ED4072: A three-year-old boy named Emmit Richnur is driving his toy truck on the grass with his eyes closed: Narrative Observation and Analysis Form Case Study, UOEL, UK

University University of East London (UOEL)
Subject ED4072: Narrative Observation and Analysis Form

A three-year-old boy named Emmit Richnur is driving his toy truck on the grass with his eyes closed. He hits a lamp post, and without opening his eyes, he reverses and continues driving with his eyes closed. In the next scene, we’re introduced to an 89-year-old man named Earling Kingdom, who is described as Emmit’s mentor. Earling is also driving a tractor, but unlike Emmit, Earling has a real tractor. Emmit and Earling are parked side by side in their tractors, and Emmit says, “Watch this,” while showing his mentor Earling a trick on his toy tractor. The trick makes Earling laugh. The two are parked beside each other as they are about to have a race. Apparently, the two have been racing each other for over a year.

As the two race, Emmit makes a lot of sound effects with his mouth, as if to imitate the engine sound. Emmit would take the lead and prevent Earling from passing him, while constantly checking back to see how far Earling had progressed. Emmit’s parents watch the two race down the pavement with laughter. Emmit is said to be in preschool, while his mentor, Earling, is more than 85 years old and also fought in the Second World War. “I told you he was fast” Earling compliments Emmit after the race, to which Emmit agrees and replies, “I’m super fast,” while driving away.

Later on, Earling is seen hammering a pole in the grass as Emmit asks him to join him for a game of croquet. Earling asks Emmit which of the two sticks he will use, and Emmit picks one before asking Earling to watch him hit the ball. It appears that the three-year-old Emmit and the eighty-nine-year-old Earling are neighbors, but Emmit’s parents do not know him very well, even though they live next door to each other. Emmit’s mother said, “The two are together pretty much every day.”

Emmit and Earling are seen doing many things together, from playing croquet, to baseball to gardening. Emmit walks around the garden with something in his hand. Earling asks him if it’s a worm, and Emmit says it’s a bug and shows Earling then Emmit blew it. Emmit and Earling are also seen playing baseball, and Emmit asks Earling to throw a ball at him while he stands with the baseball bat behind his head, ready to hit. Earling admits to not being able to see well (“Earling can’t see so good”) before throwing a ball at Emmit.

Emmit and Earling’s first encounter happened when Emmit noticed Earling was growing some tomatoes, which is Emmit’s favorite fruit. Emmit approaches a plant and points at it, identifying it as a tomato.

Emmit’s mum shows several photos of Earling and Emmit playing with bikes. They’re always next to each other and look happy. Emmit’s mum expresses how she was worried about Earling riding on the bike in case he fell.

Emmit is then seen showing a piece of paper with some diagrams and explaining that it was given to him by Earling. Earling bends over to Emmit’s level and starts questioning him about what’s on the paper. Emmit points at the paper, which shows some fishing diagrams, and gives answers. Emmit’s mother appears to be emotional as she speaks about the two’s friendship and how Earling has been a great teacher to Emmit. Emmit’s father, Brian, explains how they are planning to move due to a growing family.

Emmit is then seen running with his arms open towards Earling while expressing his love for him by saying, “I love him.” Earling is seen looking emotional as he realizes that soon he’ll be losing his friend. He looks down at the floor with disappointment. Emmit and Earling are seen one last time spending time with each other again. While Emmit is fixing a bike, Earling assists him with tools and instructions.

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