Unit 12 Corporate Communication Strategies ATHE Level 7 Assignment Answer UK

Unit 12 of the ATHE Level 7 course on Corporate Communication Strategies comprehensive module, we will delve into the intricacies of corporate communication and explore the strategies and techniques employed by organizations to effectively convey their messages, build relationships, and manage their reputations.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, effective communication is of paramount importance for any organization striving to achieve its goals. Corporate communication serves as a critical function that encompasses both internal and external communication processes, facilitating the flow of information, ideas, and values across all levels of an organization. It acts as the vital link between a company and its stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, suppliers, and the wider society.

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Below, we will discuss some assignment outlines. These are:

Assignment Outline 1: Understand the importance of corporate communications.

Explain the purpose of corporate communications.

Corporate communications serves as the strategic function within an organization that manages and coordinates all internal and external communications activities. The purpose of corporate communications is to establish and maintain effective communication channels between a company and its various stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, media, government agencies, and the general public. It plays a crucial role in shaping the organization’s reputation, managing its public image, and ensuring consistent messaging across all communication platforms.

Here are some key purposes of corporate communications:

  1. Building and maintaining a positive corporate reputation: Corporate communications helps shape the public perception of a company by developing and implementing strategies that promote its values, mission, and achievements. It aims to establish trust, credibility, and goodwill among stakeholders.
  2. Internal communication: Effective internal communication is vital for a cohesive and engaged workforce. Corporate communications facilitates the flow of information within the organization, ensuring that employees are well-informed about company news, policies, goals, and initiatives. It helps foster a sense of belonging and alignment with the organization’s objectives.
  3. External communication: Corporate communications manages the organization’s external messaging and interactions with stakeholders outside the company. It encompasses various communication channels such as media relations, public relations, social media, and investor relations. The goal is to effectively communicate the company’s key messages, respond to inquiries, address issues, and build relationships with external audiences.
  4. Crisis communication: When a crisis or significant event occurs, corporate communications plays a crucial role in managing the situation and minimizing reputational damage. It develops strategies for timely and transparent communication, provides accurate information, and handles media inquiries to ensure a consistent and coordinated response.
  5. Branding and marketing communication: Corporate communications contributes to the development and maintenance of the company’s brand identity. It works closely with marketing teams to ensure consistent brand messaging across all communication platforms. Corporate communications also supports marketing initiatives by providing communication materials, coordinating campaigns, and managing public relations efforts.
  6. Stakeholder engagement: Corporate communications aims to establish and nurture positive relationships with key stakeholders such as customers, investors, community organizations, and government agencies. It facilitates two-way communication, gathers feedback, and addresses concerns to maintain strong relationships and ensure mutual understanding.
  7. Employee engagement and advocacy: Corporate communications fosters employee engagement by promoting an open and transparent communication culture. It keeps employees informed about company updates, shares success stories, recognizes achievements, and provides avenues for feedback and suggestions. Engaged employees are more likely to become brand advocates, positively impacting the organization’s reputation.

Corporate communications play a crucial role in linking to and supporting corporate objectives. Effective communication strategies ensure that the organization’s messages, values, and goals are effectively transmitted to internal and external stakeholders, aligning them with the overall corporate objectives. Here’s how corporate communications can support and reinforce corporate objectives:

  1. Clarity and Alignment: Corporate communications help translate corporate objectives into clear and understandable messages for various stakeholders. By effectively articulating the company’s goals, values, and strategic direction, communications ensure that all stakeholders have a consistent understanding of the objectives and how they align with the organization’s mission.
  2. Employee Engagement and Alignment: Internal communication plays a vital role in fostering employee engagement and alignment with corporate objectives. By keeping employees informed, motivated, and connected to the company’s goals, communication efforts ensure that employees understand their roles in achieving those objectives. This alignment enhances employee morale, productivity, and commitment to the organization’s overall success.
  3. Brand and Reputation Management: Corporate communications shape the organization’s brand image and reputation. By strategically managing external communications, including media relations, public relations, and marketing communications, organizations can effectively position themselves in the market, convey their corporate objectives, and enhance their reputation. Positive external perceptions further support the achievement of corporate objectives by attracting customers, investors, and other stakeholders.
  4. Stakeholder Relations: Effective corporate communications help build and maintain relationships with various stakeholders, including customers, investors, suppliers, and community members. By keeping stakeholders informed, addressing their concerns, and actively engaging with them, organizations can build trust and credibility, which is crucial for achieving corporate objectives. Strong stakeholder relationships can lead to increased customer loyalty, investor confidence, and support from the community.
  5. Crisis and Issues Management: In times of crises or issues, corporate communications play a pivotal role in managing and mitigating the impact on corporate objectives. By promptly and transparently communicating during challenging situations, organizations can maintain trust, control the narrative, and protect their reputation. Effective crisis communication ensures that stakeholders understand the organization’s response, actions, and commitment to addressing the situation while minimizing the potential negative effects on corporate objectives.
  6. Measurement and Feedback: Corporate communications also contribute to the measurement and evaluation of corporate objectives. By monitoring the effectiveness of communication efforts, organizations can gather feedback and insights from stakeholders, enabling them to make informed adjustments and improvements. Regular assessment of communication strategies helps ensure that messages are resonating, objectives are being met, and communication initiatives are aligned with the organization’s overall goals.

Analyse the relationship between corporate communications and corporate branding.

The relationship between corporate communications and corporate branding is intricate and interdependent. Corporate communications and corporate branding are two essential components of a company’s overall marketing and public relations strategy, and they work together to shape the company’s image and reputation.

Corporate communications encompass all the activities and channels through which a company communicates with its internal and external stakeholders. This includes various forms of communication such as public relations, media relations, investor relations, internal communications, and crisis communications. The primary goal of corporate communications is to effectively convey the company’s messages, values, and objectives to its target audience.

On the other hand, corporate branding is the process of creating and managing a company’s brand identity. It involves developing a unique brand image, positioning the company in the marketplace, and establishing a strong brand reputation. Corporate branding is about shaping the perceptions and associations that people have with a company, its products or services, and its values.

Corporate communications and corporate branding are closely linked in several ways:

  1. Consistent Messaging: Effective corporate communications ensure that consistent messages are conveyed across various communication channels. This consistency is crucial for building a strong corporate brand. The messages communicated through corporate communications channels should align with the desired brand image and values to maintain a coherent and unified brand identity.
  2. Image and Reputation Management: Corporate communications play a vital role in managing the company’s image and reputation. Through strategic communication efforts, companies can shape public perceptions, address any negative issues or crises, and enhance their brand reputation. Corporate branding sets the foundation for these communications by defining the desired image and reputation that the company aims to establish and maintain.
  3. Brand Storytelling: Corporate communications often involve storytelling techniques to engage and connect with the target audience. By incorporating the company’s brand narrative into their communications, organizations can strengthen their brand identity and build emotional connections with stakeholders. Brand storytelling is an effective way to communicate the company’s values, mission, and purpose, thus reinforcing the corporate brand.
  4. Stakeholder Engagement: Both corporate communications and corporate branding are crucial for engaging with various stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the general public. Effective corporate communications foster relationships and build trust with stakeholders by providing relevant and timely information. These communications should reflect the company’s brand attributes and reinforce its desired image to create a positive perception among stakeholders.
  5. Employee Advocacy: Internal communications, a key aspect of corporate communications, play a vital role in aligning employees with the corporate brand. Employees who understand and believe in the brand values are more likely to become brand advocates, positively influencing external perceptions through their interactions and communications. Strong internal communication channels help to convey the brand message, instill brand loyalty among employees, and encourage them to act as ambassadors for the corporate brand.

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Assignment Outline 2: Be able to plan corporate communications audits.

Analyse the reasons why business organisations conduct internal and external corporate communication audits.

Business organizations conduct internal and external corporate communication audits for several reasons. These audits help them assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their communication processes, identify areas for improvement, and ensure alignment with organizational goals and stakeholder expectations. Let’s explore the reasons for conducting internal and external corporate communication audits in more detail:

Internal Communication Audits:

  1. Assessing Employee Engagement: Internal communication audits help organizations gauge the level of employee engagement and satisfaction with communication channels and methods. By evaluating the effectiveness of internal communication, businesses can identify gaps and improve employee engagement, motivation, and productivity.
  2. Enhancing Organizational Culture: Internal communication audits enable organizations to evaluate how well their communication practices align with their desired organizational culture. It helps identify communication barriers, inconsistencies, or areas where the organizational culture is not effectively communicated.
  3. Identifying Information Flow: Communication audits assess how information flows within the organization. They help identify bottlenecks, gaps, or breakdowns in communication processes and channels, ensuring that information is disseminated accurately, timely, and to the right stakeholders.
  1. d. Enhancing Change Management: During periods of change or organizational restructuring, internal communication audits help assess the effectiveness of communication strategies in managing and facilitating the change process. This ensures that employees understand and embrace the changes taking place.

External Communication Audits:

  1. Reputation Management: External communication audits help organizations evaluate how they are perceived by external stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, investors, and the public. By assessing their external communication strategies, organizations can identify areas for improvement, ensure consistent messaging, and protect and enhance their reputation.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Communication audits help assess the effectiveness of communication channels and messages in engaging external stakeholders. This includes evaluating customer satisfaction, investor relations, public relations efforts, and community engagement. By understanding stakeholder needs and preferences, organizations can improve their communication strategies to build stronger relationships.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: External communication audits ensure that organizations comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards governing communication. It helps identify any gaps or non-compliance, allowing organizations to take corrective actions to avoid legal or reputational risks.
  4. Crisis Communication Preparedness: Audits help organizations evaluate their readiness to handle potential crises and emergencies. By assessing their crisis communication strategies, organizations can identify vulnerabilities, improve response plans, and ensure effective communication during critical situations.


Plan an internal corporate communications audit for a named organisation.

Title: Internal Corporate Communications Audit Plan for XYZ Corporation

  1. Introduction:
    • Provide an overview of the purpose and importance of conducting an internal corporate communications audit.
    • Briefly introduce XYZ Corporation and its current internal communication practices.
  2. Objectives of the Audit:
    • Clearly define the goals and objectives of the internal corporate communications audit for XYZ Corporation.
    • Examples:
      • Assess the effectiveness of current internal communication channels and tools.
      • Evaluate the clarity and consistency of messaging within the organization.
      • Identify gaps or areas of improvement in internal communication processes.
      • Measure employee satisfaction and engagement with internal communication efforts.
      • Benchmark XYZ Corporation’s internal communication practices against industry best practices.
  3. Scope of the Audit:
    • Specify the areas and components that will be included in the audit.
    • Examples:
      • Internal communication channels (emails, intranet, newsletters, etc.).
      • Communication strategies and messaging.
      • Feedback mechanisms and employee engagement initiatives.
      • Communication during organizational changes (mergers, acquisitions, etc.).
      • Communication during crisis situations.
      • Evaluation of the internal communication team and their processes.
  4. Methodology:
    • Describe the approach and methods that will be used to conduct the audit.
    • Examples:
      • Review of existing internal communication materials and channels.
      • Surveys and interviews with employees to gather feedback.
      • Analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to internal communication.
      • Benchmarking against industry standards and best practices.
      • Assessment of internal communication team’s capabilities and resources.
  5. Data Collection and Analysis:
    • Outline the specific steps involved in data collection and analysis.
    • Examples:
      • Distribute online surveys to employees to gather their perceptions and feedback.
      • Conduct interviews with key stakeholders, including employees, managers, and executives.
      • Analyze quantitative data from KPIs, such as email open rates, intranet usage, and employee engagement scores.
      • Review internal communication materials and messages for consistency and clarity.
      • Compare internal communication practices with industry benchmarks.
  6. Findings and Recommendations:
    • Present the findings from the audit and identify areas of strength and improvement.
    • Provide actionable recommendations to enhance internal corporate communications.
    • Prioritize the recommendations based on their potential impact and feasibility.
    • Include strategies for addressing identified gaps or weaknesses.
  7. Implementation Plan:
    • Develop a detailed plan for implementing the recommended changes.
    • Assign responsibilities and timelines for each action item.
    • Identify the resources required for successful implementation.
    • Consider a phased approach if necessary, with short-term and long-term goals.
  8. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    • Establish a framework for monitoring the progress and effectiveness of the implemented changes.
    • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the internal communication initiatives.
    • Set up regular reviews to assess the ongoing impact and make adjustments as needed.
  9. Conclusion:
    • Summarize the key findings, recommendations, and the importance of conducting regular internal corporate communications audits.
    • Emphasize the benefits of improved internal communication for XYZ Corporation.

Plan an external corporate communications audit for a named organisation.

External Corporate Communications Audit for XYZ Corporation


The objective of this external corporate communications audit is to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of XYZ Corporation’s external communication strategies and channels. The audit will provide insights into the company’s reputation, brand image, and stakeholder perception, helping identify areas of improvement and opportunities to enhance external communications.

Define Scope and Objectives:

  1. Clearly define the scope and objectives of the audit, outlining the specific areas of external corporate communications to be assessed. This may include public relations, media relations, advertising, social media presence, website, and other relevant channels.

Identify Key Stakeholders:

  1. Identify the key stakeholders relevant to XYZ Corporation, including customers, investors, employees, media, regulators, and industry influencers. Understand their expectations, perceptions, and preferences concerning the company’s communications.

Review Communication Strategies:

  1. Assess XYZ Corporation’s communication strategies and tactics, including messaging, positioning, and targeting. Evaluate whether the communication strategies align with the company’s overall goals and objectives and if they effectively reach and engage the target audience.

Analyze Branding and Visual Identity:

  1. Review XYZ Corporation’s branding and visual identity across various communication channels. Evaluate consistency in brand messaging, logos, colors, typography, and overall visual appeal. Assess how well the branding reflects the company’s values and resonates with the target audience.

Evaluate Media Relations:

  1. Assess the company’s media relations efforts, including press releases, media outreach, and spokesperson effectiveness. Review the media coverage received by XYZ Corporation and evaluate its quality, quantity, and tone. Identify opportunities for improved media relations and coverage.

Assess Digital Presence:

  1. Evaluate XYZ Corporation’s online presence, including its website, social media platforms, and other digital channels. Review the content, design, user experience, and engagement levels. Assess the effectiveness of social media campaigns, online reputation management, and community interaction.

Measure Reputation and Perception:

  1. Conduct a reputation analysis by monitoring online discussions, media coverage, and social media sentiment about XYZ Corporation. Assess the company’s reputation among stakeholders and identify areas where perceptions may be misaligned with the desired image.

Benchmark Against Competitors:

  1. Compare XYZ Corporation’s external communications with those of key competitors. Analyze their messaging, positioning, and effectiveness to identify potential areas of improvement or competitive advantages.

Engage with Stakeholders:

  1. Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups with key stakeholders to gather their perceptions and feedback on XYZ Corporation’s external communications. This direct engagement will provide valuable insights into stakeholder expectations and preferences.

Develop Recommendations:

  1. Based on the findings from the audit, develop a set of actionable recommendations to enhance XYZ Corporation’s external corporate communications. These recommendations should address identified gaps, leverage strengths, and align with the company’s strategic objectives.

Implement and Monitor:

  1. Support XYZ Corporation in implementing the recommended changes and continuously monitor the impact of the improvements. Regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of the updated communication strategies and channels.

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Assignment Outline 3: Understand the purpose and impact of a corporate communications strategy.

Explain the strategic objectives of a corporate communications strategy.

A corporate communications strategy aims to effectively manage and enhance the communication efforts of a company. It sets the direction and goals for how the organization communicates with its internal and external stakeholders. The strategic objectives of a corporate communications strategy typically revolve around the following key areas:

  1. Reputation Management: One of the primary objectives of corporate communications is to build and maintain a positive reputation for the company. This involves managing the perception of the organization among its stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, media, and the general public. The strategy focuses on crafting and disseminating consistent and compelling messages that align with the company’s values and goals.
  2. Branding and Image: Corporate communications aims to establish a strong and recognizable brand identity for the company. It involves developing key messages, visual elements, and a consistent tone of voice that reflect the organization’s values and resonate with its target audience. The strategy seeks to ensure that all communication channels, including advertising, public relations, and digital media, consistently communicate the desired brand image.
  3. Internal Communications: Effective internal communication is crucial for fostering employee engagement, alignment, and productivity. The corporate communications strategy should aim to keep employees well-informed, motivated, and connected to the company’s vision, mission, and goals. It involves designing and implementing communication channels and tools to facilitate transparent and two-way communication between management and employees.
  4. Crisis and Issues Management: A corporate communications strategy should be prepared to effectively handle crises, issues, or controversies that may arise. The objective is to respond swiftly, transparently, and with empathy to mitigate reputational damage and maintain stakeholder trust. The strategy should include protocols, procedures, and messaging frameworks to guide the organization’s response in times of crisis.
  5. Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging and building relationships with various stakeholders is another important objective of corporate communications. This includes investors, customers, employees, government entities, industry partners, and local communities. The strategy should outline approaches to effectively communicate and interact with these stakeholders, understand their needs and concerns, and foster mutually beneficial relationships.
  6. Thought Leadership and Industry Influence: Corporate communications can position the organization as a thought leader in its industry or field. The strategy aims to create opportunities for executives and subject matter experts to share insights, expertise, and perspectives through speaking engagements, publications, industry events, and digital platforms. This objective helps establish the company as a trusted authority and enhances its influence within the industry.
  7. Measurement and Evaluation: An effective corporate communications strategy sets clear objectives and establishes metrics to measure its success. It involves regularly monitoring and evaluating the impact of communication efforts, such as media coverage, social media engagement, employee surveys, and stakeholder feedback. The strategy should enable continuous improvement by analyzing data, identifying trends, and making adjustments based on insights gained.

By aligning the corporate communications strategy with these strategic objectives, organizations can enhance their reputation, build strong relationships with stakeholders, and effectively communicate their messages, ultimately contributing to their overall business success.

Assess the desired impact of a corporate communications strategy on different audiences.


A corporate communications strategy is designed to effectively communicate a company’s message and objectives to various audiences. The desired impact of such a strategy can vary depending on the specific goals of the organization. Here’s an assessment of the desired impact on different audiences:


  • Improved understanding: The strategy aims to ensure that employees have a clear understanding of the company’s mission, vision, values, and goals. This helps align their work with the overall objectives, fostering a sense of purpose and commitment.
  • Increased engagement: Effective communication can enhance employee engagement by providing regular updates, recognizing achievements, and involving them in decision-making processes. This can boost morale, productivity, and loyalty.


  • Enhanced brand perception: A well-executed communications strategy can shape positive perceptions of the company’s brand, products, and services. It can highlight the company’s unique value proposition, competitive advantages, and commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • Increased trust and loyalty: Open and transparent communication with customers builds trust. By addressing concerns, providing accurate information, and showcasing the company’s integrity, the strategy can foster customer loyalty, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Shareholders and Investors:

  • Clear and timely updates: Shareholders and investors require transparent and timely information to make informed decisions. A robust communications strategy ensures regular updates on financial performance, market trends, strategic initiatives, and potential risks, thereby building trust and confidence.
  • Demonstrating long-term value: The strategy should convey the company’s long-term vision, growth strategies, and value creation plans. By demonstrating a solid understanding of market dynamics and showcasing effective management, it can attract and retain investors who seek sustainable returns.

Media and Press:

  • Positive media coverage: A well-crafted communications strategy aims to cultivate positive relationships with the media and press. By providing accurate and relevant information, responding promptly to inquiries, and leveraging media opportunities, the strategy can help generate favorable media coverage, raising the company’s profile and reputation.
  • Crisis management: In times of crisis or challenging situations, a communications strategy plays a crucial role in managing reputational risks. Clear and timely communication, coupled with a proactive approach, can help mitigate negative press and maintain public trust.

Community and Society:

  • Corporate social responsibility: An effective communications strategy can highlight the company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility. By sharing information about philanthropic initiatives, sustainability efforts, and community involvement, the strategy can enhance the company’s reputation, attract socially conscious consumers, and foster positive relationships with local communities.

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