ACF528: Conduct research into their chosen firm/organization and prepare their case study and analysis on the issues/events/dilemmas that have taken place: Governance Risk and Ethics Case Study, SRC, UK

University Southern Regional College (SRC)
Subject ACF528: Governance Risk and Ethics

Case Analysis

Each student should conduct research into their chosen firm/organization and prepare their case study and analysis on the issues/events/dilemmas that have taken place. As regards the analysis of the case, each student is required to address the following discussion questions:

  1. What were the main corporate governance issues within this case?
  2. What does the theoretical, academic, professional, or legal literature/regulation say on these issues? Were such events or features of your case consistent with, or in contrast to, the theoretical, academic, professional, or legal literature/regulation?
  3. If the company/organisation addressed these issues, was the response appropriate? Did it address the fundamental issues at stake? If a response has yet to emerge, what would you expect a suitable response to be, and why?
  4. Could similar events happen again in the UK today? Why? Do you think the current system of corporate governance and accountability in the UK is sufficient to deal with these issues?
  5. What were the general lessons learnt from this case? What have you, as a student, learnt about governance, risk and ethics from this case?
  6. Would you invest in this company/organisation? Give the reasons for your decision

Students may also develop their own discussion questions for inclusion in the case project. Additional issues that emerge in the course of your analysis may be presented here and should be reported under the heading ‘Other Discussion Questions’.

sector Mining
Company Glencore
Main corporate Issues · Poor internal control and poor risk management

·   Poor accountability and transparency

·  Shareholder activism

· Unethical business practices

· Lack of board effectiveness   – No evidence of challenge or oversight

–  Excessive pay

– Lack of appropriate response to crisis

Main Theories ·  Agency

·  Stakeholder

Some Literature of relevance ·  Swiss corporate governance codes (see ECGI website)

· Principles of the UK corporate governance code (2018)

· Principles of the UK Stewardship code (2020)

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