Understanding Leadership

AC 1.1

Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations.

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Factor 1: In terms of my team, I implemented a directive leadership style, which means that I predominantly provide the directions and ideas myself. This approach stems from my lack of confidence in allowing my subordinates to make decisions. While I understand the importance of empowering my team members and fostering a collaborative environment, I often find it challenging to relinquish control and trust others to make decisions. As a leader, I believe that I possess the necessary knowledge and expertise to guide my team towards success. I feel more comfortable taking charge and providing clear instructions, as I fear that allowing my subordinates to make decisions may lead to mistakes or inefficiencies. This mindset often stems from a desire to maintain a sense of control and ensure that tasks are completed in the most efficient and effective manner. One of the main factors that impact my directive leadership style is the level of experience and expertise of my team members. I may need to provide more detailed instruction and closely monitor their progress to ensure they are on track. In one of the events, we were assigned the responsibility of replacing a faulty gate valve in our kitchen. However, due to the requirement of isolating the main valve on the DWS tank side, this task could not be carried out during regular working hours. Consequently, we decided to schedule this task for the weekend. A day prior to the actual replacement, I provided my team with detailed instructions regarding the necessary preparations. On the designated day, my team members followed my instructions and successfully isolated the valve, allowing for the valve replacement to take place in the kitchen. The following day, I received multiple complaints from end users stating that the tap water was dirty. Upon investigation, it was discovered that my team had forgotten to flush the water from every pantry on each level of the admin building. I have taken a valuable lesson from that incident, and as a result, I will consistently remind my team member in our group chat to ensure the completion of each task in a well-organized manner.

Factor 2: The complexity of the task is another factor that contributes to my directive leadership approach within my team. I am currently stationed at a petrochemical manufacturing plant where safety is utmost important. My role at the petrochemical manufacturing plant is crucial in ensuring the safety of all employees. By closely monitoring operations and implementing effective safety measures, I help to create a safe and productive work environment for my team. With my 5 years of experience in a process plant, I am well acquainted with the safety requirements. Not only I ensure that each team member is following safety protocols, but I also need to ensure that they are working effectively. The high stakes nature of the work in a petrochemical plant means that there is little room for error, and any mistakes could have serious consequences. Therefore, my directive leadership approach involves clearly outlining tasks, setting deadlines, and closely monitoring progress to ensure that everything is being done correctly and in a timely manner. I also provide guidance and support to my team members, offering my expertise and knowledge to help them navigate the complexities of the tasks at hand. Example, one of the day my team was assigned to do minor lighting troubleshooting at cafeteria. My team encountered unexpected challenge as the height of ceiling is more than 3 meters and it was difficult for them to reach out the light fixtures. Unfortunately, we did not have a scaffold platform readily available. One of my technicians decided to utilize the fireman ladder to access the light fixture. However, I immediately recognized the potential hazards associated with this approach, deeming it completely unacceptable. Understanding the importance of prioritizing safety in any work environment, I promptly halted the ongoing work and took immediate action to rectify the situation. Recognizing the need for a proper and secure platform to ensure the task could be carried out safely, I arranged for a scaffold platform to be brought in as soon as possible. By taking this proactive step, I ensured that the troubleshooting work at the cafeteria would be conducted in a secure and controlled manner, minimizing any risks or accidents that could have occurred due to his complacency. Safety is always a top priority, and I am committed to ensuring the well-being of my team members and the successful completion of any task at hand.

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AC 1.2

Explain why these leadership styles or behaviours are likely to have a positive or negative effect on individual and group behaviour.

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Effective leadership styles and behaviours play a crucial role in shaping individual and group dynamics within the workplace. Some styles have the potential to yield positive outcomes, while others may have detrimental effects.

Positive leadership styles that can empower and positively influence individual and group behaviours include:

  1. Transformational leadership: This approach focuses on inspiring and motivating my  team members to reach their full potential, fostering a sense of ownership, empowerment, and dedication to collective objectives.
  2. Servant leadership: This style prioritizes the needs of followers, emphasizing their development and skill enhancement, and fostering a supportive and collaborative atmosphere.
  3. Authentic leadership: Leaders practicing this style demonstrate transparency, ethical conduct, and self-awareness, contributing to building trust and nurturing a culture of honesty and openness, positively impacting behaviours.

Conversely, certain leadership styles can have a negative impact on individual and group behaviour.

  1. Autocratic leadership: This style, characterized by leaders making unilateral decisions without input from their team, can lead to demotivation and disengagement among followers, stifling creativity, and innovation.
  2. Laissez-faire leadership: This hands-off approach can result in a lack of direction and accountability, ultimately leading to subpar performance due to team members operating independently.
  3. Toxic leadership: This style, marked by abusive or harmful behaviours, creates a detrimental work environment, contributing to stress, burnout, and low morale among employees.

Leadership styles and behaviours wield significant influence over the conduct of individuals and groups within an organization. How leaders engage with their team members can serve as a wellspring of inspiration and motivation, or conversely, foster dissatisfaction and disconnection in the workplace.

Consider, for instance, the traits of democratic leadership, characterized by involving employees in decision-making and cultivating transparent communication. Such attributes exert a constructive impact on both individual and group behaviour. As per Busari et al. (2019), the encouragement of participation instils a sense of value in employees, resulting in heightened motivation and commitment. When employees are empowered to contribute their ideas, perspectives, and skills, it often gives rise to innovative solutions and enhanced teamwork. In my role as a leader who embraces a democratic leadership style, I actively solicit input from my team members at Lumino Corporation during brainstorming sessions. This collaborative approach empowers individuals, elevates job satisfaction, and fortifies group cohesion.

Conversely, the hallmarks of transformational leadership encompass the ability to inspire and motivate followers to attain remarkable achievements. This exerts a decidedly positive influence on individual and group behaviour. As elucidated by Hina and Siddiqui (2023), transformational leaders embody charisma, vision, and enthusiasm, enabling them to galvanize employees to transcend self-interest and rally toward a shared vision. For example, in my capacity as a leader exemplifying transformational leadership, I ignite inspiration among the employees at Lumino Corporation by articulating a compelling vision for the company’s future. I set ambitious objectives and provide mentorship and support to our employees. This approach has nurtured a profound sense of purpose, kindled creativity, and fostered a high-performance culture at Lumino Corporation.

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AC 2.1

Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a particular leadership model and own organisation’s working practice and culture using feedback from others (State your findings below)

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One of my primary strengths lies in my ability to provide clear directions, which greatly enhances my communication skills. This skill allows me to effectively convey tasks and expectations to my team members, ensuring that they have a clear understanding of their assigned responsibilities and the specific deadlines for task completion. As a result, the team’s engagement and motivation levels are significantly higher, as they feel supported and empowered to complete their work successfully. According to the survey form provided, 4 out 4 people confirmed that I have very strong ability to provide clear direction. This enables me to establish a favourable impression on my stakeholders, leading them to actively generate business opportunities for my team.

Furthermore, as per our company’s RISE values, the feedback highlights my ability to engage with both my team and clients in a courteous and considerate manner. This demonstrates my commitment to fostering positive relationships and creating a collaborative work environment. This aligns with our company’s core values of Respect, Integrity, Service, and Excellence, and showcases my dedication to upholding these principles in all aspects of my work.

Overall, my strength in providing clear directions not only enhances my communication skills but also contributes to the success and productivity of the team. By effectively conveying tasks and expectations, I empower my team members to perform at their best and achieve their goals.

AC 2.2.

Describe appropriate actions to enhance own leadership behaviour in the context of the particular leadership model.

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This feedback has made me realize that in order to be a more effective leader, I need to be more open to feedback and actively work on improving my listening skills. By being more open to feedback, I can gain valuable insights and perspectives that I may have overlooked. Additionally, by actively listening to others, I can foster a more collaborative and inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and heard.
I understand that my tendency towards directive leadership may have inadvertently created barriers to effective communication and collaboration. Moving forward, I will make a conscious effort to be more open-minded and receptive to input from others. I will actively seek out feedback from my team members and colleagues and make a concerted effort to listen and consider their perspectives before making decisions.
In line with the situational leadership model, I will enhance my supportive style when it comes to receiving feedback. This means that I will focus on providing encouragement, listening actively, and offering guidance to those providing feedback. I will strive to create a safe and open environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions. By being supportive, I can help build trust and rapport with my team members, ultimately leading to more effective communication and collaboration. Additionally, I will be flexible in my approach, adapting my level of support based on the individual’s needs and the specific situation at hand. Overall, by enhancing my supportive approach to receiving feedback, I can foster a positive and constructive feedback culture within my team.

Bibliography (references)

Tannenbaum, R. and Schmidt, W.H. (1973). How to Choose a Leadership Pattern. [online] Harvard Business Review.

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