You work as a Test Engineer for a global manufacturer of electrical and mechanical components and systems: Engineering Assignment, ICL, UK

University Imperial College London (ICL)
Subject Engineering

You work as a Test Engineer for a global manufacturer of electrical and mechanical components and systems. Your Line Manager is responsible for delegating to you and your colleagues the testing of theory, principles, and hypotheses from several worldwide company divisions. They have asked you to undertake a series of such evaluations.

Task 1:

Differentiate each of the following current functions with respect to time and hence determine the ‘rate of change’ for each of the functions when time, t, is 3 seconds.


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Task 2:


For the circuit shown below, assuming zero charges on the capacitor at t = 0, the current flowing may be quantified as:


Integrate this equation with respect to t and hence find the charge stored in the capacitor 0.5 seconds after the switch is closed.



The current (𝑖𝑖𝐿𝐿) through a 100 mH inductor (L) has a relationship with time (t) as follows:


Determine the inductor current when the time is 0.75 seconds.

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