The decade Syria has remained the world’s largest refugee crisis and since 2011 more than 14 million Syrian refugees: International relation and sociology Research Methods, AU, UK

University Aston University (AU)
Subject international relation and sociology Research Methods

Over the decade Syria has remained the world’s largest refugee crisis and since 2011 more than 14 million Syrian refugees have been forced to leave their homeland in search of a safe place (Armbruster, 2019). In this research, there will be a discussion of the UK’s immigration policy regarding Syrian refugees.

Analysis and discussion
Syria is a Middle Eastern country and the refugee crisis in the country began in 2011 as a result of the violent government crackdown on the public protest in support of teenagers who were arrested for creating anti-government graffiti in the southern town of Daraa. As the violent protests started all over Syria the government suppressed them with the security forces. According to Çiğdem (2019), this incident escalated into a conflict which ultimately turned into civil war and it forced millions of Syrians to flee their country. For more than 12 years the conflict has been going on and more than 70% of the Syrian people who require humanitarian assistance are paying the price. Due to the civil war, more than 5.5 million Syrian nationals have to take asylums to neighbour countries including the UK.

According to Zotti (2021), one-way Syrian refugees came to the UK is as asylum seekers. By September 2016 there were 33380 total asylum applications in the UK and among those 2359 were Syrians. According to Goodman and Kirkwood (2019), given its geographical location, the number of applications in the UK to take asylum was lower than in European mainland countries such as Germany, Sweden and many more. The Syrian refugees were resettled in the country under the Gateway Protection Programme but as they were the most vulnerable ones, they were settled under the VPRP scheme too. Perreault and Paul (2019) stated that at the start the UK government had a very generous policy to help the fleeing Syrians with humanitarian help in neighbouring countries rather than resettling them in the UK but in 2014 the UK government created the “Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Programme” which aimed to provide a route to the selected Syrians to come to the UK. According to Perreault and Paul (2019) At first, this scheme mostly prioritises the disabled as well as the elderly, victims of torture, sexual violence and many more but later it has been seen that there are a large number of Syrian people who are seeking asylum in the UK. Thus, the UK government had to extend their VPRP policy in September 2015 to restore up to 20,000 Syrian people from different regions of the country. The UK government is working with the local authorities as well as voluntary groups to ensure that asylum seekers get proper assistance. Furthermore, to help the Syrian people to integrate into UK society the UK government has launched Community sponsorship schemes in 2016.

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