Coaching for business/organisational improvement ATHE Level 6 Assignment Answer UK

Coaching for business/organisational improvement ATHE Level 6  course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of coaching as a strategic approach to improving business and organizational performance. Whether you are an aspiring coach, a leader within an organization, or an individual looking to enhance your coaching skills, this course will equip you with the knowledge, techniques, and frameworks necessary to facilitate meaningful and impactful coaching engagements.

Throughout this course, we will explore various aspects of coaching for business/organizational improvement, including the fundamental principles of coaching, the role of a coach in driving change, effective coaching strategies, and the application of coaching techniques to enhance individual and team performance. You will delve into topics such as goal setting, feedback and communication, motivation, leadership development, and creating a coaching culture within an organization.

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At Diploma Assignment Help UK, we offer a comprehensive service to help students obtain custom-written assignments for the Coaching for Business/Organizational Improvement ATHE Level 6 course. Our team of experienced writers and subject matter experts are dedicated to providing high-quality, tailored assignments that meet the specific requirements of the course.

Below, we will describe some assignment activities. These are:

Assignment Activitiy 1: Understand the role of coaching for people in businesses/organisations.

Analyse the role of a coach for an identified organisation.

The role of a coach within an organization is multifaceted and can have a significant impact on the success and growth of both individuals and the organization as a whole. Let’s analyze the various aspects of a coach’s role within an identified organization.

  1. Individual Development: One of the primary responsibilities of a coach is to support the development and growth of individuals within the organization. This involves providing guidance, feedback, and constructive criticism to help employees improve their skills, performance, and personal development. A coach may work one-on-one with employees or conduct group coaching sessions to address specific areas of improvement.
  2. Leadership Development: A coach plays a crucial role in developing effective leaders within the organization. They work closely with aspiring or current leaders to enhance their leadership skills, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and decision-making capabilities. By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, a coach helps individuals develop their leadership potential and become more effective in their roles.
  3. Performance Enhancement: Coaches assist individuals in identifying and overcoming performance barriers. They work collaboratively with employees to set meaningful goals, create action plans, and provide ongoing support to improve performance outcomes. By offering insights, tools, and techniques, a coach helps individuals enhance their productivity, achieve targets, and contribute to organizational success.
  4. Team Building and Collaboration: Coaches also facilitate team building and collaboration within the organization. They help teams enhance their communication, resolve conflicts, build trust, and foster a positive work environment. A coach may conduct team coaching sessions, facilitate workshops, or mediate discussions to improve team dynamics and effectiveness.
  5. Change Management: In times of organizational change or transition, a coach plays a critical role in supporting employees through the process. They help individuals navigate through uncertainty, adapt to new roles or responsibilities, and manage resistance to change. A coach provides guidance, encouragement, and strategies to help individuals embrace change and maintain productivity during challenging times.
  6. Talent Development and Succession Planning: Coaches are often involved in identifying and nurturing high-potential employees within the organization. They help create development plans, provide mentorship, and offer guidance for career progression. Coaches also contribute to succession planning efforts by identifying future leaders, assessing their readiness, and developing strategies to ensure a smooth transition of key roles.
  7. Organizational Culture and Performance: A coach’s influence extends beyond individual and team levels to impact the overall organizational culture and performance. By fostering a coaching culture, they encourage continuous learning, feedback, and growth mindset throughout the organization. Coaches collaborate with leaders to align coaching initiatives with organizational goals, values, and strategies, thereby enhancing overall performance and employee engagement.

Determine potential areas in which coaching may be required for this organisation and the resources needed.

To determine potential areas in which coaching may be required for an organization, it’s important to assess the specific needs, challenges, and goals of the organization. However, here are some common areas where coaching can be beneficial, along with the corresponding resources needed:

  1. Leadership Development:
    • Executive coaching: Engaging experienced coaches to work one-on-one with top-level executives.
    • Leadership workshops or seminars: Bringing in external facilitators or trainers to conduct workshops on leadership skills and development.
  2. Team Building and Collaboration:
    • Team coaching: Hiring a team coach to work with intact teams, helping them improve collaboration, communication, and problem-solving.
    • Facilitated team-building activities: Investing in team-building exercises, workshops, or retreats facilitated by professionals.
  3. Change Management:
    • Change management coaching: Providing coaching support to leaders or managers responsible for implementing organizational changes.
    • Change management training: Offering training programs or workshops to educate employees about change management principles and strategies.
  4. Performance Improvement:
    • Performance coaching: Providing individual coaching sessions to employees who need assistance in enhancing their performance.
    • Performance management systems: Implementing performance management tools, frameworks, or processes to set clear expectations, track progress, and provide feedback.
  5. Communication and Interpersonal Skills:
    • Communication coaching: Offering coaching sessions to employees to improve their communication skills, both verbal and written.
    • Conflict resolution training: Conducting workshops or training programs on conflict resolution techniques and effective interpersonal communication.
  6. Career Development and Growth:
    • Career coaching: Providing coaching support to employees who seek guidance in their career advancement or transitioning to new roles.
    • Mentoring programs: Establishing formal or informal mentoring programs to connect experienced employees with those seeking guidance.
  7. Work-Life Balance and Well-being:
    • Work-life balance coaching: Offering coaching sessions to help employees manage their work-life balance effectively.
    • Employee assistance programs: Providing resources such as counseling services, wellness initiatives, or stress management workshops.

It’s important to note that the specific resources needed for coaching will depend on the organization’s size, budget, and available expertise. Resources may include a financial allocation for coaching services, hiring external coaches or consultants, investing in training programs, or developing internal coaching capabilities by training existing staff members as coaches.

Analyse the benefits of coaching for this organisation.

Coaching can bring numerous benefits to an organization, fostering individual and collective growth, enhancing performance, and promoting a positive work culture. Here are some key benefits of coaching for organizations:

  1. Improved Performance: Coaching helps employees identify and leverage their strengths while addressing areas for improvement. It provides personalized guidance and support, helping individuals set clear goals, develop new skills, and overcome obstacles. As a result, employees can enhance their performance, productivity, and job satisfaction.
  2. Increased Employee Engagement: Coaching emphasizes a personalized approach to employee development, which demonstrates a genuine interest in their growth and success. This individual attention and support contribute to higher levels of employee engagement. Engaged employees are more likely to be committed to their work, take ownership of their responsibilities, and go the extra mile to achieve organizational goals.
  3. Enhanced Leadership Development: Coaching plays a crucial role in developing effective leaders within an organization. It helps leaders identify their strengths, refine their leadership styles, and develop critical skills such as communication, emotional intelligence, and decision-making. Leadership coaching promotes self-awareness, encourages continuous learning, and empowers leaders to inspire and motivate their teams.
  4. Talent Retention and Succession Planning: Investing in coaching programs demonstrates a commitment to employee development, which can significantly contribute to talent retention. When employees feel supported, challenged, and offered opportunities for growth, they are more likely to stay with the organization. Coaching also helps identify high-potential individuals and prepares them for future leadership roles, ensuring a smooth transition and succession planning.
  5. Improved Communication and Collaboration: Coaching fosters open and effective communication within teams and across different organizational levels. Through coaching, individuals learn to actively listen, give constructive feedback, and resolve conflicts in a respectful manner. As a result, communication barriers are reduced, collaboration is enhanced, and teamwork becomes more efficient.
  6. Increased Confidence and Motivation: Coaching provides a supportive environment that encourages individuals to step out of their comfort zones, take risks, and explore new possibilities. As employees experience growth and success through coaching, their confidence and motivation levels increase. This newfound confidence translates into improved performance, innovation, and a willingness to take on challenges.
  7. Positive Work Culture: Coaching promotes a positive work culture that values personal development, continuous learning, and individual well-being. It creates a supportive and inclusive environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and encouraged to reach their full potential. A positive work culture leads to higher job satisfaction, reduced stress levels, and better overall employee morale.

It is important to note that successful coaching programs require skilled and trained coaches, clear communication of goals and expectations, and a supportive organizational structure that encourages coaching as a part of the learning and development process. When implemented effectively, coaching can have a transformative impact on individuals and the organization as a whole, driving growth, performance, and success.

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Assignment Activity 2: Be able to manage the coaching context and relationship.

Conduct a coaching needs analysis for the individual in the context of organisational need.

To conduct a coaching needs analysis for an individual in the context of organizational needs, several steps can be followed:

  1. Identify the Organizational Goals: Begin by understanding the overall goals and objectives of the organization. What are the key priorities, challenges, and areas for improvement? This information will provide the context for assessing coaching needs at the individual level.
  2. Clarify Individual Roles and Responsibilities: Determine the roles and responsibilities of the individual within the organization. What are their specific job requirements, performance expectations, and key responsibilities? This will help identify any skill gaps or areas where coaching may be beneficial.
  3. Assess Performance: Evaluate the individual’s performance against the defined expectations and objectives. Identify strengths and areas for improvement. Are there any performance issues or skill gaps that need to be addressed through coaching?
  4. Collect Feedback: Gather feedback from relevant stakeholders, such as supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates, regarding the individual’s performance, strengths, and areas for improvement. This feedback can provide valuable insights into the coaching needs of the individual.
  5. Identify Developmental Goals: Work with the individual to identify their own developmental goals and aspirations. What areas do they feel they need to improve in? What skills or competencies would they like to develop? Align their goals with the organizational objectives to ensure a strategic focus.
  6. Conduct Skill Gap Analysis: Compare the individual’s current skills and competencies with the desired skills and competencies required for their role and the organization’s objectives. Identify any gaps or areas where coaching can bridge the difference.
  7. Consider Future Organizational Needs: Anticipate future organizational needs and changes. Are there upcoming projects, initiatives, or shifts in the business landscape that will require new skills or competencies? Incorporate these considerations into the coaching needs analysis to ensure long-term relevance.
  8. Prioritize Coaching Areas: Based on the collected information, prioritize the coaching areas that will have the most significant impact on the individual’s performance and contribute to the organizational goals. Focus on areas where coaching can address skill gaps, enhance strengths, and drive performance improvement.
  9. Develop Coaching Plan: Create a tailored coaching plan for the individual, outlining the specific objectives, strategies, and timeline for the coaching engagement. Ensure that the coaching plan aligns with the organizational needs and addresses the identified coaching areas.
  10. Evaluate and Adjust: Regularly evaluate the progress of the coaching engagement and make adjustments as needed. Assess the impact of coaching on the individual’s performance and the organization’s goals. Modify the coaching plan if new needs or priorities arise.

Establish the coaching agreement or contract with an individual.

Coaching Agreement

This Coaching Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between the Coach and the Client, collectively referred to as the “Parties.”

Services Provided:

  1. The Coach agrees to provide coaching services to the Client. Coaching is a collaborative partnership designed to help the Client achieve their personal and/or professional goals. The specific nature and focus of the coaching services will be determined during the initial session and may be adjusted throughout the coaching engagement as needed.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Coach Responsibilities:
  2. Provide coaching services with integrity, professionalism, and objectivity.
  3. Maintain confidentiality regarding all information disclosed by the Client, except as otherwise required by law.
  1. iii. Encourage the Client’s self-discovery and personal growth by offering support, feedback, and guidance.
  1. Client Responsibilities:
  2. Be actively engaged and fully committed to the coaching process.
  3. Attend scheduled coaching sessions and be punctual.

iii. Take responsibility for actions, decisions, and outcomes.

  1. Maintain open and honest communication with the Coach.
  2. Honor all financial obligations related to the coaching services.

Duration and Frequency:

  1. The coaching engagement will commence on [start date] and will continue for a duration of [number of weeks/months]. The frequency and duration of coaching sessions will be mutually agreed upon by the Coach and the Client. Sessions will typically take place [frequency and time].

Fees and Payment:

  1. The Client agrees to pay the Coach the agreed-upon fees for the coaching services. Payment is due [payment schedule, e.g., monthly, per session, etc.] and must be received prior to the commencement of each coaching session. The payment details will be provided separately.

Cancellation Policy:

  1. If the Client needs to reschedule or cancel a coaching session, they must provide at least [notice period, e.g., 24 hours] notice to the Coach. Failure to do so may result in the session being forfeited, and no refund will be provided.


  1. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by providing written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the Client will be responsible for any outstanding fees for services already provided.


  1. The Coach agrees to keep all information shared by the Client confidential, except as required by law. The Coach will not disclose any personal or sensitive information without the explicit consent of the Client.

Limitation of Liability:

  1. The Coach will not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages or losses incurred by the Client as a result of the coaching services. The Client agrees to hold the Coach harmless from any such claims.

Entire Agreement:

  1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Coach and the Client and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the coaching services.

Governing Law:

  1. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [jurisdiction].

By signing below, the Parties acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions of this Coaching Agreement.


[Coach’s Name]

[Coach’s Signature]



[Client’s Name]

[Client’s Signature]


Develop a coaching plan for an individual working in or leading a business/organisation.

Coaching Plan for an Individual in a Business/Organization


To support the professional development and growth of the individual, enhance their leadership skills, and help them achieve their goals within the business/organization.

  1. Establish Coaching Goals:
    • Conduct an initial meeting with the individual to discuss their current role, responsibilities, and aspirations.
    • Identify specific areas for development and establish clear coaching goals.
    • Ensure that the goals are aligned with the individual’s overall career objectives and the organization’s strategic priorities.
  2. Assess Strengths and Development Areas:
    • Administer relevant assessments or surveys to evaluate the individual’s strengths, skills, and areas for improvement.
    • Analyze the assessment results to gain insights into their leadership style, communication skills, decision-making abilities, and other relevant competencies.
  3. Create an Individual Development Plan:
    • Collaborate with the individual to develop a comprehensive development plan.
    • Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for each development area.
    • Prioritize the objectives based on their importance and impact on the individual’s role and organizational needs.
  4. Regular Coaching Sessions:
    • Schedule regular coaching sessions, typically once every two weeks or monthly, depending on the individual’s availability and needs.
    • During these sessions, provide guidance, support, and feedback to help the individual progress toward their goals.
    • Encourage open and honest communication, and create a safe space for the individual to share challenges, ask questions, and seek advice.
  5. Skill-Building Activities:
    • Identify appropriate skill-building activities, such as workshops, training programs, seminars, or online courses, to address the individual’s development areas.
    • Recommend relevant resources, articles, books, or podcasts to supplement their learning and broaden their knowledge base.
    • Encourage the individual to practice new skills in their day-to-day work and provide opportunities for them to apply their learning.
  6. Action Planning and Accountability:
    • Help the individual develop action plans to implement their learning and achieve their coaching goals.
    • Break down the action plans into smaller, manageable steps with specific timelines.
    • Regularly review progress, discuss challenges and adjustments, and hold the individual accountable for their commitments.
  7. Feedback and Reflection:
    • Provide constructive feedback to the individual on their performance, progress, and areas for improvement.
    • Encourage self-reflection and self-assessment, helping the individual develop a growth mindset and take ownership of their development.
    • Support the individual in celebrating successes and learning from setbacks or obstacles encountered along the way.
  8. Ongoing Support:
    • Maintain regular communication and support outside of coaching sessions, such as through email or virtual check-ins.
    • Offer guidance, advice, and resources as needed to help the individual overcome challenges and navigate professional situations.
  9. Evaluation and Adjustments:
    • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the coaching plan and its impact on the individual’s development.
    • Seek feedback from the individual on their experience with the coaching process and make necessary adjustments to the plan.
    • Modify goals, activities, or timelines as needed to ensure the coaching plan remains relevant and aligned with the individual’s evolving needs.

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Analyse factors that may impact on the success of coaching and ways these may be overcome.

The success of coaching can be influenced by various factors, and understanding these factors is crucial for achieving positive outcomes. Here are some key factors that can impact the success of coaching, along with potential ways to overcome them:

  1. Client Commitment: The commitment and active engagement of the client in the coaching process are essential for success. If a client lacks motivation or fails to prioritize the coaching goals, progress may be hindered. To overcome this, coaches can focus on building a strong rapport with clients, help them clarify their goals, and regularly check in on their commitment levels. By fostering a supportive and motivating environment, coaches can encourage clients to stay engaged and dedicated to their development.
  2. Coach-Client Relationship: The quality of the relationship between the coach and the client significantly affects the coaching process. If there is a lack of trust, rapport, or compatibility, it can impede progress. Coaches should invest time in establishing a strong foundation of trust, empathy, and understanding. Active listening, effective communication, and demonstrating genuine care and respect can help in building a positive relationship. Regular feedback and check-ins can also address any concerns and ensure the coaching relationship remains productive.
  3. Clear Goals and Expectations: The clarity of coaching goals and expectations is vital for success. Ambiguous or unrealistic goals can lead to confusion and frustration. Coaches should work collaboratively with clients to define clear, specific, and achievable goals. By ensuring alignment between client expectations and coaching objectives, coaches can set a clear direction and facilitate progress.
  4. Accountability and Follow-up: Lack of accountability and follow-up can hinder the effectiveness of coaching. Clients may struggle to stay committed or implement changes without regular check-ins and accountability mechanisms. Coaches can address this by setting up a system for regular progress monitoring, providing feedback, and encouraging clients to take ownership of their actions. This can include assigning tasks, setting milestones, and reviewing progress during coaching sessions.
  5. Organizational Support: The support and buy-in from the client’s organization are crucial for coaching success, especially in a workplace setting. If the organization does not value or support coaching initiatives, it may be challenging to sustain progress. Coaches can work with both the client and relevant stakeholders to communicate the benefits of coaching, align coaching objectives with organizational goals, and secure necessary resources and support.
  6. Flexibility and Adaptability: Each client is unique, and coaching should be tailored to individual needs and circumstances. A rigid coaching approach that fails to adapt to changing circumstances or address emerging challenges may hinder progress. Coaches should be flexible, open-minded, and willing to adjust their coaching strategies as necessary. By continuously assessing and adapting the coaching process, coaches can ensure it remains relevant and effective.
  7. Continuous Learning and Development: Coaches must invest in their own professional development to enhance their coaching skills and stay updated with industry trends and best practices. Continuous learning allows coaches to offer high-quality services, adapt to evolving client needs, and provide effective strategies to overcome challenges. Participating in workshops, attending conferences, joining professional coaching associations, and seeking feedback from peers can contribute to ongoing growth and success as a coach.

By addressing these factors and implementing strategies to overcome potential challenges, coaches can create a supportive and productive coaching environment that maximizes the potential for success.

Review the requirements for recording the coaching process including the required documentation.

Recording the coaching process and maintaining appropriate documentation are essential for effective coaching and professional development. While specific requirements may vary based on organizational policies and coaching frameworks, I can provide a general overview of the requirements and necessary documentation for recording the coaching process:

  1. Informed Consent: Before initiating the coaching process, it is important to obtain written consent from the coachee, indicating their understanding of the coaching process, its purpose, and the intended outcomes. This document should outline the confidentiality and data privacy aspects of the coaching relationship.
  2. Coaching Agreement or Contract: This document establishes the formal coaching relationship between the coach and the coachee. It typically includes details such as the objectives of the coaching, the duration of the engagement, the roles and responsibilities of both parties, and any specific guidelines or expectations.
  3. Session Notes: After each coaching session, coaches should maintain detailed session notes that capture the key discussion points, insights, goals, and action plans identified during the session. Session notes help track progress, identify patterns, and provide a reference for future sessions.
  4. Progress Reports: Periodic progress reports provide an overview of the coachee’s development journey. These reports summarize the goals achieved, challenges faced, and areas of growth or improvement. Progress reports can be shared with the coachee and any relevant stakeholders, with the coachee’s consent.
  5. Assessments and Feedback: Coaches often use various assessments or feedback tools to gather data and provide insights to the coachee. These could include personality assessments, 360-degree feedback, or other relevant instruments. The results of these assessments, along with the coach’s analysis and interpretation, should be documented appropriately.
  6. Development Plans: Coaches and coachees collaborate to create development plans based on the coachee’s goals and aspirations. These plans outline the specific actions, timelines, and resources required to achieve the desired outcomes. Development plans should be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.
  7. Evaluation and Feedback Forms: Feedback and evaluation forms can be used to gather feedback from the coachee on the coaching process and the effectiveness of the coaching relationship. These forms help assess the coachee’s satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and ensure ongoing quality assurance.
  8. Confidentiality Agreements: Coaches must ensure the confidentiality and privacy of all coaching-related information. Confidentiality agreements are often signed by both the coach and the coachee, explicitly stating the boundaries and limitations of sharing information and the coach’s commitment to maintaining confidentiality.

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