CS547: The experience of a software engineering approach to the production of a software application via a plan-driven approach: Advanced Topics in Software Engineering Essay, USG, UK

University University of Strathclyde Glasgow (USG)
Subject CS547: Advanced Topics in Software Engineering

The assignment aims at practicing the experience of a software engineering approach to the production of a software application via a plan-driven approach. all aspects of software engineering, including planning, requirements, design, implementation, and testing should be considered in this assessment You will need to undertake the requirements engineering process and create non-functional and functional requirements. Based on these non-functional and functional requirements, the fundamentals of the software should be decided by you, and the model of the system is generated using UML diagrams such as use case, sequence, and activity diagrams. Once these are done, you need to decide on an architectural model and generate the class and/or object model. Finally, an implementation should be undertaken and completed to a decent level — at least partially — which should include proper source code documentation. A series of unit testing and/or a test-driven approach is also expected to prove auto-generated testing. The test cases should include unit, integration, and acceptance tests. Students also need to provide matrices that link requirements specifications to design artifacts, source code, and test cases in order to prove that they have undertaken the unit testing and/or a test-driven approach.

As implementation. a stock control system (e.g., clothing retail) should be produced to store a series of products. You can decide what sort of stock control system you want to build in as this could change according to the inventories but please snake sure that the stock control application should have a retail (user) and a manager (admin) side. The implementation workflow or the actual implementation should be demoed via a YouTube link. Please be aware that implementation is not optional, you will need to build the stock control software.

In the uploaded document, the followings should exist:

1. Define at least 3 non-functional requirements — each one that shall address a goal of the system.

2. Define at least 6 functional requirements — each one that shall belong to a non-functional requirement category.

3. Draw at least 1 activity diagrams that show the data flow in the system.

4. Draw at least 1 use-case diagram that shows the functional requirements of the system.

5. Draw at least 3 sequence diagrams that show interactions between the roles and the system interfaces/components.

6. Draw at least 3 class diagrams that show the structure of the system — in terms of variables, and constants. objects, classes, methods, and relationships.

7. A Gantt Chart that shows the project schedule, tasks, milestones, and critical dates.

8. Test-driven approach and proof of doing unit and acceptance testing.

9. Implementation — what was built and presented

10. Critical discussion of the process — what went right, what went wrong, strengths and weaknesses.

11. Your overall reflection on SDLC, teamwork, system modeling, architecture selection, test-driven development, and implementation experience Please critically discuss your work, and how else you could have done the work.

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